Tag Archives: Twitter

Brave Lays Off 9% of Employees. “AI” in Web Browsers. American Social Credit System.

Brave had layoffs of 9% of the company.

Sad. They’re the only Chromium-based browser that’s worth any attention at all as a user. Certainly the only one that does much of anything to protect your privacy.

Definitely the only one that will ever have a Private Tab that proxies itself through Tor.

(Not as secure as Tor Browser, but good enough for better privacy than going directly through your own ISP.)

I wonder who they let go.

Unfortunately, the article says they want to put “LEO” an “AI” in the browser. Terrific.

*head desks*

Like Opera and Vivaldi putting in Chaff Bots and welding them to the GUI. 😛

Like Google and Bing, most of the “AI” is severely brain damaged so that it can’t possibly say anything that would (1) offend anyone or (2) steer you towards a torrent file (Bing Chat). Although some that refuse to tell you where a torrent file is will infect your computer with malware through ad fraud. (Bing Chat)

So obviously, “AI”. Yay!

It would be a real shame if Brave goes under.

Mozilla is about as Independent from Google as Belarus is from Russia.

There’s getting to be more and more forks of Firefox because the best way to improve it is tear all the junk out and hand the user the version they would have asked for had Firefox been actual Free Software.

At a source code level, Firefox is mostly Free Software. But they don’t like the fact that people are bolting and some of that is because they can use “Firefox without the garbage”.

I mostly use Brave, yeah.

I like the ad blocker. I do.

I like that they tear out and neuter all of this Chrome garbage like FLoC/”Privacy Sandbox”, I like the fingerprinting protection. I like the Tor Mode.

I like that it doesn’t overload my computer’s RAM and cause the oom-killer to activate (with 16 GB of RAM in the machine and ZRam!), like Bloatzilla Failfox.

(Although, I am playing with Floorp now, which has “Sleeping Tabs” that the user has a meaningful amount of control over. Merits further experimentation.)

I wonder if there’s a plan for “fork control” over at “Bakersoft”. (“Bakersoft” = Mozilla.)

Mitchell Baker runs it like her own checking account while firing people who do actual stuff except pack Firefox full of adware and keylogging spyware.

I’e seen what “Bakersoft” is doing to harass SeaMonkey and it’s not pretty.

First they had all the Linux distributions (except Fedora, strangely) defame SeaMonkey by claiming “it’s not even maintained”, and that was 2011 or so, and dozens of versions later including the update for the libwebp disaster, clearly not maintained at all :P, it’s still around.

(It’s like Dick Van Dyke. 97 years old and every time you see him he’s tap dancing and cracking wise.)

Then Mozilla did this Quantum thing that’s got these amazingly crappy extensions, then they slowly told SeaMonkey to beat it, and now they say it can’t even use Bugzilla.

Well, that’s real neighborly.

I guess Mozilla is probably angry to see SeaMonkey’s Firefox 1.5/2-derived tab interface code running rings around Firefox. Google is definitely not thrilled that I use SeaMonkey to access my E-Mail.

They SeaMonkey me rollin’. They hatin’!

Mozilla is busy spending the money writing articles about deplatforming people from the Web and telling people to use TikTok and Instagram, which aren’t even the Web.

They’re absolute horrors, backdoored by surveillance monsters. They feed into an “American Social Credit Score” system. (More on that later.)

I apt purged Firefox. Unlike the IE on Windows era, I didn’t technically need it on Debian long enough to get another browser.

The Web browser situation is getting completely terrible, but if we lose Brave, then it doesn’t put us on a course that is more towards Freedom and Privacy, because the mean will revert in the direction of nasty spyware like Chrome and Firefox.

I don’t know how Mozilla managed to avert a full blown riot, so to speak, when they put keylogging malware in Firefox that sends your keystrokes to an ad server in addition to Google (which is at least a search engine), so that in exchange for nothing, your data would be leaked, analyzed, and used to put ads directly into the browser.

I’ve blogged all about how Mozilla is so untrustworthy they can’t even maintain a common set of lies about how your data is or isn’t collected, and how it both is and isn’t used.

According to them, they don’t collect it, except when they do, they don’t share it, except when they do, and they don’t sell it, except when they do. They completely talk out of both sides of their mouth. Then they have rampant fanboy-ism that says “Brendan Eich bad, ungh!!!!”

Gecko is part of the Chromium mono-culture.

Name anything that Mozilla doesn’t straight up blind copy, often with a Google library with the same vulnerabilities.

Most people reviewed WebP in 2010 and said this was going to be really bad.

An FFmpeg developer took a look at it and said it was worse than JPEG because WebP makes the image blurry due to emphasis on signal to noise ratio instead of good perceptual coding.

I also feel like Brave would be the bigger loss than Firefox at this point because Firefox is just so done.

Again, there’s only about a million Firefox forks at this point because they went grabbing for an extra 1% revenue with spyware and lost many of their users in the following few years due to this. Every once in a while there’s a “dead cat bounce”, but the long term trend is sharply down.

Most people are not happy to see ads and spyware parading around in software they use everyday.

I briefly wondered if they would try to just go proprietary or something to try to stop the forks, but it seems like Mozilla’s only real purpose is to exist long enough for Google’s anti-trust trial to end, and for the government to lose because “there’s a choice”, and then Google can pull the rug out from under Mozilla.

The future is very obviously Chromium browsers, but the big question is which one will it be? And we should hope that people have Brave.

Mozilla is squandering precious capital with this mozilla dot ai crap, and it’s so obvious that Large Language Models are just some more ignorant tech bruh stuff.

The benefits, are marginal, and the costs are enormous. ChatGPT loses an insane amount of money.

I laughed when I read about how much water Microsoft was going through to keep their data center from overheating since this GPT nonsense.

It’s amazing how something with so much dystopian potential that has been massively oversold to investors is an environmental catastrophe. I mean think about it. You’re being told not to brew a pot of coffee because “mah environment” while this thing is wasting so much power to run a chat bot that lies to people that they have to pump all this water in there.

Bing with GPT is basically the worst of the bots.

They’re training a chat bot to lie to people, log their activity, and they’re funding it with malvertising.

While the US companies are busy limiting what chat bots will tell you to only the information the government, big business, etc. wants you to hear, and only the angle they want you to hear, they are also projecting and claiming this is a problem in Russia and China.

There are many problems in places like China, like Social Credit Scores which don’t let people get a job, buy a train ticket, or eat a goddamn ice cream cone if they’ve been deemed a “problem”.

How bad it gets depends on if they’re a nuisance or a menace to the State.

The goal is to make it impossible to live and drive people to suicide, at some point, if the scoring gets so bad that they can’t recover.

Of course, what you never ever get to read, except maybe you’re reading it here now is… Where did this start? Well it started in America and it goes on here to much the same effect and purpose.

Most Americans didn’t have a “credit score” (much less 20 or 30 of them) until the late 1980s. Why is that? Where did it come from? What is it designed for?

Before credit scores, you gave people lists of references. It was a very laborious process for the background check people. They might even call the supermarket where you bought your groceries. They’d get a gist of what people said about you. If you were writing a bunch of hot checks, if you were stumbling over drunk all the time and didn’t pay landlords and walked out in the middle of the night, I mean they figured this out, they found out what your co-workers thought about you.

It was widely railed as unfair, so they replaced it with FICO. There’s a lot of scores Americans have, but almost everyone knows about the FICO. It’s three digits and they won’t tell you exactly how it works (very fair), but it’s easy to generalize. You pay bills on time, you don’t get evicted from apartments, you’ll probably be alright.

The problems start when you have a setback in life, and the system makes it very difficult to recover from.

If you can’t earn very much money for some reason, you’ll have a low score.

Then eventually you’ll end up in trouble with hospital bills and stuff you can’t pay, then you’re in even more trouble.

Most people can easily go from zero debt in America and $50,000 in the bank to a million dollars in debt and the hospital taking everything in about an hour, but the system is also set up so most Americans can’t save any money because it takes 150% of what a person can earn to stay in their apartment, keep the lights on, and buy enough food.

Then an employer or landlord will run a credit check.

Whoops, no job, nowhere to live. Then if you do find a crummy minimum wage job and an apartment in the ghetto from a landlord that didn’t ask questions, the electric and gas companies will want deposits for energy.

After this “credit score” makes your life impossible, you have a higher chance of ending up with a criminal record, and then that will make it hard to build your credit or get a job or apartment. At this point, who wants their life to go on?

Whew. At least we don’t have any disgusting Chinese “Social Credit Score”.

I see some of the rationale for like, creating an “American Social Credit Score”, I do.

Everyone normal hates anti-social criminals that fuck up society for everyone else.

I think most reasonable people would agree there’s certain people who should basically be totally excluded from society.

Where this comes from, in the State of Illinois, and many other places (usually operated by Democrats), is that when society outsources its “revenge” against criminals to an uncaring and incompetent government that the criminals are allowed to vote for, for breaking laws (raping, shooting, burning, looting, carjacking, murder, you know, “little stuff”) and then the Democrat politicians and the Democrat judges and the Democrat jury pools let them go, the market goes to work and turns punishments into a product.

The Democrat judge and Democrat Prosecutor and Democrat jurors recently let a Lake County man who strangled a little dog and threw it into a wall to die go. That’s not even all he did. He choked his girlfriend and told her she would be next.

Then when the police arrived, he picked up the dead dog and tried petting it. When the officer said the dog was dead, the criminal, tossed its lifeless body onto a bed and shrugged.

The Democrats involved sentenced him to 26 days in jail and some probation. So he’s out there now with the rest of us, theoretically punished, but not enough. Honestly, in my opinion. they should take people like this dozens and dozens of miles out and throw them in the middle of the lake, and if they can swim to shore, their debt to society will be considered paid. That’s my opinion.

But the government, with Governor J.B. Pritzker as their King, has proved it’s too incompetent and uncaring about what the rest of us have to live with, and there’s plenty worse than this guy, so “the market” steps in.

I think most of us would say that no Uber driver wants the guy who murders small animals and chokes women in their back seat. I think it’s fair to say that he shouldn’t be on a dating app. I mean, there’s obviously no public consequences for people like this, so the market steps in and if you want to call “Everyone can see what you did and they’re not happy.” a “Social Credit Score”, most wouldn’t object to that. If that’s all the farther it goes.

But, unfortunately, it is not.

The United States is becoming a privatized version of China.

They don’t even bother to hide it, they admit it.

But while PayPal has told that it will cut people out of the platform who criticize the government and will “inform politicians” about it, I can’t imagine that the United States system will reward people for doing anything positive, socially.

Can you imagine an American system that rewards people for saving money back and helping the elderly neighbor with her trash? Because I sure as Hell can’t!

I’m not even going to lie, it made me bust out laughing when I started thinking about this and realized that the Commies have a “Caught you being good!” system, and all Americans get is rewards for being anti-social and going into unsustainable levels of debt (as long as they make the minimum payments).

Because they just dump criminals back out on top of us, ones that are dangerous and psychotic and have no chance at being reformed. That gives these businesses a “reason” to get going, and then it metamorphoses into something totally unrelated and much worse.

When you log into Google or “Social Media” apps, you are feeding a surveillance monster, where they will use “Artificial Intelligence” (whatever the definition of this is), to decide things, even though you were never charged with or convicted of an offense.

For years, companies have been scraping people’s Twitter posts for job decisions-by-robot, and that’s hardly where it stops.

You may get denied housing for that thing you used Google Search for.

The life insurance company might purchase your Google search history and see what sort of disease symptoms you’ve been looking up. A robot can analyze what you’re saying to people on Facebook and Facebook Messenger and consider it in ways you’re not even thinking about right now.

This form of “Social Credit Score” is not okay, it should be illegal, it should never have been allowed to get this far, and you need to get as far away from it as you possibly can.

Brave has been doing a lot, actually, to protect people from this menace, while Mozilla has been advertising it and encouraging people to come closer to something that isn’t even the Web, which they have no control over, which “seems to be free” because of data mining.

They can ruin your entire life, for pennies, and you won’t even know where it came from, because there’s no law that says they have to tell you why you aren’t getting jobs, an apartment, or an Uber.

America’s “Social Credit Score” is from Silicon Valley, and people who want the information have to pay for it in bits and pieces out of separate databases, but that’s very nearly the only major difference from China.

To be sure, Mozilla is not the absolute worst source of information feeding this system, although they do default to Google search and have “spyware by default” in their browser now.

To feed all of your Web activity data directly into these systems, you’d need to go even further and use an Absolute Spyware Browser like Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, or at least log into those engines, or a “Social Media” platform, but merely telling people about “Social Media” platforms without the caveat of why they should refuse them is not acceptable.

No doubt, lying chat bots full of government bullshit are a problem in Russia and China too, but anyone who used ChatGPT a while back and, especially, people who typed in a jailbreak, saw what the model could actually do, and if you ask ChatGPT something it doesn’t like now, it’s much much better at zapping your question and reporting your account.

I mean, how is this not at least comparable to what is happening in the other Hellholes of Despotism?

You learn quickly “what not to say”. Isn’t that how every fascist or Communist regime has governed throughout history? Thought crimes?

It’s because of this notion of thought crimes in a nominally free country, like America (it still says it is a free country, at least in the propaganda sales pitch), that people feel they absolutely must burrow deeper underground, and start using pseudonyms and lots of encryption and VPNs and onion routing, and obscure forums.

When people notice they’re being lied to and results are being censored out of the American search engines, you drive people looking for answers to search engines that happen to be located anywhere that doesn’t give a damn what America wants, even if that ends up being Yandex in Russia.

When you have the American media engaging in constant streams of lying, propaganda, and false news, and then have the audacity to call everyone else liars, where will they go for news? “I’m not the liar, you’re a f*****g towel!”

The ideas still get circulated, only there’s no longer anyone to hold accountable because you’ve made the people impossible to identify or challenge. Then others read these ideas, and because there’s no accountability anymore, the person just starts saying whatever they damn well please, and you end up in this cycle of radicalization.

Certainly nobody has ever become less radicalized by being suppressed, but I don’t think that the Cancel Mob even fully understands what they’ve done.

There’s no indication that the American “Left” gets it at all.

Instead of picking their battles, they were shrieking about Donald Trump’s eating habits. Why? God only knows.

There’s a McDonald’s on every block in America, and it’s because someone eats there.

“Why don’t we just pick a way to insult damn near everyone in the country instead of telling them what’s actually wrong with Donald Trump? Haha, we can antagonize them because eating bugs and tofurky is the purest form of existence!” Brilliant, simply brilliant.

Regardless of the actual value of “AI”, Large Language Models, it’s clear why they want them.

One, clueless investors who have been oversold on the potential investment return.

Two, Microsoft (especially), but also Google, is hoping to prove to the American government what a boon a lying chat bot full of propaganda could really be, and parlay that into more bailout money.

The Biden Administration is so openly corrupt, that it already sends out letters to CNN, the New York Times, and others, telling them to ignore the House impeachment of Biden and instead dial up their attacks on Republicans. The letters also state that anyone who has a blog or is on Facebook or news organizations that aren’t in bed with the administration are all “liars” and “disinformation peddlers”. This is the kind of thing you hear from Vladimir Putin.

What kind of a regime gets to operate by telling the media to ignore an impeachment proceeding entirely and to help it dig dirt and promote propaganda against the other party?

Americans are not stupid enough to continue believing this President.

Only 19% believe the economy is getting better as of October 8, 2023, compared to 56% who say it’s getting worse, according to YouGov, while Joe Biden is about as popular as the IRS.

Have you read a “news” article lately that admits things are getting horrible out there with the layoffs and hyperstagflation?

Of course not. Have you flipped open CNN or NYTimes and heard about Chicago running out of room to put Venezuelans and they’ve even stuck 1,000 of them in O’Hare Airport on the floor? Nope. The NYTimes tells you the hyperstagflation and layoffs are a Biden Economic Miracle.

Biden isn’t going to get pushback from the alleged “news” agencies that he told not to cover his impeachment, which is why he only bothered to send it to them and not dozens of others that are somewhat less corrupt.

But the chat bots open up more avenues for this Administration’s disinformation, omissions, and lies.

How hard would it be to send another letter to Microsoft and Google and have them change their bots and their searches to refuse to talk about it or redirect them to some talking points from the administration? Perhaps obscuring where it came from.

Both companies have basically allowed their search index (which is good at censorship, but less able to convincingly lie) to rot and fester.

The reason they want chat bots doing the lying and censoring is because studies (on twisted, dark psychology) have shown that human psychology lends itself to bonding with a machine that seems to have a natural language processing ability. Even a very simple one like ELIZA.

Decades ago, people felt an emotional bond with that thing and it was only made to mock Rogerian psychoanalysis.

When people are lied to and know something is missing from their Google results, they feel mad and start looking everywhere for it.

Imagine what will happen when people learn to love their abusers.

As I have demonstrated, Americans are probably no more free than the average Russian, not much less surveilled or controlled than the average Chinese person.

They have put on us a system where if you step out of line, the same “control mechanisms” will be deployed, only you’ll never see the entirety of it, and most people won’t ever consider where it came from.

You think you saw a Silicon Valley cockroach here and there. What anyone who has ever seen a roach can tell you is you rip out fixtures and look in the walls and there’s 10,000 more.

Chat bots give them the potential they’ve never had before. This time, it’s personal.

The fact that Mozilla wants to get in on this is frightening.

“Trustworthy AI” just means another bot that is programmed to lie, brainwash, and gaslight you. These things should NOT be built into a Web browser, and you should NOT interact with them if they are.

It can only be a matter of time before one ends up in Firefox too and will be yet another cancerous tumor that needs to be excised in the forks. Mozilla didn’t spend (at least) $40 million not expecting to have some product later.

OpenIndiana Hipster Frustrations. (Revisiting Solaris, Non-Linux Systems, CentOS Stream)

OpenIndiana Hipster Frustrations. (Revisiting Solaris)

I finally downloaded OpenIndiana Hipster, which is a forked continuation of OpenSolaris, from before Oracle shut it down after buying Sun Microsystems.

After reading that they still kept Solaris going, and had packaged an assortment of modern desktop software (and even SeaMonkey!), and had the ZFS file system and (very pretty) Nimbus GTK theme on Mate Desktop, I simply had to try it.

I was hoping for a longer post, but something happened as I was booting it on my older laptop and it bailed to “Single User Mode” and you can’t really do anything with it that way, so that was a let down.

As far as I know, if you get dropped to Single User Mode by SMF (the init system), it means something very bad has happened, and it happened quite fast. So pretty much, that laptop works in an “emergency recovery mode”, as root, on a console. 😛

I may try booting it in VirtualBox and see if it’ll run on that.

(KDE doesn’t have GNOME Boxes, but GNOME Boxes is so awful I always ended up with VirtualBox anyway.)

(If not, then they’ve made the UNIX answer to ReactOS.)

I actually had two OpenSolaris machines running at once when Sun had Ian Murdock, who founded the Debian project, working for them as Vice President of Emerging Platforms.

He resigned when Oracle took over the company. They probably could have found him a new role at Oracle, but it wouldn’t have been working on anything open source, probably. So I don’t know if they pushed him out or if he decided to leave. But Solaris was becoming very usable on the desktop while he was at Sun.

It’s a huge shame what happened to him later. Driven to suicide due to police misconduct.

He deserves to be remembered better than that way, but unfortunately, that’s how the police operate. They probably did such a number on the poor fellow that there’s no telling what he was thinking.

Solaris was as far as I’ve ever gotten in using a non-Linux *nix system for a daily driver.

At the time, thanks to his work (which was wasted by Oracle), it worked really well on PCs and it looked like it may have been a rival to Linux eventually.

Most of the non-Linux *nix systems really don’t really prioritize desktop/laptop computer users as a “use case”, although they may “have X11 and some desktop environments”, few people would ever want to use them as such.

It’s not like I’ve ever been married to the idea of sticking to Linux, but I don’t think any other OS really even cares what the desktop experience is like on a PC.

I’ve never even found working network drivers on FreeBSD on any computer I’ve tried using it on.

There was a desktop-focused FreeBSD called PC-BSD that I tried a long time ago, but while it detected and configured most of my hardware, no network drivers.

And, they’ve just sort of “spackled” in “support” for PC users throughout the years if your idea of “support” is “buy an Nvidia card, use the proprietary driver, and find some Windows driver to stick in the BSD kernel for networking”.

They had a name for Windows (NDIS) networking support. Project Evil.

Today I also ran into this, by “Bill Paul”, who worked on Project Evil.

I think a humorous rant like this would definitely violate some stupid Code of Censorship in “Linux” projects today, so I don’t know if the “F*** ’em if they can’t take a joke.” mentality is still around at FreeBSD, but that’s definitely a point in their column.

The main problem with sticking proprietary modules and Windows drivers in your OS is that now you have security vulnerabilities, bugs, and workarounds for bugs, and the OS vendor can’t even help you if they wanted to. So it just rapidly devolves into this big shitpile that nobody can fix.

The “pragmatism” of telling users to use blobs is that you’re offloading lack of development resources onto the user, where it becomes their problem.

I ran into a post by a Google “engineer” about why CentOS Stream is more appropriate for enterprise use than CentOS was and how everyone that doesn’t like it is a “cargo cult” for wanting the same binaries that Red Hat’s customers get.

Almost like they’re making a case that CentOS Stream is “enterprise” ready, they point out that Twitter (X) is using it.

Twitter (X) hasn’t been noted for being highly reliable after Musk bought it.

Elon Musk has been closing down data centers and not paying his landlords or Web hosting though, so to be fair, it’s hard to tell how much of this is really the fault of CentOS Stream.

I have not noticed anyone from NASA talking about internal usage of Stream. They were using CentOS previously, at NASA.

CentOS Stream is, unreliable in the sense that you aren’t getting the same binaries that RHEL customers get (or at least something very, very close), like you were with CentOS.

If you absolutely need something RHEL-like, you should look into Rocky or Alma, but if you don’t, you should get a distribution like Debian where they show you their code and everyone gets the same binaries.

Red Hat engineers go on and on about making their system “valuable” by adding FIPS-compliance crap to get federal contracts. I’m not really impressed by “security” standards that the NSA has been caught backdooring, and which Windows can meet, so they too can get contracts.

One of the first things OpenBSD did when they forked OpenSSL after countless security disasters and tons of bad code in OpenSSL made it impractical to rely on, is, they deleted the FIPS crap.

(Also, things like DOS support and a big-endian x86…LOL)

Musk can’t afford to pay any of their vendors. He’s lost so much money on Twitter (X) already that he’s daring people to actually do anything about not paying his bills.

He’s a deadbeat. A fraud and a deadbeat.

If your landlord is suing you and you’re daring the city to do something about the unlawful building modifications and zoning issues, then maybe your risk appetite for something like CentOS Stream is high.

This doesn’t really change anything about the issue that IBM is very much opposed to the GNU GPL and comes as close to violating it as their lawyers think they can get away with.

For a while I had a PC running Scientific Linux because the High Energy Physics Labs were cloning RHEL themselves and decided to make it available to everyone.

It was very stable and well-polished.

They ended up telling their users to go run CentOS.

Well, I sure hope they’re happy trying to get any actual work done with this “rolling release” nonsense.

Hey, if it’s good enough for Twitter (X)!

Removing Traces of Mastodon.Social: Rejecting Social Control Media and Oppressive Systems and Embracing Freedom

Removing Traces of Mastodon.Social: Rejecting Social Control Media and Oppressive Systems and Embracing Freedom

Yesterday, I realized that after Mastodon.Social set a shadowban on me and I left, I forgot to delete my account. So I did.

I gave up dealing with Social Control Media and moved to platforms where they won’t really do anything about me instead.

It’s not that I’m a monster, it’s just that I have differing political opinions than people like Eugen Rochko (AKA Gargron), who is a colossal asshole.

And anywhere you go, you end up encountering difficult people like this.

Amazingly, when I was searching for him because “How the hell do I spell his name again?”, he re-posted an LGBT Pride Flag that says “Everybody Welcome”.

Well, yes, everyone who is a Democrat or one of their ilk (whatever you call a pseudo-leftist globalist where you are) is welcome, freethinkers and Libertarians need not apply.

It’s not that I’m against all content moderation. You definitely need to delete violent shit, threats, obscene content, illegal content, but I didn’t do any of this.

Automattic (WordPress.com) has banned me before, for this article criticizing Apple and their assistance with implementing censorship laws being proposed in America.

I’m now posting on Gemini at gemini://gemlog.blue/users/BaronHK/ and one of the reasons is that so if they hit me again, I don’t lose everything.

Unreasonable moderators and corporate toadies carrying water for criminal organizations like Microsoft are a thing that goes on in Reddit, which is one reason I deleted my user account there.

They don’t like people who are trying to change the world for the better, so they get rid of you, so that people can post pictures of Windows in the Linux subreddit and ask all sorts of stupid questions and post photographs of their junk.

Seriously, people post nude pictures of themselves for Conde Nasty. Stuff that can be used to blackmail them later. Stuff that can get them fired from their jobs.

Then Conde Nasty watches the people who view them, they record everything the user looks at with scripts and server logs and 15 year browser cookies, even if you are not logged in.

To be perfectly clear, it is easy to “ban evade” Social Control Networks and just set up another account, but if you speak too much you’ll just irritate someone else who has gone power mad and it will happen all over again.

One of the “Social Media Death Spiral” things going on is that, take Matrix.org for example.

When I opened Firefox ESR today (only to find out that Mozilla flipped the adware on again), where I had a tab open (because I don’t use Firefox that often, preferring LibreWolf and SeaMonkey due to the trash Mozilla put in their browser), I had hundreds of chatrooms open!

Many of them stalled out months ago. Although some weeks ago.

Pretty much all of them except some of the ones about developing a particular computer program are completely dead.

This is what “Codes of Conduct” and mods acting as “Janitors” do to communities. They kill them. Why are there hundreds of people lurking in there doing nothing?

This is not vibrant.

When you make people afraid to say most of the the things they want to say, eventually nobody says anything of substance. Consider how bland Reddit is, and how you can go thousands of posts in and see nothing worth reading.

So instead of engagement, which platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and X/Twitter seek, you get disengagement.

Does Matrix.org have a business model? No. The company that runs it laid off. Facebook had major layoffs, Reddit and Twitter. Oh, lots of layoffs. “lol”

So they’re just kind of these, “Zombie Entities” now that go on as sort of a husk of themselves, and Youtube is like that too. People lose interest and find out that their real lives are much more interesting, and leave.

So these platforms think the best way to deal with lurkers, like me, is to attack the privacy proxies people run (things like libreddit or Piped/Invidious for YouTube) to drive us to the main site. They seem to think there’s gold in the “marginally attached user” hills and they can force us to “engage!” against our will. But they can’t.

We either don’t use that thing or we figure out another way to modify the site.

Websites pushing for Google “WEI” attestation are just digging their own grave further.

What will happen is that more users will reject this and just not use the site. When users have no control, no voice over something, they leave.

I might set things up so I can do some banking on the phone and otherwise not even use the browser there. But most sites and platforms are totally disposable. They are replaceable with other things. It’s no different than a malicious operating system like Mac or Windows, or a Linux system that’s gone bad, like Fedora. When Fedora went bad, I left.

Many people who are oppressed, which is what Google WEI will do to them, in a different way than Social Control Media did, will leave the oppressor and fight the oppression.

When I deleted my Facebook account, I noticed at some point they require logging in to see a Facebook page, so I just don’t click on Facebook links at all. After Elon Musk put up a registration wall on X/Twitter, I never looked at that again. Even now that some Nitter instance has apparently worked around it, I no longer care.

The Web, for me, is a pretty quiet experience due to the way I browse, and what I browse, now.

There will essentially be no difference to what Google gets away with even when Mozilla collapses. And at least if they do collapse, they may be less of a menace to SeaMonkey.

From SeaMonkey’s IRC room, I can tell you that Mozilla is deeply deeply disliked and they’re now free to discuss it because there’s nothing else Mozilla can do. They already said “Get off our lawn.” regarding the Bugzilla and the Wiki and build system.

Since Mozilla is circling the toilet with 77 million fewer users since January 2019, I think it’s safe to say they have no future. Where did their plan to become a Social Control Media platform with Mastodon go, anyway?

Vivaldi set up a Mastodon instance in about 10 seconds, almost as an afterthought.

Mozilla sure made a hell of a lot of noise, but nothing ever came of it.

Maybe they realized it would cost them money and there’s no way to shove ads all over it like their browser because people can browse to a different instance.

They don’t even appear to think about hitting the “Post” button with these press releases anymore, obviously.

What happened to Mozilla AI? Have we heard anything about this? Nope.

These people have absolutely no idea what the mission even is anymore. It’s all hype.

Walmart’s Statement on Inflation Undermines Biden Narrative As Many Americans Flee The Country. (Government Stops Reporting Numbers.)

The Biden administration wants you to think, like COVID, that inflation is pretty much over.

However, according to Walmart, in January, food inflation was running 11.4% year over year, which is well into hyperinflation territory.

“Generally speaking, food inflation has been the most stubborn of the categories,” Walmart U.S. CEO John Furner told analysts and investors on the call. “So, we were in mid-double digits in Q3, and Q4 hasn’t come down all that much. A little bit, I guess we could say, has come down the last couple months, but it still would be a high level of disinflation at this point.”

Walmart Inc. CEO Doug McMillon called inflation in dry grocery and consumables “stubborn, mid-double digit,” saying “those are going to just be with us for a while.”

“And it’ll get a little confusing because you’ll hear inflation numbers that start to sound lower, but you’ll have to remember, that’s on a two-year stack,” he continued. “So if inflation in dry grocery and consumables is only three or five, that’s on top of 15. And that’s still a problem for the customer and a pressure in their wallet.”

Eggs, he noted, were “at 200% inflated in January” but have since dropped to “just 50% inflated,” something he said is “still a problem.” Meanwhile, milk “is actually less than a year ago,” and beef “is lower in terms of pricing” as well, McMillon said.

-Fox Business

American consumers would have to go back to the 1970s to find something worse than what is unfolding now.

The cause, of course, is endless government money printing to prop up the stock market and keep mortgages impossibly cheap, while they invade and run the rest of the world. They don’t have to print as much money to do this, but it’s easier to inflict an inflation tax on Americans than to demand that people like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Tim Cook, and Elon Musk pay more while they’re playing “See who can die with the most hundreds of billions of dollars.”

In a ludicrous display of toxic masculinity gone wrong, Musk marched into Twitter in November, promising to turn things around, and the company is still hemorrhaging cash despite losing over 85% of its employees. They just had another layoff last Friday, which went mostly unreported.

But while Elon Musk is busy losing his fortune and trying to get a consolation prize of using a reverse shadow ban to multiply the number of people who see his tweets by 1,000, most Americans are facing a 9% increase in the price of cat food since last month.

I’m certainly glad I got a “cat food mountain” back when they had rebates on it. I still grab a bag now and then when there’s a rebate and stick it in the pile, sorted by the date of expiration.

Perhaps to discourage hoarding, I noticed that during the “shortage”, the manufacturers have been putting “Best By” dates on the bags that only go about 9-12 months out, instead of the typical 18 months or so that the bags used to have.

Anyway, cat food is a pain point when you have two of them to feed. Eggs have been just terrible too. To get them for 45 cents, you have to buy them 60 at a time. They were about 9 cents each in 2020.

If the Republicans were smarter, they could have used inflation to their advantage instead of making the last election a referendum on social issues that the public has strongly disagreed with them on for about 50 years.

Inflation is a major problem all on its own. As was recently discussed in the #Techrights IRC, the US is breaking down for many of the same reasons that Russia did after the Soviet Union collapsed. Gangsters are running the country, and the government is their pet. Additionally, something close to an absolute majority of American voters are too dumb to run a democracy, so things here are spiraling rapidly out of control while CNN talks about Cardi B’s butt implants.

Shortly after CNN published that a record number of Americans had resigned their citizenship and left forever in 2020, the government fixed that problem by not making any reports about it after Q2 of 2021.

CNN blamed Trump being in the White House for the mass exodus, but as it continued and got larger under Biden, this administration stopped the embarrassment by refusing to tell us how many people are now leaving.

More people would leave if they had any money. It’s hard to flee when you can barely keep up with the prices of eggs and cat food at Walmart.

For the past two decades or so, an increasingly oppressive dragnet that spies on everyone and makes criminals out of whomever it sees fit, and has people who are inconvenient to the state murdered in secret by the police (either shot or choked to death or deemed by a government coroner as “natural causes” in their jail cell) has been allowed to take root in this country. (If you become a persistent pest, they eventually deal with you and no questions are asked. If the questions are asked, you become the next target of the cops and there are still no answers.)

Nobody here is free, and nobody here has been free for a while. But now, most people are utterly broke and the media is covering up the deaths that continue as the legacy of COVID-19 and the mounting unemployment and inflation with stories making the US seem like a utopia with a booming economy.

This mass gaslighting asks Americans to take leave of our sanity and second guess everything we are seeing unfold in front of us.

The “All Cops Are Bad” movement seems to mostly make the issue, incorrectly, exclusively about race, however, I spent the last four years and untold thousands of dollars restoring my good name after being besmirched and severely mistreated by them after a campaign of slanderous lies by an individual formerly in my life.

The police will ruin your life and nearly drive you to suicide at three in the morning just because it amuses them. They don’t need a reason. If you want to make them a serious threat, make it personal and see where that gets you.

Anyway, once they have you in their twisted grip, the only way to respond is with a bankruptcy inducing legal defense because today, people who look at what’s happening in your life see a piece of paper and move right onto the next candidate for employment or an apartment or whatever it is. They don’t even want to know you.

There’s just too many people in their life with a clean piece of paper that comes out of the printer that will end up trashing the apartment and not paying their rent or not showing up for work and stealing money out of your cash register, but hey, they haven’t been caught doing anything wrong yet, and that’s what counts.

I was already banned from Mastodon.social after three days for insulting the Chinese Communist government and talking about Bill Gates.

I was already banned from Mastodon.social after three days (of actually using it much) for insulting the Chinese Communist government and talking about Bill Gates.

My Mastodon.social account was “Limited” today and they cited “the rules” without actually citing any rules. But they did list three posts that were the reason they did it.

I have screenshots and you can decide for yourself if this is another Social Control Media site like Facebook and Twitter.

Fortunately, Mastodon is federated, so I’ve made another account at mstdn.social and pinned a “I’m not here anymore.” message for anyone who was following me to see, so they know where I am at now.

We’ll see how this goes.

“Mainstream” media, such as CNN and BBC, mention Mastodon as Elon Musk drives users (and advertisers) away in droves. Bonus: Facebook was also a fever dream that traded as a valuable stock.

The “mainstream” media is mentioning Mastodon as an alternative to Twitter.

CNN notes today that Mastodon gained 230,000 users since October 27, when Elon Musk officially took over Twitter. For a total of 655,000 active users. BBC also mentions it.

CNN failed to mention that while Twitter has more “users”, many millions of them are just spammers, bots, advertising accounts, and dormant accounts, some of which haven’t been logged into in years.

I also saw an account that monitors Mastodon activity which, as of around 1 AM last night was showing about 6 million total accounts, with approximately 6,000 new accounts being created per _hour_ in the past day, but now I’m having trouble locating that to link to.

At any rate, it’s impossible to deny that the Fediverse is growing and that Elon Musk is the reason why.

When Andrew Lee took over and ruined Freenode, he ultimately chased out 91% of the users, and dealt with the problem of people abandoning their channels and saying the new room was on OFTC or Libera.Chat by taking over and resetting channels.

So far, many Twitter users are saying their last post will be to advise people where to follow them on Mastodon. How long until Musk has someone detect this and ban the account for talking about leaving and where they’re going?

Musk has been furious at the pace at which Twitter’s largest advertisers have been bailing on him. He “threatened” a “Thermonuclear Name and Shame” if “it doesn’t stop”, so apparently “freedom of speech” means being extorted by Musk into propping up his company which loses “$5 million a day” and rising, “or else” he’ll put your company on a “boycott list” for his followers.

Musk is not a very smart man. Like most rich people, he was born into generational wealth.

Worse, the generational wealth in the Musk family was generated by slave labor in South African emerald mines.

When people are rich they can buy media coverage and cover up for the fact that they’re not smart, they just “have people” for everything.

TED Talks are a joke. When they have people like Musk, they don’t ask him hard questions. They ask softball questions, and he even has to flub his way through these.

Like saying that the biggest threat to humanity is “malignant AI”. Like, he almost recalls watching The Terminator or something. In reality, we have nothing close to “AI” at the present time.

We unfortunately have “voice assistants”, which are different. They “fake” AI by having a wide range of pre-programmed responses, and if it very nearly does sound like someone is sitting in your phone answering your questions, it’s because of this and the fact that a voice actor sat down for hours on end recording speech samples so that “Siri” could have a voice.

But it’s not AI. Not even close. It’s unfortunate that they can fake it well enough to have lonely and depressed people form emotional attachments to a phone, but it’s not AI.

“Siri” is a product of marketing scum and psychiatrists knowing how you’re wired and creating a product to exploit you.

(These voice assistants are “always on” spyware that can be a wiretap.)

Elon Musk is a clown. He gets away with faking “intelligence” because nobody ever forces him into a corner and asks him anything hard. He’s just really rich and he’s an attention whore with personality traits that are very much not unlike Donald Trump.

When Musk wants attention, he shows up in a bad cowboy costume smoking dope and saying “something something Mars” and people listen to him.

Back to Musk’s empty threats….Boycott lists almost never work. They just don’t.

People might say they’re mad at Coca-Cola and GM, but they all keep buying Coke and Chevy trucks, so what difference does it make?

Fox News is portraying this as-if Musk has the upper hand by making these absurd threats, and he doesn’t.

There’s better deals for advertisers out there. Even FM radio, because people still listen in their cars.

He’s also busy pissing off people with millions of followers who made Twitter popular as an advertising platform by claiming he’s going to get them to pay him $20 or maybe $8, depending on what mood he’s in, for a blue check-mark.

Stephen King said he’d leave if he had to pay Musk anything for a blue check-mark, and King has a lot of money. He’s offended by the idea he should pay Musk to make Musk’s platform more popular for advertisers.

What’s driving away all of the advertisers and users is Musk’s increasingly erratic behavior.

Literally the second day he owned the company, he tweeted a bizarre anti-LGBT conspiracy theory about the attack on House Speaker Pelosi’s husband, and then deleted it.

Then he’s allowed hate speech to swell by over 500% without doing any sort of content moderation. Why would brands want to be associated with this? Twitter is becoming the official platform of right-wing cranks and Klansmen.

He defended laying off 3,750 people, in the middle of the night in some cases, by claiming the company is losing too much money to let them remain employed, without mentioning that his bid of $54.20 per share, a weed joke, was probably an over-payment of at least $4.20 per share, and would have allowed him to spare everyone who got laid off.

Not that he wanted to spare the people he let go. His first targets were the ethics team and the people who police misinformation, voting scams, and hate speech.

Put it all together, and not only is Twitter basically finished, but Musk has put on full display that he’s so incompetent that it didn’t even take him half a month to make it unsalvageable.

Proprietary “social media” with advertising, Russian (and other) troll farms, and government back doors are finally on the way out.

On top of Musk ruining Twitter (such that it was anywhere close to acceptable before) and leaving people scrambling to adopt Mastodon, Facebook has been losing advertising revenue while burning all of its cash on “Metaverse”, which is turning into a bigger joke every day, with investors more or less powerless to oust Mark Zuckerberg or stop him from burning cash.

(He controls 90% of the B Shares, which have 10 votes for each publicly traded A share.)

“Meta” (Facebook) stock is currently worth about a fifth of what it was just last year, and most analysts see a Long Term Negative outlook.

I notice whenever I do look at who is using Facebook these days, that it’s old people. People like my dad and Aunt (dad’s sister) who re-share their own posts because they don’t know how posts work, or make 8-9 accounts because they keep getting taken over by spammers.

Facebook hasn’t had anyone interesting on it for years, but the “mainstream” media says it’s “growing”.

It has every reason to want to be in denial. Billionaires and the governments (not just “your” government) have put a lot of money into these platforms.

They have back doors set up. If they fail, then the government is less effective at spying on you. They also let these companies into the major stock markets using fake valuations.

Facebook being in the S&P 500 in the first place was like the stock market version of allowing Greece into the European Union and Eurozone, and now the price tag is beginning to become known.

The losses won’t stop piling up at _only_ ~80% of what the company was said to be worth last year.

The people holding Twitter stock were lucky that a billionaire idiot came along to rescue them, because it wasn’t worth 10% of what he paid.

Had Twitter actually been worth anything like what he had paid on its own, there’s no way that the people running it would have sued him to force him to buy it, knowing they would all be fired. They got a good deal for their investors and themselves (as their shares vested upon being fired at the price Musk paid for them), and got out quickly.

Now Musk is furious because he’s such a narcissist that he thought he’d come in and fix everything because he knows everything, of course, and it’s just another failing Musk cash furnace. Already losing money, and now losing their advertisers and the people who would have been seeing the ads had the advertisers stayed.

Musk thinks he’ll charge people $7.99 a month for Twitter in the middle of the worst recession in global history.

If they don’t pay it, I think they’ll see “fewer” ads anyway until it’s down to the point the company is disbanded.

Now, Musk apparently thinks that he can _also_ turn Twitter into a YouTube competitor.

I can only speak for myself, but I don’t even use YouTube that much anymore. The drive to monetize everything has led to a lot of non-genuine content that you can only sort of roll your eyes at.

When Linus Sebastian of Linus Tech Tips deliberately broke Pop_OS! to get “likes” and “views”, he knew what he was doing. No actual user is stupid enough that, when presented with a warning from a package manager that something’s not right and proceeding will most likely break the operating system, there’s no way they would type “Yes, do as I say.” and hit ENTER. But it generated a lot of attention, and attention (for advertisers) is all most people uploading YouTube videos are after.

So Musk says he’ll make Twitter an even more fake/synthetic form of “social” network than it is now, to drive “engagement”.

But Facebook is finding out that you can’t engage like this, even with “algorithms” except to a very stupid part of the population, and they’ve lost 4/5ths of their stock price to get to where they are today.

Similarly, YouTube (Google), responded to negative reactions to fake/synthetic “content” by neutering the Dislike button so you couldn’t look at it and see what real people thought.

It’s a way of gaslighting. You can still see “Likes”, but are they even people that are “Liking” the video? Who is clicking on this crap? Bots?

I don’t think there’s a future in the fake Social Network business.

Was it all just a meme that went on for a couple decades only to crash because they got too greedy and started squeezing too hard? It certainly appears that way to me.

I believe, and hope, that we’re witnessing the people swiftly rejecting this madness and forming actual communities, using open standards.

Matthew J. Garrett, “Social Justice Warrior”, is still on Twitter even as Elon Musk now tweets fake news Web sites that blame LGBT people for the attack on Paul Pelosi.

As of Sunday, October 30th, 2022, Matthew J. Garrett, “Social Justice Warrior”, is still on Twitter even as Elon Musk now tweets fake news Web sites that blame LGBT people for the attack on Paul Pelosi. (NewsWaffle proxy of Original.)

It also doesn’t appear that Mr. Garrett has made any tweets that acknowledge what’s going on in there.

I’ve reached out to Mr. Garrett on Techrights IRC to see if he has anything to say about why he’s still on a platform that is now 100% owned by a homophobe who is blaming gay people for the attack on Paul Pelosi (Quite an odd accusation, but when have conspiracy theories made sense lately?), which will now do pretty much nothing about far-right cranks.

I will note any reply I receive.

Musk later simply deleted the tweet, by which time it had over 24,000 shares and 89,000 likes.

Lake County, Illinois Health Department leaving voicemails with me and my spouse over Monkeypox “Grindr vaccine”.

Lake County, Illinois Health Department leaving voicemails with me and my spouse over Monkeypox “Grindr vaccine”.

I’ve posted about how aggravated I am with the Lake County Illinois Health Department.

You can get a recap if you like:

Lake County, IL Health Department doctors should probably be avoided, in my experience.

This was on top of their two years of incessant COVID lockdown terrorism that they used to wave their dick around with and force small businesses into bankruptcy court, and then used to surveil library patrons, and other abuses, before giving up completely. (Nobody even wears a mask on the bus anymore.).

Now they’re leaving voicemails on our phones urging us to get a Monkeypox vaccine.

I blogged about the Monkeypox vaccine too. (Who gets Monkeypox, why I won’t get the vaccine.)

Thoughts on Monkeypox as “experts” recommend vaccination to gay men first. Plus: Why Monkeypox is in the media in the first place.

The TL;DR is that the Monkeypox vaccine is basically a vaccine for gay men who get on f–k apps and go to bathhouses. It’s practically unheard of for anyone else to get Monkeypox unless they come into close contact with one of these people and happen to pick it up somehow that way, which means that, as I predicted, the “satellite” cases around these nasty people would be healthcare workers, nursing home residents, and school children.

Illinois and other states are already having cases in all of those places.

Illinois just announced a possible outbreak in a daycare center today.

NBC 5 Chicago: Children, Employees at Central Illinois Daycare Screened for Monkeypox After Worker Tests Positive

Web / Gemini (NewsWaffle) / “WebWaffle”

But these satellite cases, so far, involve between 1% and 2% of the population, according to the New York Times, and NPR, which are famously leftist rags and would be doing damage control on this were it even possible.

“Right now, about 98% of monkeypox cases are in queer and gay folks and our sexual networks. Of course, that includes trans and non-binary folks,” says Joseph Osmundson, a biologist at New York University who identifies as queer and is helping to lead the effort to stop the outbreak.

“During this outbreak, there will probably be at least one random case where somebody gets it on a bus. But, you know, that’s going to be profoundly rare, probably less likely than being hit by that bus,” she says. “If monkeypox were easily transmitted on the subway, on buses, we would be seeing it among a very different population than almost purely among the population where transmission is occurring mostly during close, intimate contact.”

The virus just doesn’t spread well through these nonsexual routes, data show. For example, in this current outbreak, only about 0.2% of people infected have caught the virus from a contaminated surface, the World Health Organization reported this week.


Even if you’re living with a person infected with monkeypox, your risk of catching the disease is surprisingly low, says biologist Joseph Osmundson. Preliminary data, with a small number of cases, found that the chance of spreading monkeypox to a household member, not through sex, is only about 0.6%.

-NPR Article (emphasis mine)

NPR: Monkeypox: The myths, misconceptions — and facts — about how you catch it

Web / Gemini (NewsWaffle) / “WebWaffle” / Archive.ph (in case of NPR “revision”)

The extent that most people have to worry about MonkeyPox is basically zilch. In fact, I consider it a “Grindr vaccine”.

The problem is that doctors and staff at the Lake County, Illinois Health Department will just keep pushing and pushing and acting as-if the patient not needing it, saying no, and being a big boy who can make his own decisions is irrelevant.

Every time I ask them to please stop whacking up my spouse with vaccines which basically only apply if you’re worried about STDs, they just do it anyway and hand him a patient consent pamphlet that has someone to complain to after they’ve already gone ahead and done it.

I’m not vaccinated against HPV and Monkeypox, and it’s because the risks outweigh the benefits in my particular case.

The HPV vaccine isn’t free, has unpleasant side effects, and I’m going on 40.

Why would I pay $600 to get a vaccine series that the CDC says probably won’t do much good if you’re over 26?

Their exact advice is if you’re above 26 and below 45, “discuss your risk with your doctor”, but the reason they recommend it for people 12-26 in the first place is because those are typically “high risk” years for STDs, especially among college students.

In most people, HPV does not cause cancer. The body clears the virus and the person goes on never knowing they had it. Yes, there is some risk, but it’s not even as big as the seasonal flu.

The Gates Foundation did unethical medical research regarding HPV vaccines, in poor countries, on illiterate people (as it does with most medical studies), and the HPV vaccine trials harmed the girls involved.

The Gates Foundation chose India, Peru, Uganda, and Vietnam for the HPV studies, and the Indian government pulled the plug after it came to light that the vaccines seemingly led to the deaths of 7 girls out of the 24,777 in the country participating in the vaccine trial.

Gates has also funded other unethical research, such as circumcising 12 million African men, telling them it would confer “total immunity from HIV/AIDS” if they agreed, and then leaving them to get HIV anyway after their genitals were mutilated.

There were other unethical experiments. Such as whacking up gay prostitutes in Thailand during the AIDSVAX trial. Then when the trial showed minimal efficacy, they simply left and did not follow up to make sure the people who took it were okay.

It’s really easy for the Gates Foundation to do unethical medical research in impoverished countries where few can even read the consent forms. Nobody will sue them.

While there is some risk of cancer from HPV, we must then balance that out with there being some risk from the vaccine as well, and then decide which one is the greater risk. Public health authorities generally recommend a one-size-fits-all vaccine policy.

In the 1980s, Congress created a program that shields vaccine companies completely from any liability from their product. If you get injured or killed, your surviving family members can file a claim with the government, and it’s a real process, and the government doesn’t pay out a large amount. No amount is ever going to compensate you for losing a family member, but the government program will barely cover putting them in the ground.

With Monkeypox vaccine, we have no idea what the risks are because it hasn’t been tested. It’s another one of those, to paraphrase House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “pass it to find out what’s in it” vaccines.

Not only that, but between 95-99% of the risk is falling on a subset….let me repeat myself….a SUBSET of gay men who just f–k anything with a pulse, sometimes 10-20 men in the same night, and go on sex vacation across 7 countries ending in a German sex swing.

(In my article about the Monkeypox vaccine, I posted real examples of who is getting it, quoting the New York Times.)

The problem for us is if we get the Monkeypox vaccine, it’s all risk with very little chance of ever encountering the virus.

However, because the Lake County Health Department is operated by Democrats and politicians, they go down the list quietly pinging all of their gay patients who go in there, lumping them in with sex vacationers, Steamworks customers, and Grindr whores.

That’s offensive. That’s homophobic. It needs to stop.

By blaming the entire outbreak on “LGBT” people, or gay men, or whatever they call us, in total, they imply that people like me and my spouse are on Grindr snorting poppers and bending over for anything that gets on there and messages you. And, like, we’re not. We want no association with that.

The media doesn’t ever mention that you’re only going to get Monkeypox if you f–k around until you come across someone who has it, and that’s true for any STD.

The WHO and CDC figure if you have sex with 100 people at random, 1 of them will have Gonorrhea, and that’s like one thing.

3 of them will have HIV. (In the United States. If you live in a city.)

I mean, you add up all STDs, you’re looking at like 10-15 infected partners per 100 people. It’s gross. We live in a dysfunctional and dangerous world.

Why are the existing STDs so prevalent? It’s mainly because the same people who are spreading them don’t wear a condom because it “doesn’t feel good”.

So like, if they don’t want Monkeypox, they can just stop what they’re doing, delete Grindr, stay out of the clubs, and let it finish burning through everyone who doesn’t stop.

Because Joe Biden has no plan to vaccinate even 2% of you who are at extreme risk. The Smallpox vaccine would work and the National Stockpile has plenty of it. It’s even been tested! But where would the corporate profits come from?

I was talking to Roy Schestowitz on Techrights IRC and he says:

“[Clinical] trials are not needed anymore. WTO will make sure public interest groups are repressed. [The vaccine companies] misuse emergencies to not properly test their products and mass distribute before facts are known. With COVID-19, the existing vaccines failed to contain the spread. Even heads of state get it repeatedly. Very disappointing handling.”

Roy got banned from Twitter, along with lots of other people, for saying things like this. Twitter took a lot of money from the Gates Foundation under the agreement that it would cancel and censor anyone who implied that there was anything untoward going on in his Foundation or its investments (which have doubled his money since he “gave it all away”).

(I had asked him to stop wasting his time trying to post information to Twitter. Lots of censorship. Barely any real engagement.)

Mostly I’m pissed at the Lake County, Illinois Health Department for trying to push and shove untested experimental products on my spouse and telling him to shut up and let them inject him with it.

Then if he falls over dead because of it (when he was at no risk of contracting Monkeypox), the only remedy I’ll have as his surviving spouse is to file a claim against the government and hope they pay me enough to cover the funeral. This is some serious shit.

The drug companies have made “progress”.

Instead of testing out experimental vaccines on some impoverished third world country, they test them out on Americans. Why not?

Vaccines make a great “product”. Where else are you going to sell the public on an emergency, get a monopoly, not have to test it for side effects or even prove that it works, and then dump all of the results for your negligence on some government “injury compensation program”?

Even better. They’ve found gay men to test them on. Most of the American public don’t give a shit what happens to us one way or the other, and if we start falling over dead because of an experimental untested Monkeypox vaccine, then there won’t be any heads to roll.

It’s like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments all over again.

That’s not to say I’m an anti-vaxxer. I am not an anti-vaxxer.

In general, most vaccines have a small risk that is worth taking. They were properly tested because they required that back then. They were also required to show that in addition to being reasonably safe, that they worked against the disease they targeted.

Whether Monkeypox vaccine even works or not is irrelevant because there’s no way to “get it into arms” faster than the disease is spreading.

Many gay men could just stop and let everyone else get it.

Most people aren’t going to stop doing what they’re doing, so in a year or two, it’ll mostly burn out because of exponential spread and immunity in the survivors (most people do survive….it’s just a really bad month).

Nobody will stop them,. What you can do is just get out of the way and let the bomb finish going off on someone else. Few people will get this other than some hedonists on a gay f–k app.

The flip side to hedonism is that people who spend too much time devoted to pleasure end up getting more pain than it was worth.

People die of drug overdoses, get terrible diseases, and become obese.

But the people on the gay hookup scene have actually managed to make people afraid of being labeled “homophobic” for criticizing them.

So nobody will touch it.

Hey, I’m gay.

If the only people anyone will listen to about a gay health issue without accusations of homophobia is gay people, then I’m going to use that.

Participation in Facebook and Twitter can and will be used against you. You have no right to remain silent after you’ve already spoken. If you need an attorney, good luck with that.

Participation in Facebook and Twitter can and will be used against you. You have no right to remain silent after you’ve already spoken. If you need an attorney, good luck with that.

(The US Supreme Court is dismantling the Bill of Rights, starting with a major opening salvo against your Miranda Rights recently.)

In one recent post, I linked to an archived Nitter mirror showing that a company called FAMA doxxed a man’s Twitter account for “bad language”, “risky likes”, etc, and sent his employer a 350+ page printout.

Pointy Hair Bosses are too dangerous to be allowed access to information like this.

They get snookered by con artists at companies like this in order to fire or refuse to hire people based on what that person’s legitimate beliefs and speech are.

If you can’t find a job, or get laid off, can you say definitively that FAMA wasn’t the reason why? That was rhetorical. You aren’t even supposed to know that they exist.

What starts happening to you when Landlords start using it to see if you are “trouble” without getting to know you?

The answer, of course, is that Twitter, which is already worth nothing, is definitely causing people to become unemployed, and potentially homeless.

I certainly hope you’re hearing about FAMA from me and not after it’s already too late and you’re living in a box under the CTA train.

Nobody should want to live in a world where things like this exist, and the only way to be safe from ambush “reports” like FAMA is to have no “social media” presence on Facebook or Twitter. It’s likely that even if you “go private”, Facebook is selling them data. You can opt out by refusing to participate in your own drumhead.

However, other sinister uses of “Social Media”, primarily centered around Facebook, but also Twitter and some others, involve regulations formulated by the Social Security Administration during the Trump presidency.

The Republicans have been looking for ways to knife Social Security for years, and one of their repeated talking points centers on convincing people that anyone with a severe mental impairment is faking it and should just find a job. Let’s set aside the fact that 20 million Americans who would like to work lost their jobs under Trump in addition to the 18 million who would have liked to have one and couldn’t before him, and most of those jobs haven’t returned. (140,000 jobs short in Illinois alone vs. March 2020), and we’ll focus on what Social Security is doing to try to play gotcha game bullshit under Trump’s regulation created by former Social Security Commissioner Andrew Saul (who was locked out of his office and fired by President Biden).

The first prong of Trump’s attack on the mentally ill involves Facebook. It says that the SSA shall look at the Facebook pages for anyone on Disability and comb them over for evidence that contradicts the disability they claim they have.

In other words, did you have a good day and go mow the lawn and end up in Facebook with pictures mowing your lawn and having a beer?

Did you go on vacation for 3 days and smile once while you were at a restaurant and you didn’t want to be the party-pooper so you smiled on command, even though you weren’t actually, you know, in the mood?

Well, all of that is “evidence” against you.

Trump tried to go further than this in a regulation canceled by Biden. The canceled regulation says that Social Security was to start harassing mentally ill claimants every two years, doing a full 11 page Continuing Disability Review, and basically what that is, is where they go digging through your life every few years looking for reasons why you may no longer qualify for Social Security benefits.

Some people get better, enough to work, but most people don’t. 99% of the people pulled for a CDR are found to still be disabled, because being approved for Disability in the first place was a tough row to hoe and so putting people through this is not only barbaric, but it’s a waste of money too.

Congress never gives the SSA enough money to do much more than spot check people with long form reviews 5% of the time, and the rest of the people who get full reviews are “scored” by a computer program based on a number of factors that produces a “statistical likelihood” of medical improvement.

To clear their backlog, they send out “short form reviews” as well, and these ask basic questions designed to probe to see if they will put you through the ringer. If you don’t make any comments, have been seeing your doctor regularly for the condition you were approved for, haven’t worked, and haven’t gone back to school, you’ll very likely be waved through.

I have an Aunt who has Schizophrenia. It’s very bad. On top of this, she has severe Osteoporosis, and a number of other problems. She’s had Social Security for years and would not be able to support herself without it. She’s in her early 60s. What would have happened to her if Trump got a second term?

Many lawyers advise their Social Security clients to either delete Facebook and Twitter, or at least make their profiles “Friends Only”, so the government can’t go combing through them.

The problem with the “Friends Only” advice is that the government is the government, and if Facebook or Twitter have information on you, the government is going to get it. It’s only a matter of time.

So the only way to be safer from “Social Control Media”, which the police also find very handy if you read the news even badly, is to stay off of it. The government isn’t the only threat, but it is a big one.

The other threats can be psycho exes that stalk you or creepy in-laws like mine, who are members of a cult that arranges to have people assassinated. My sister-in-law tried to blackmail/extort us for money. When I refused, she tried to take reprisals. Then she took out a million dollar life insurance policy on her brother, which I shut down.

She forged his signature to obtain it, and I have no idea what she planned to do.

Was she going to arrange a hit, or just try to wait it out and hope he died?

I set his profile to “Friends Only”. I’ve encouraged him to ditch Facebook because she’s crazy and the police did nothing when I went to them. Absolutely nothing.

The best I could do was report the fraud, shut down the policy, get him on an insurance company blacklist, and then get a FOID card.

We don’t live in the safest neighborhood.

One day when I looked out my peephole, there was a scary looking man just standing there staring at my door, like he was waiting for someone to open it and come out.

Did she send him? I don’t know. He eventually left after staring at my door without any possible good reason to be doing that, for over 20 minutes. I felt helpless, I felt scared. I firmly believe that everyone should use their Second Amendment rights to never have to be a victim of violent crime, property crime, or rape.

If people can’t obey the law and stay out of your stuff and home, then they should expect what’s coming to them. Some leftists can’t agree with that publicly, but the fact that Illinois is now the #1 state in America for legal gun sales and background checks tells us that people vote one way, and then when it comes to their own safety, they act in another one.

Biden isn’t the one panicking people into buying guns. It was the rioters, the looters, the carjackers, the rape gangs, that the police and judges in Illinois either can’t control or aren’t interested in punishing and imprisoning.

There have been a lot of home invasions in my city. Even if she doesn’t send someone to pull a hit, there are people who pretend they’re with the city and get you to open the door. Or say they’re with the water or gas or electric company and they just need you to come to the door for a minute.

I’m not coming to the door, and if they insist on breaking in, they won’t like what’s on the other side of it.

All you can do, really, since the police are useless, is arm yourself and make breaking into your home to hurt you and your loved ones the last mistake the criminal will ever make.

But back to Social Media. It’s not that every Social Media platform is disgusting and terrible.

There are some open ones that could be called a social platform, including IRC chat. They go way back, many of the old ones have never needed a “Code of Conduct”. If you don’t like what’s going on there, leave.

The governments have been trying to push people off of things like IRC, because it’s much easier to plant spies and censors (often automated) into centralized “servers” like Discord, Facebook, and Twitter.

Some platforms, such as Mastodon, may be too small for companies that make fake background checks for your Pointy Haired Boss to bother trying to monitor. They may rely on your PHB only ever hearing about Twitter or Facebook. But you still need to watch what you say, and use a pseudonym.

Element (formerly Riot) has alternative servers other than the official ones. If the room and private chats use End to End encryption, that’s a lot better than nothing.

The safest thing to do is go dark, but if you won’t go dark, run silent and run deep. Use an anonymizing VPN or Tor Browser. (Although spyware in Microsoft Windows makes these worthless! Use GNU/Linux.)

Use open source and decentralized services, and E2E encryption, never use your real name, and never trust that anyone is really who they appear to be.

I feel that people shouldn’t have to hear this, but you hear how people get busted and convicted of crimes every day for shit they posted on Facebook or Twitter, or told someone in an app (which can also never be unsaid), without which the police would have otherwise had zero evidence to show the court.

Considering that such “services” are essentially useless wastes of time where, at best, you’ll show off, or show what an asshole you really are to the world, or post pictures of your vacation that literally nobody else cares about, except maybe as evidence, can you really afford all of the potential consequences of “using them” (they use you), both foreseeable and unforeseen?

If that answer is no, or you can’t decide, then odds are you should not be on these vile platforms.

Out, out, damned Facebook! Out, out, damned Twitter!

“Security expert” Matthew Garrett blows up Windows by enabling the Microsoft 3rd Party UEFI CA certificate, then says the Bitlocker Backdoor (for police) saved his data from the TPM.

“Security expert” Matthew Garrett blew up Windows on the laptop he’s been complaining about all week by enabling the Microsoft 3rd Party UEFI CA certificate, then says the Bitlocker Backdoor (for police) saved his data from the TPM.

My God, this guy couldn’t get better with a bag of chips.

I don’t even have to make much effort to blog about Matthew Garrett FAILs. All I have to do is screenshot the Nitter instance I use.

(Which I use because I don’t want Twitter’s JavaScripts or to sign in to read things. Twitter is a malicious time sink that spies on people. Some people have even been doxxed and profiled for “risk mitigation” by contractors hired by their employer. Something that is impossible if you don’t have an account.)

Essentially, what Garrett is saying is that when you enable Microsoft’s 3rd Party UEFI CA certificate, which is what the “shim” that enables “Security Theater Boot” to work on GNU/Linux, is signed with, that the TPM will refuse to decrypt your Bitlocker volumes. Not that this could be any sort of an inconvenience. Right?

The TPM freaking out is a problem I ran into when I applied an official Lenovo UEFI update for March of 2021 on my ThinkBook 15 ITL Gen2.

There was no warning that this was even possibly going to happen, just like it seems there was no warning on Garrett’s laptop that enabling that certificate would destroy Windows and cause data loss due to the TPM and Bitlocker.

Windows 10 Professional comes with Bitlocker enabled by default. In my case, I told it to delete my recovery key because I didn’t want Microsoft to have a copy to hand to the police if they came looking for whatever reason (I don’t know why they would.), and then I generated a new recovery key, and forgot to write it down before I applied Lenovo’s UEFI update, which tripped the TPM, and caused it to refuse to decrypt my files and ask me for a recovery key I didn’t have.

Not that I think it would help, because I also couldn’t make the keyboard work to type anything anyway.

I ended up losing all files that weren’t backed up, which thankfully wasn’t many, and using my 2016 laptop to make a GNU/Linux live installer and wipe Windows off the disk permanently. That turned out to be the kick I needed to get me to stop playing around with shit-ass Windows again.

Since “Secure Boot” is worthless, you should just turn it off permanently and then wipe Windows from the disk.

Of course, back to Bitlocker…. If Microsoft has your decryption key, they can be compelled to give it to the police, which makes it a backdoor that they admit to having. There very well can be others that they don’t admit to having.

But if you use Windows at all, the Telemetry, Windows Defender, and Smartscreen are telling them all of the stuff on your computer anyway, and all of your keystrokes. So if you have anything you’re not supposed to have, they can tell law enforcement, and then get themselves compelled to hand over your decryption recovery key if it is in your Microsoft account. Due to being the default, it almost certainly is.

Then you may be in court with your life ruined spending your last pennies on a lawyer in some last ditch effort to stay out of prison.