Tag Archives: hyperinflation

Landlords in California Throw Party to Celebrate Evicting Tenants While NPR Helps US Government Scream “Look! Aliens!”

Landlords in California Throw Party to Celebrate Evicting Tenants While NPR Helps US Government Scream “Look! Aliens!”

Not even once, but twice, today. LOOK! ALIENS!!!!

Meanwhile, car insurance premiums went up 19% in the last year, but “inflation is tame”, even though the same article admits that rent and food are up like crazy.

Maybe all the Democrat rags like NPR and New York Times need to pass better notes on the talking points.

Hunter Biden indicted on more felonies, gun charges.

I thought the Democrats didn’t believe in guns?

Of course, there was also the business of his laptop that he’s apparently never going to get in trouble with even though he’s a pervert who likes little kids.

And he’s a crackhead.

But you can’t talk about all of these because he’s Bonehead Joe’s criminal son, and his dad shuts down in the middle of sentences now because he has the intellectual capacity of a parsnip.

The worse things get in this country, the more the media shouts about COVID shots and space aliens.

You can gauge this for yourself.

Things have actually gotten so bad that COVID is a good distraction again from all of the hyperinflation, Biden sundowning, his criminal son in trouble, China running roughshod over us and the Biden administration, and Ukraine making no progress in their “counter-offensive” despite trillions of dollars in aid.

Trillions! On war. While child poverty in America has doubled in only a year thanks to Bonehead Joe.

Some will say it’s just a return to normal. Yes, the American government showed us all that it could lift half of the children out of poverty with one law and put them all back into poverty again with another law.

His whole strategy is to work with the Republicans on the worst stuff.

Give trillions of dollars to war when half that would have fed all these American kids for years.

When are people going to have enough of this?

Old people don’t seem to be very smart. If Biden doesn’t care that he doubled child poverty in only a year, and his only answer is to scream “Look! Aliens!”, he’ll work with the Republicans again to take away your Social Security check.

He obviously doesn’t have a second term left in him. It will be hard for his handlers to mask his cognitive issues for another year.

What will obviously happen if the Democrats keep him around is we’ll end up with a demented old man being rolled on stage during the debate, and Trump or DeSantis being sworn into office in 2025.

McDonalds Visit Disaster, Courtesy of IBM and Apps. Bonus: The Ketchup Nazi No Longer Works Here? Bonus: Musings on Infamous Counterfeiter “Jim the Penman”.

McDonalds Visit Disaster, Courtesy of IBM and Apps. Bonus: The Ketchup Nazi No Longer Works Here?

So I was trying to get back home from having my car’s wheel bearings checked out.

The wheel speed sensors all report the same speed, which is good, so we’re just going to have to look into things on a day when it’s not raining outside, as this can trip up the diagnostic. (You don’t know if the computer is putting on the ABS for real or if it’s glitching.)

Then I decided, “Why not just put in my McDonalds order through the app on my phone? They have coupons.”

Just to be safe, I screenshotted the confirmation number and receipt.

On my way home there’s the typical Chicago suburbs crap. Overturned semi-truck, guy in a stolen Dodge Charger wrapped around a tree at 100 miles an hour, school where they teach that boys are girls and girls are boys letting out.

By the time I made it 3 miles, it had been half an hour, so obviously my McDonalds app decided to crash, come back up, log me out, glitched when I tried to tell it which store I was at and went into a loop between the map and the ordering screen, and then told me the store was closed at 3 PM.

I got them to finally figure out that the order was in “the other cash register” and picked up my food.

When I got home, down the street, I realized, they had given me the wrong sandwich and they put disgusting nacho cheese and jalapeno pepper slices all over a burger? Gross! To add to this, I asked for fries with no salt and got those disgusting packing peanut heatlamp fries with too much salt

So this being Chicagoland, you can’t just do what you did in Indiana and call and have the manager push through a refund and then scrape the jalapenos off the burger and eat it. So I hopped back in the car, went down there, and told them they got the order wrong and I would like the correct burger and a fresh order of fries, with no salt.

They brought me the burger, then they brought me another bag with the fries.

I get home, there’s another burger in the bag with the fries, so I just put it in the fridge and asked my spouse if he wants it for lunch tomorrow.

In 1990, you went to McDonalds, handed them some cash, everyone paid the same price.

Maybe they asked if you wanted a 25 cent apple pie with your $2 Big Mac because 1990.

IBM sure made them efficient.

The Ketchup Nazi took a sabbatical:

On the bright side, they had a big pile of ketchup on the counter.

For a long time you had to ask, and when you said “a bunch”, “a lot”, or “look, at least give me enough for more than three fries”, they gave you 2-3 packages, or sometimes 30 packets, depending on how pissed and fuck-this-place the worker was after seeing their schedule that week.

So I started calling them the “Ketchup Nazis”, after that episode of Seinfeld where they had an Eastern European guy with a Stalinist mustache, which they called the Soup “Nazi”.

If you did anything to piss him off, he banned you from his restaurant, but his customers learned his peculiarities and “not to push it” if he made a mistake, because his soups were so good.

One day, George comes in and says they forgot his free bread. So the “Soup Nazi” tells him bread for him will be $2. Then when George complains everyone else got free bread, the “Soup Nazi” bans him from the store for two years.

He ends up getting Elaine to go in and buy soup for him incognito, after several others fear getting on the “Soup Nazi’s” bad side and refuse for fear of being banned as well, but Elaine doesn’t know the “Soup Nazi’s” protocols, and gets herself banned too.

Eventually Kramer, who is good friends with the “Soup Nazi”, gets a nice antique cabinet and sells it to Elaine, who finds out the “Soup Nazi” left all his recipes inside it.

She walks down to the store and tells him to unban them or she’ll ruin his business and “NO SOUP FOR YOU!”.

Anyway, I’m trying to get my CoC complaint against Walter Francis/Khaytsus, at the Fedora project to the point where it’ll be no soup for Walter. But I doubt his friends will do that to him.

Speaking of “hyperstagflation”…

One of “He Who Would Never Commit a CyberCrime’s” sockpuppets was in Techrights IRC the other day.

He got me in a reading binge on this infamous counterfeiter in the 1800s.

The guy was a German immigrant, Emanual Ninger, nicknamed “Jim the Penman”.

I don’t remember how the topic the troll brought up was germane to the German, but I got lost in the side quest.

Apparently, he bought paper from Crane & Company, the same source as the US Government for US bank notes, and although it was not the same exact paper, it was their best quality bond paper, and he set out to trace the bills and then draw in every tiny detail. He skipped the part about being produced by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing because “dey didn’t make dem”, and also the part about counterfeiting being punishable by imprisonment and hard labor, but almost nobody ever noticed.

He finally got careless one day and got pinched because he made change for a $50 at a liquor store and the note got wet and the ink started running, and the owner of the establishment had Ninger found and arrested. The judge took leniency on him because of his age and frailty.

To this day, there are collectors of “Ninger Notes” because they’re highly sought after works of art, illegal to possess. The few people who have one don’t want to draw attention, for the Secret Service would come and demand it.

I was thinking about Ninger while I was on the toilet at Panda Express, after having paid $32 for two people to eat dinner yesterday.

It took Mr. Ninger, “Jim the Penman”, weeks of hard work and expensive materials (the paper, mainly) to make a $20 or a $50 (his favorite) or a $100, but it was worth it because those bills were all worth thousands of dollars in today’s money.

In fact, “Jim” probably did the $50 so much because a $100 was an eye watering amount of money back then and hard to explain, and almost certain to be closely inspected even if it would have been appropriate in-context to the transaction.

Ostensibly, the reason the Secret Service would show up is that counterfeiting is a risk to the economy, it destabilizes it, it’s inflationary.

The problem with this is nobody would spend a “Ninger Note”. They’re almost priceless because so few survived the trial and the Secret Service destroying them.

Even if the notes wouldn’t look so out of place today, nobody would ever part with a Ninger $50 that’s worth about $10,000 under-the-table to another art collector, on a meal at Panda Express, which is about all it buys now due to the economic destabilization and inflation of…….“Joe the Biden”.

Set to work producing $100s, it would take Emanuel Ninger 2.684 billion years to produce enough money to fund the federal government for a year, or 5.369 billion years if he did it in $50s, his favorite.

Someone needs to stop Joe the Biden.

Today’s Democrats Are Yesterday’s Republicans. Bonus: “Work, Catholics, and Pensions.”

As a person who has an immigrant spouse (who entered the United States legally and has always been here legally), I have insights into the US Immigration System and what the Democrat and Republican position on the issue is.

Take the 2018 midterm. The Democrats ran on stopping Trump, on impeaching Trump, then the House Democrats didn’t even sue the administration for swiping money from other programs to build the “border wall”, even though this clearly goes against Constitutional separation of powers and the Constitution giving the House of Representatives primary control over taxation and spending issues, and then Nancy Pelosi gave him money earmarked to upgrade the border fencing near her own district in San Francisco.

Then in 2020 Joe Biden got in, defended Title 42, and then enacted a new program that’s almost exactly like it when it got struck down by a court.

So it’s clear what this really is. The Democrats are all for illegal immigration when they think that the illegal immigrants will end up in Florida and Texas, not California.

And this is crazy strategy because once you get to the next census and it counts illegal immigrants living in Florida and Texas, they gain clout in the federal government, and California loses it.

George Carlin called it “NIMBY”. So the Democrats want us to take in illegal immigrants, but “Not in my back yard!”

Part of the reason I voted for Biden anyway, was that he’s a “Yesterday’s Republican”.

Much like Reagan’s amnesty program or the bipartisan Immigration and Nationality Act, Joe Biden mainly restored the status quo for legal immigration (such as my spouse’s case) while Trump’s position on the issue was more like the episode of Parks & Recreation where Ron Swanson said “Some of this will be easy like ‘Take down all the traffic lights.’ and ‘Dismantle the Post Office’. The rest could take more time, like ‘Bring this all crumbling to the ground.'”

That was basically Trump’s methodology for destroying everything about America whether it was worth keeping or not. “Bring this all crumbling to the ground.”

Richard M. Stallman, Founder of the Free Software Foundation, had a number of terms for Donald Trump, including “The Wrecker” (my favorite), “The Infant”, and others.

(I usually went further and said “Cheeto Hitler” or the “Creeping Orange Menace”.)

As a Libertarian (mostly, I suppose), I find Biden and Trump both to be the wrong thing for this country at the wrong time. The United States needs an enema for sure, and the federal government in particular.

But the whole country is falling apart under this system. Both Trump and Biden are responsible for the hyperinflationary mess and the debt crisis and the ruined economy.

Trump gave trillions of dollars in “tax cuts” to the wealthiest and the corporations at the worst possible time, and then Biden and the Democrats followed up by not taking any action to correct that while also implementing deficit tripling new spending and entitlement programs and getting us bogged down in a quagmire where every time Ukraine blows up a 1950s tank that Putin vomited out on their land, they’ve won the war again, same as every day, except that this has all happened before and will happen again.

The Democrats, and most of the Republicans like these wars. The situation in Ukraine is a 2020s rehash of 1980s Afghanistan which was made into the movie “Charlie Wilson’s War”. (A movie everyone should see.)

It will most likely end the same way. If they ever do oust the Russians, their country will be in ruins and Congress will lose their appetite for spending money and Ukraine will devolve into a third world country.

At the end of “Charlie Wilson’s War”, Congressman Wilson was trying to get bills through to rebuild Afghanistan. It was a modern and beautiful country and a democracy at one point, but Congress “beat the Russians” and that’s all they thought matters.

When you get involved in something, it means you own it. What happened in Afghanistan next was what was obviously going to happen.

The United States was giddily “poking the bear” to harass the Soviets and didn’t seem at all concerned that it was setting up the “War on Terror”, which is a ridiculous concept on its face, unwinnable by definition, and the major victims have been Americans who now need “national ID cards and passports” to conduct business with government agencies, and who face nebulous and unconstitutional domestic spying programs.

I recall in the 6th grade (I think) watching “Channel 1” (a classroom news thing for students that kept them well informed with accurate reporting on world events…the government has no interest in keeping Americans informed now, of any age…they call it “deceptive” and “fake news” and “disinformation” when you get good, solid, information that they used to provide every school child).

They had a segment on the Taliban in Afghanistan, and their barbarism against women and death squads, etc. They ended up blowing up World Culture that can never be truly replaced, including the Buddhas of Bamiyan, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

I don’t like Biden, but the threat of Theocracy comparable to the Taliban coming to America is what the Republican Party has turned into.

We have a Theocracy already in one branch of the federal government (the US Supreme Court). We have “Catholic Sharia Law” controlling women’s ovaries, and with time, it’ll get worse.

Since there is no election for the Supreme Court, we have to pray that they’ll eventually keel over from something and a Trump or a DeSantis won’t be in office to name their successor.

So while I liked a lot of what George Carlin had to say, I can’t say I agree with him on voting. You vote, it’ll be bad, but if you want 9-0 “Catholic Sharia Law”, just put another Republican in office and you’ll get to live under it in short order.

If one can measure these things, Catholicism (especially the conservative wing) is one of the greatest tragedies to unfold on America. It’s a cancer.

They are child molesters, who stole much of my mom’s pension after she worked for them for over 25 years, and now they command people who are not Catholics that if they have an abortion, they will be found and sent to prison.

They don’t even hide how corrupt and and what a garbage “church” they are.

Back in the day, when people were (rightly) more skeptical of the Catholics, they wrote in safeguards against things like indoctrination of children using state education dollars, that are being torn down by this unhinged Trumpian Supreme Court.

Catholic Schools only exist for two reasons. Brainwashing/Indoctrination, and to give their pedophile pervert priests a constant supply of young boys to rape.

The irony, of course, is that an industrial strength serial-bankrupt adulterer that my parents voted for is the one that gave them control of our highest court.

Living in America under today’s media reminds me strongly of Captain Picard being tortured and repeatedly asked “How many lights do you see? and being electrocuted and beaten every time he refuses to be broken.

And of course my parents are eating shit and grinning about it and gladly saying “I see five lights, of course, thank you, may we have some more bullshit please?”.

Their goal is to make everyone insane.

(Picard told his Cardassian torturer he saw four lights, which is the correct amount of lights, all throughout the process. In the end, I think he confided in Riker that he had been exposed to so much abuse that he really did start to see five lights, but he still said “four” because he wasn’t about to give his torturers the satisfaction of having broken him.)

I view American politicians and their “news” as the Cardassians of Star Trek. Evil, menacing, gaslighting fucks. They’ll plunder and rape an entire population while telling it they are their benevolent protectors.

The United States went from Chattel Slavery to Wage Slavery.

The way it works is “You’re free, but the invisible whip (not to be confused with Wonder Woman’s) is that if you don’t work, you don’t have food, medical care, or shelter, and you will run out of money quickly. Then they steal your retirement from you. But you’re free and the government is your benevolent protector. Oh, and don’t get any funny ideas about saving money because we’ll raise government spending and inflate it all away.”

My spouse comes home every day, pissed off. Walmart is cutting hours again (to the just and the unjust alike, because fuck morale) to do a “quiet layoff”, boss yells at you for doing what their handheld computer told you to, then the next day you get called in and told thanks for never being late for work in three years.

Then I get to deal with him in that mood until he settles into bed and does what we all do these days. Try to imagine a world that doesn’t so closely resemble Hell.

By not having children, my gift to the world is less contention for jobs, food, oil, resources in general, and healthcare and education to the next generation. They have enough of a mess on their plate already. More than anyone deserves.

The wealthy elite that Lord over us run this system and try to make this an argument about race and generational blame and stuff.

I mean, Bill Gates alone hoards $150 billion dollars and pays next to nothing in tax. “I gave all my money away and it doubled because that’s how philanthropy works.” while everyone else is fucked.

The system has stolen, the Republicans and the Catholic church, has stolen my retired mother down to the point where she didn’t have a hundred bucks to have the muffler welded back onto the 2003 Impala that I had fixed up and then gave back to her.

She backed over a curb the other day and was dragging it around and the mechanic felt sorry for her and said she could come back and pay him on Wednesday.

She let a series of increasingly domineering and abusive (her second one physically) men in her life that drained the bank account and mostly took up space (the only one she was married to that pulled his goddamn weight financially, and never cheated on her or beat her was my father, but he was a tyrant in his own ways), so it does stand to reason that she would vote for them too.

Walmart’s Statement on Inflation Undermines Biden Narrative As Many Americans Flee The Country. (Government Stops Reporting Numbers.)

The Biden administration wants you to think, like COVID, that inflation is pretty much over.

However, according to Walmart, in January, food inflation was running 11.4% year over year, which is well into hyperinflation territory.

“Generally speaking, food inflation has been the most stubborn of the categories,” Walmart U.S. CEO John Furner told analysts and investors on the call. “So, we were in mid-double digits in Q3, and Q4 hasn’t come down all that much. A little bit, I guess we could say, has come down the last couple months, but it still would be a high level of disinflation at this point.”

Walmart Inc. CEO Doug McMillon called inflation in dry grocery and consumables “stubborn, mid-double digit,” saying “those are going to just be with us for a while.”

“And it’ll get a little confusing because you’ll hear inflation numbers that start to sound lower, but you’ll have to remember, that’s on a two-year stack,” he continued. “So if inflation in dry grocery and consumables is only three or five, that’s on top of 15. And that’s still a problem for the customer and a pressure in their wallet.”

Eggs, he noted, were “at 200% inflated in January” but have since dropped to “just 50% inflated,” something he said is “still a problem.” Meanwhile, milk “is actually less than a year ago,” and beef “is lower in terms of pricing” as well, McMillon said.

-Fox Business

American consumers would have to go back to the 1970s to find something worse than what is unfolding now.

The cause, of course, is endless government money printing to prop up the stock market and keep mortgages impossibly cheap, while they invade and run the rest of the world. They don’t have to print as much money to do this, but it’s easier to inflict an inflation tax on Americans than to demand that people like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Tim Cook, and Elon Musk pay more while they’re playing “See who can die with the most hundreds of billions of dollars.”

In a ludicrous display of toxic masculinity gone wrong, Musk marched into Twitter in November, promising to turn things around, and the company is still hemorrhaging cash despite losing over 85% of its employees. They just had another layoff last Friday, which went mostly unreported.

But while Elon Musk is busy losing his fortune and trying to get a consolation prize of using a reverse shadow ban to multiply the number of people who see his tweets by 1,000, most Americans are facing a 9% increase in the price of cat food since last month.

I’m certainly glad I got a “cat food mountain” back when they had rebates on it. I still grab a bag now and then when there’s a rebate and stick it in the pile, sorted by the date of expiration.

Perhaps to discourage hoarding, I noticed that during the “shortage”, the manufacturers have been putting “Best By” dates on the bags that only go about 9-12 months out, instead of the typical 18 months or so that the bags used to have.

Anyway, cat food is a pain point when you have two of them to feed. Eggs have been just terrible too. To get them for 45 cents, you have to buy them 60 at a time. They were about 9 cents each in 2020.

If the Republicans were smarter, they could have used inflation to their advantage instead of making the last election a referendum on social issues that the public has strongly disagreed with them on for about 50 years.

Inflation is a major problem all on its own. As was recently discussed in the #Techrights IRC, the US is breaking down for many of the same reasons that Russia did after the Soviet Union collapsed. Gangsters are running the country, and the government is their pet. Additionally, something close to an absolute majority of American voters are too dumb to run a democracy, so things here are spiraling rapidly out of control while CNN talks about Cardi B’s butt implants.

Shortly after CNN published that a record number of Americans had resigned their citizenship and left forever in 2020, the government fixed that problem by not making any reports about it after Q2 of 2021.

CNN blamed Trump being in the White House for the mass exodus, but as it continued and got larger under Biden, this administration stopped the embarrassment by refusing to tell us how many people are now leaving.

More people would leave if they had any money. It’s hard to flee when you can barely keep up with the prices of eggs and cat food at Walmart.

For the past two decades or so, an increasingly oppressive dragnet that spies on everyone and makes criminals out of whomever it sees fit, and has people who are inconvenient to the state murdered in secret by the police (either shot or choked to death or deemed by a government coroner as “natural causes” in their jail cell) has been allowed to take root in this country. (If you become a persistent pest, they eventually deal with you and no questions are asked. If the questions are asked, you become the next target of the cops and there are still no answers.)

Nobody here is free, and nobody here has been free for a while. But now, most people are utterly broke and the media is covering up the deaths that continue as the legacy of COVID-19 and the mounting unemployment and inflation with stories making the US seem like a utopia with a booming economy.

This mass gaslighting asks Americans to take leave of our sanity and second guess everything we are seeing unfold in front of us.

The “All Cops Are Bad” movement seems to mostly make the issue, incorrectly, exclusively about race, however, I spent the last four years and untold thousands of dollars restoring my good name after being besmirched and severely mistreated by them after a campaign of slanderous lies by an individual formerly in my life.

The police will ruin your life and nearly drive you to suicide at three in the morning just because it amuses them. They don’t need a reason. If you want to make them a serious threat, make it personal and see where that gets you.

Anyway, once they have you in their twisted grip, the only way to respond is with a bankruptcy inducing legal defense because today, people who look at what’s happening in your life see a piece of paper and move right onto the next candidate for employment or an apartment or whatever it is. They don’t even want to know you.

There’s just too many people in their life with a clean piece of paper that comes out of the printer that will end up trashing the apartment and not paying their rent or not showing up for work and stealing money out of your cash register, but hey, they haven’t been caught doing anything wrong yet, and that’s what counts.

Facebook is dying as the tech bubble bursts.

Facebook is collapsing right in front of us.

All you have to do is look at their stock price.

It’s “worth” less than 25% of what it was 13 months ago, even before you adjust for the fact that the money lost another 30% this year under Biden and (locally worse) Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker.

Where you have to pay for three dozen eggs at 2020 prices to get only a dozen and you have to pay for two pounds of butter to get a pound, and you have to pay for 1.2 months worth of rent to get a month.

This is Illinois and this is America under the Democratic Party.

Phoronix is talking about Facebook’s code contributions to the BtrFS file system for Linux, which I admit I use personally.

Since it’s all under the GNU GPL, it will survive the collapse of the Second Tech Bubble, when Facebook is long gone. As did much Free and Open Source Software the last time, much of which is still developed and in use today.

But what will be gone when Facebook itself collapses?

Cat pictures?

Terror content that they don’t see anything wrong with (because there’s no human moderators and they try to cover it up with software that detects words)?

Anti-vaxxers? People denying that we had an election and they lost?

They don’t care what kind of an open sewer they’re running as long as people engage with advertising, but in Biden/Pritzker’s economy, ad revenue is worth very little right now and many of the ad firms themselves are shutting down and having 100% layoffs.

Meanwhile, the company is mostly being mocked for spending down all of their assets on something that looks like characters in a Nintendo 64 game where nobody has any legs, on a $600 VR headset.

Facebook truly is burning while Zuckerberg fiddles. This is priceless. I shall watch with great amusement and then laugh in “I still use IRC and lost pretty much nothing.”.

There’s nothing particularly unique about what’s happening to Facebook (“Fakebook”) in the economy of the Bay Area. Layoffs Tracker shows mostly what’s unfolding in failed blue cities and states.

Yesterday, a “self-driving” car company based in Pennsylvania called Argo AI went under, and 2,000 people lost their jobs, as their clients took possession of the company’s “intellectual property”.

Self-driving cars are a pipe dream. Tesla is now under CRIMINAL investigation by the feds for advertising that their cars are “self-driving”. (NewsWaffle proxy. Original.)

I mean, it’s technically true that “self-driving” cars can mostly manage to stay in a lane, but you can’t trust them not to run people over and say they were a shopping bag or slam into the back of a parked police car in Florida, so you still, legally, have to be paying attention to the road and ready to take over at a moment’s notice.

I linked to the ARGO AI story in Techrights IRC yesterday, highlighting Matthew J. Garrett, joking “You’re next, Bubbles.”.

(Which is what Peter Venkman told the judge in Ghostbusters II while the ghosts were flying away with his court reporter.)

He didn’t reply as far as I know. I’m not telling him anything he doesn’t already know.

The Federal Reserve may be fixing to lose all credibility.

I saw a report yesterday that says that many investors feel that the Fed will crater and stop aggressively hiking interest rates in December. The Fed hasn’t commented, but I guess we won’t have to wait long to see.

I don’t subscribe to the notion that jacking up interest rates through the roof and causing immediate and rampant destruction is the best or only way to get hyperinflation under control, but it is what’s available considering that Congress won’t quit throwing money around and bailing out Zombie Corporations like Japan did in the 90s before it gave up because the government deficits were just too large and the population wouldn’t stand for it anymore.

If true, this means that instead of just a Depression or just a hyperinflationary period, we’re going to get both as the Federal Reserve throws its hands into the air and gives up trying to deal with this using the tools it has available.

US layoffs accelerating under Bailout Biden’s re-defined recession.

US layoffs accelerating under Bailout Biden’s re-defined recession.

Yesterday, over 1,000 US tech layoffs were announced in one day, and that’s just from looking at Layoffs Tracker.

Some numbers don’t even get published because they try to keep it in an Internal Memo and threaten people’s severance pay if they discuss details with the media.

And companies that lay off generally also do a hiring freeze and don’t replace people who quit. (Stealth Layoff)

Today, there’s several big examples.

For starters, Intel, which just got many billions of dollars in bailout money over the CHIPS Act, which Bailout Biden signed, announced that its sales are a disaster and it will be cutting thousands of jobs as the (Windows) PC market collapses.

Techrights has been covering the demise of Windows “Vista” 11. Microsoft has a self-inflicted gunshot wound. They figured that they could artificially juice new PC sales by disallowing most upgrade installs for PCs that are older than 2018(!) through ridiculous requirements like TPM 2.0 and a software block that blocks some computers even if they have a TPM 2.0.

So Windows “11” depends on a new computer, pretty much, and nobody is buying them because thousands of people lose their jobs each day in America now.

The market share of Vista 11 is very tiny and many people who want an upgrade path are choosing GNU/Linux distributions, Chromebooks, and Macs (if they have money for it in this environment).

Windows was already losing 2% of its desktop marketshare every year for the past several years, according to PornHub Insights and was down to just 64.7% last year (all versions). A trend which will no doubt accelerate.

On top of Vista 11’s failure to achieve any sort of market penetration, Microsoft went ahead and bolted on the new APIs that may even be somewhat interesting into Vista 10 updates. Vista 10 is less bloated than 11 anyway.

Microsoft cutting them off and demanding a new computer is no longer a threat, because the new computer wouldbe a Chromebook or a Mac, or they would format the system and install GNU/Linux.

So Microsoft is in the unenviable position they’ve gotten themselves into of splitting “Windows” into two things that need to be “maintained” and with little to show for it other than the liability.

Microsoft and Intel still have each other, for a combined total of a balkanized legacy platform full of bugs, bloat, security vulnerabilities, horrible power management, and other LULZ.

Now their empire of legacy software doesn’t seem to be saving them, so they’re getting very aggressive and disabling (by default) the “Secure” Boot (Security Theater Boot) certificate that they sign GNU/Linux distributions with so that it adds more of a hurdle for the user to escape while still leaving the possibility open (for now) to avoid triggering a major lawsuit.

Moving on…

Cartoon Network was essentially shut down (Creative Talent like writers/animators sacked). 125 job losses and 43 open positions eliminated, but the parent company has its first Black CEO, says WGN Chicago. (WGN distracts from layoffs by mentioning the irrelevant race of the new CEO of Warner Bros/Discovery.)

Walmart announced that it is laying off 1,500 more people (after the hundreds of corporate jobs) and they’re blue collar workers this time in an Atlanta “fulfillment center” (warehouse).

Crypto.com lied about the size of its layoffs in June. It turns out that it was at least 40% of the people working there. At the time, they said it was 260 employees, and turns out that it was well over 2,000.

Mortgage originator bankruptcies are piling up. Layoffs in banking and credit unions all across the country, thousands. Too many to track or list here individually. Due to mortgage rates spiking, few loans. No real need of loan officers anymore.

Pharmaceutical company layoffs. All over the place. Amneal recently announced it was closing their entire facility on Long Island, cutting 86 jobs.

Oracle laid off 200 more people in California today.

SalesForce in California fired another 90 and went on a hiring freeze.

I could keep going and going, but it’s over 12,000 today alone.

And when you start hitting “days” like this, it’s not hard to see how we’ll all be feeling pretty miserable next year. Investor-facing “news” predicts mass job losses (like this report from Bank of America published by Business Insider…..175,000 job losses per month soon in the “very mild” recession…mild for the billionaires, you know) while consumertard-facing “news” like CNN and Fox are still saying bullshit about strong economy and strong jobs growth.

But articles like “The “quiet quitters’ will be the first to get sacked!” are popping up now too. Victim-blaming. Blame-shifting. Disgusting. Gaslighting. Bullshit. They’re starting to admit you’ll lose your job, but it’s going to be entirely “your fault” you know. They’ll have you know.

Bailout Biden, Trump’s Fed Chair Jerome Powell, and Congress have left us with a jobless economy in hyperinflation where they think that what cures it is to leave people broke so that they’re not just cutting cars, houses, and trips to Disney, but can’t even put food on the table, while they raise our taxes to fund useless new government programs that don’t help anyone and don’t solve any real problems.

Trump threatened to fire Jerome Powell but kept him after Powell promised him cheap money to help him win the election, which is partially where the hyperinflation now comes from. But under Biden, it went on for over another year while the Federal Reserve said “inflation is temporary and not a concern”.

That and Trump’s massive fraud bill, the CARES Act. Now they admit that almost all of the money has been forgiven and there’s hundreds of thousands of fraudulent loans, most of which will just be a taxpayer loss that never gets prosecuted.

This is America now.

Buick Anti-Lock Brake Module costs $790 to replace and reprogram. Also, Richard Stallman is not an economist, and the Post-“COVID” American dystopia.

So the Anti-Lock Brake computer/pump (module) in my Buick has been glitching out and apparently needs replacing.

Of course, it wasn’t kind enough to just fail, disable itself, and light up the ABS/Traction lights. Instead, it’s been going in and out, occasionally realizing it has a problem, disabling itself, and then forgetting there was a problem and re-enabling itself the next time I turn on the car.

I started having similar problems with the 2003 Impala in 2019 before I gave it back to mom 4 years later.

I went through a number of issues, just like with the Buick. Bad wheel hub bearing (not spinning freely), then the module, then the hub bearing on the other side a couple of years later.

When I got the Buick, it needed a hub bearing replaced, so I just had them both replaced as it was getting a full brake overhaul done anyway and the shop said if I wanted to just replace the one on the passenger front as well as the driver front, they’d just charge me for the hub, which isn’t expensive on these cars.

Anyway, the module….

The module on the Impala cost under $500 to replace and reprogram with a new one.

The part and programming procedure in the Buick is similar, but since inflation is dragging everything up, it made the part, the labor, and the taxes more expensive, so I’m looking at $790 to fix this ($760 with a coupon).

Which brings me to my next point. Richard Stallman is not an economist.

I might have said something like this before. He quotes leftist quacks who got an Economics degree out of a box of Cracker Jacks, who are mostly published by Gates-funded media.

Stallman has been led to parrot the lie that the Fed Funds rate hikes are a bad thing, because “inflation helps the poor by reducing their debts”.

This is absurd. I already posted that our rent is set to increase by $200 a month, starting November, and that our grocery bill is up by well over 20%. (Coffee up 20%, eggs up 40%, the rest is quite bad too, but well over 20% on average!)

Worker wages are not rising, and I even read an article about people putting groceries and diapers on buy now, pay later “apps” because they can’t afford them and this is like a payday loan that tosses the problem into next week at higher than credit card interest rates.

Stallman seems to think that there will be more jobs if the Fed Funds Rate stays at zero, and that may or may not be true. I haven’t seen any credible studies. However, that’s a crappy way to do it.

The layoffs that have been picking up are mostly in speculative investments (gambling) which include fake currencies like Bitcoins, which I posted previously are the “return of Flooz”. Just as you read this, many people plead with bankruptcy judges to force Celsius to give them their savings back. Money Celsius doesn’t have. It’s bankruptcy fraud to buy the people operating it time to run.

The result of the low Fed Funds Rate and borrowed money entering the economy is hyperinflation. This percolates to the top and steals your savings and makes your wages go down.

Sure, Illinois might have given you a minimum wage raise from $8.75 an hour to $15, but it’s staggered that in through 2025.

So when you think about it, You’re just back down to around $9 an hour in the end, anyway, thanks to our friend, hyperinflation.

The local Walmart, here in Waukegan, Illinois, started workers at $12.90 an hour in 2019, and the starting wage at the store today is $17.30. However, in the past year the real cost of living has gone way up.

Past what the government will admit. However, even if you accept what the government figures suggest, in the same time, inflation has taken the value of that money and lopped off 18%, leaving the real value of the wage at Walmart at $14.

But that’s if you believe the headline inflation numbers. They’re rigged. They’re not weighted for what “the working poor” spend most of their money on, which is rent and food. By that measure, we’re back down to about $12 an hour again. If that.

Plus, they now make “so much money” that “they don’t need government assistance” with their heat this winter, or food stamps, because the income limits for those didn’t go up.

The winners of high inflation are the government, of course, because it makes its own debts cheaper by making your savings and earnings power decay, and the people that the money goes to, who make their money by running companies that don’t produce anything, and just borrow more cheap money and pay their executives with it.

Inflation is evil and it is pernicious. Imagine if you had a counterfeiting machine, and every time your bills came due, you could run down to the basement and fire it up. You never had to stop spending because the more bills came due, the more times you would run down to the basement and fire up the counterfeiting machine and run yourself off some more $100s to deal with it.

Sure, you know you’re screwing your neighbors every time you do it, but you just can’t help yourself because they’re too stupid to notice.

This is essentially what the federal government does to pay its bills, on a large scale, with the victims being everyone who has US Dollars.

They don’t teach history in school anymore. Maybe Stallman didn’t even learn this.

During the American Revolution, the United States had a different currency system. It was a disaster. We had another Constitution as well, called the Articles of Confederation.

Under the Articles, the States were essentially their own miniature countries in a very loose political union with the federal government. The States and the federal government both issued currencies, because the Articles didn’t disallow it.

Some States issued “Pounds and Shillings”, others issued “State Dollars”, and the federal government of course had “Continental Dollars”. The federal government couldn’t tax. It could only request money from the States, and print new money.

Since the States had their own problems and didn’t feel like forking over money whenever the federal government came calling, the federal government simply hyperinflated the Continental, until it ceased to pass for money.

Along the way, the British harassed us by counterfeiting, but that hardly made a difference at the scale the federal government was hyperinflating the money already.

Eventually, the Articles were scrapped, the federal government developed more and more powers to tax and spend (especially with the Income Tax authorized by the Sixteenth Amendment), and today of course, everyone knows that the US federal government is a monster that spend well in excess of $7.5 trillion a year.

Everyone knows it has a power to tax. Between the various taxes, most people have to work for free from January through the end of May to carry the government, and it’s still not enough. So they _also_ hyperinflate the currency to levy an “inflation tax”.

Richard Stallman, and much of the left, thinks the government should spend even more.

Constantly, they find more and more things that the government “should be doing”, even though that would cost money too.

Their answer? “Well, just raise taxes again!”

Except, what’s left to tax?

Biden even passed the so-called “American Rescue Plan Act” and the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” which means a bigger meaner IRS will go rummaging through your taxes looking for that $5 you made on Paypal walking someone’s dogs so you could afford some $5 Biden Gas to get to your 3 other jobs, so you can buy eggs and pay the landlord. Then they spent the money immediately.

On deficit reduction? No. On Inflation Reduction? No. To give idiots who went to college and didn’t come out with any marketable skills “loan forgiveneess”.

If the Democrats had any plans to tax the rich, they haven’t enacted them. So I allege that there never was a plan, and there never will be. The left (voters) got rolled again.

Biden “re-defines” recession.

Biden has spent the entire Summer floundering about the state of the economy.

Finally, this culminated in his “It’s all about how you feel, Jack!” definition, and then he went off and, I don’t know, ate another ice cream cone.

(He probably didn’t even know what that cost. Rich people and politicians, the same thing really, have spent so many years disconnected from reality and throwing around trillions of dollars in other people’s money that they stole that they tend to guess orders of magnitude wrong about average wages and what common items cost.)

But even by Biden’s “Does it feel like a recession?” test, he walked onto another rake, because now even CNN isn’t trying to hide the fact that the Consumer Sentiment Index has hit its lowest level since Jimmy Carter was in the White House.

The Consumer Sentiment Index basically is a “How do you feel?” survey. People are losing their jobs now that interest rates are rising, even though they’re still very low, but it has less to do with that (sorry, Mr. Stallman) than it does with the fact that people are so broke from Bidenflation that they have to stop discretionary spending to redirect funds to buying eggs, butter, milk, bread, rent, and transportation to work. If Mr. Stallman were an economist, he’d know that one does not simply hyperinflate their way to prosperity.

Some people who are still in denial about hyperinflation and whether it’s caused by Biden and Democrats printing up another trillion dollars every week and stating that it’s an attempt to control the weather using battery cars, point to other badly-managed economies where hyperinflation rages. In Europe, they print, tax, and spend even worse than the US does, and this comes on top of years spent building up their energy markets on the assumption that Vladimir Putin would continue being the Santa Claus of cheap natural gas.

Germany announced yesterday that it would “invest” in the energy company that imports Russian gas by spending $8 billion to nationalize it. Some investment. Putin has turned off the gas, so one does wonder how one frames this as an investment. It’s even worse than that time the US federal government “invested” in failing bank shares and General Motors.

But back to American issues, I think that what really stings, really hurts, about the inflation we’re experiencing now is that, although inflation and benchmark rates have been much higher (in 1980, inflation was double digits and the Fed Funds Rate was 20%, compared to less than 4% even with yesterday’s “huge” rate hike) is that in 1980, there was still an actual economy underneath it all, and today it’s a bunch of dead end service jobs, healthcare funded by government indebtedness, and Imaginary Property.

Some say 90% of the valuation of companies like Apple is Imaginary Property. Why not? It’s hard to put a dollar value on the value of Imaginaaaaaaaaaaation, but if you try really hard, by attempting to foist treaties making the US definitions of copyrights, patents, and trademarks “international law”, you “get what you need”. Unfortunately, this does nothing for workers living paycheck to paycheck. At best, they get some of the money when patent lawyers go get coffee.

The US economy today is not the envy of the world based upon people getting up every morning and going to a good union job to produce widgets to sell, so most of the public was teetering on the verge of bankruptcy even before illegal “COVID” lockdowns and dictators such as Illinois Governor Pritzker (Democrat) who pretty much just usurped the legislative power by claiming that the Illinois Emergency Management Act lets him rewrite any law he wants as long as he remembers to hit the SNOOZ button and reset the “emergency” for another 30 days by executive order.

In reality, the IEMA says that he can only do some of what he says he can for 30 days, and then the legislature must renew the “emergency”, which means that his actions have been illegal since May of 2020, but nobody will stop him.

We live in a country where half the states are “governed” by such people (Democrats) who have such open contempt for all of the people that work for a living that they’ve ruined millions of lives simply to claw Donald Trump out of office, then found that they like the powers that they gave themselves and won’t be terminating the “emergency”.

From my perspective, even with two incomes, no kids, and the cheapest apartment we can find in the whole damned city, life is getting hard.

I feel like there’s no way to gain ground. Even buying a goddamned gas station breakfast sandwich and coffee this morning on the way back from taking my spouse to work cost me $9.70. Under Biden, this has gone up by roughly $4 vs just the last year.

Countries operated like this end up like Nigeria, Weimar Germany, or even the US Continental Dollar, where next thing you know, there are trillion dollar bills and you need to hurry up and spend them before a breakfast sandwich and a coffee are two trillion dollars, and then the currency fails because nobody will accept it anymore.

Hyperinflation also contributes to political instability. In Germany, people became so sick of their ruined economy that they felt they had nothing to lose, personally, and elected Hitler.

For the next month or so, in the US, it will continue to be possible for people like Nate Silver to bury their heads in the sand, fake the polls, nudge the fake polls even further to the left so it appears that Biden and Democrats are not near-universally hated, and like it’s possible that they emerge from this election unharmed.

But people are going to radicalize and accept anyone that claims that they know how to get us back to where things were when at least they had a job and the food and rent weren’t going up more than 25% a year.

All people want is to support themselves, for the government to stay out of their home, and to not watch all of their hopes and dreams die under tax-and-spend dictators who, in fact, could not care less about them and wouldn’t know how to fix things even if they wanted to.

In fact, we get a worse living standard and higher poverty levels every year, even as the government perpetually expands welfare programs.

The thing that really scares the living shit out of Democrats, and keeps them up at night, is that their voters will find work and not need them anymore.

This is why it’s vitally important to keep people one notch above starving next week, and you do this with hyperinflation and job loss.

If things get “too good”, we’re just another “pandemic” away from more lockdowns, more “emergency powers”.

Who knows?

Governor Pritzker already had his “I am the Senate!” moment. Perhaps next he’ll officially dissolve the Senate. They are kind of pesky.

His own party has over 75% of the seats and he still has to go around them. His nominee to the parole board was recently rejected because the Democrats were panicking about more murderers and child rapists being let loose on Chicago during an election year, and decided to leave the seat empty so the board couldn’t get a quorum.

Maybe that law needs “suspended” as well, “due to COVID”.

The “digital natives” are getting restless.

Polling has shown that even young voters are finished with Biden and the Democrats.

He’s resorted to a “vote buying” program of bailing them out of their student loans, which left them with a head full of liberal college mush (you have to go to college and pay $60,000 to learn that white people are responsible, collectively, through corruption of blood, for everything bad that’s ever happened or which will happen at some future date).

Liberal college mush that gets them nowhere instead of a job.

Will the “forgiveness” win any of them back into the fold or will any of them remember that they need to eat and that there’s something even worse than their student loans going on in this country?

Walmart fires 200 corporate employees in the “Don’t Call it a Recession” Recession. Bonus: Celsius “crypto” investors beg bankruptcy judge for help.

Walmart fires 200 corporate employees in the “Don’t Call it a Recession” Recession.

CNBC: Walmart lays off corporate employees after slashing forecast

Web / Gemini (NewsWaffle) / “WebWaffle”

Walmart has had a problem with too many managers since at least when I worked there in the mid-2000s.

Now Biden’s “Democrats have an election. Don’t say recession.” has claimed more victims, and I doubt they’ll be the last.

The corporate layoffs are a complete blood bath all over America as companies tighten their wallets and try to get spending under control so that they’ll survive and can appease Wall Street with layoffs during falling revenue.

It’s an old, old, trick.

I certainly have no love for Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. But if Trump was in office, the media would be wall-to-wall “recession” right now. You’d be hearing it 24 hours a day. They’re holding off because of Biden.

They want Biden. They want Democrats. That’s why they’re not going to throw them any hard balls about the economy, Monkeypox, mass layoffs, hyperinflation, or any of the other messes we’re in.

I can’t bring myself to vote for either party in Illinois this year.

Pritzker is just Biden in miniature. He’s trying to contain public anger until after the election. Trying to buy my vote with $50 of the taxes the state stole from me to begin with leading up to a major gas tax hike that drains it all back out of my wallet and then some. It’s an insult.

The other guy, the Republican, Darren Bailey, is a straight up Nazi, and a dumbass.

It’s beneath me to get into the middle of this.

The Democrats have been throwing tons and tons of bailout money into the economy, except none of it is helping average people. It’s all TARPS and CARES Acts and it’s getting worse. The American Rescue Plan worked, obviously. 😛

Now there’s a law regarding inflation. Diocletian was famous for commanding inflation to go away.

True to form, even people like Richard Stallman have been duped into repeating Democrat propaganda. The United States debt has almost doubled in about three years and we haven’t even began to see the worst of things yet, but just as Diocletian, they were blaming “profiteering” when there are other, primary causes.

(In our case, reckless public spending and a tanking domestic economy that is the only real source of value for our money.)

Living in America under these morons reminds me of the Community episode where they find an aging hippie living under the school, hasn’t been above ground since the 70s, and he says he doesn’t know if millions of dollars are worth anything anymore because they were “Nixon Dollars”.

I read an article a while back comparing the times we’re living in to the Nixon years, but it was about the conservatives on the Supreme Court at the time, not about the man himself. It accidentally made a good point.

Biden is a lot like Tricky Dicky. He wants cheap money and he wants a lot of it now, and this is what happens.

I was also reading Don Melton’s blog for some reason. Wikipedia led me to it I think. He was the lead developer of “Safari” at Apple. He posted that Biden and Harris were good people and our national nightmare was over. That certainly aged well, didn’t it?

Bonus: Celsius “crypto” investors beg bankruptcy judge for help.

CNBC: Homeless, suicidal, down to last $1,000: Celsius investors beg bankruptcy judge for help

Web / Gemini (NewsWaffle) / “WebWaffle”

As bad as fiat currency is, the government can at least make it legal tender and threaten people who don’t use it for things, including taxes, but some people have invested their life savings into magic beans like Bitcoins, and now plead with the United States Bankruptcy Court to stop outfits like Celsius from squandering assets, such as the $4.5+ million dollars per week on executive pay while freezing “investors” out of their accounts.

The whole thing was a Ponzi Scheme to begin with and the only reason they “had money” was rounds of “investor funding”. Now that the Fed has raised rates and destroyed Bitcoin and people aren’t borrowing cheap monkey to recklessly gamble with, the scam is exposed.

Well it’s exposed to everyone who has a brain and two eyes, but CNBC and other outfits are still not going for the throat and calling it what it is.

They act as if there’s still actually something to “crypto” other than a highly volatile imaginary token that draws worth from finding an even bigger idiot to take it. I assume that’s because there’s some wealthy people out there who got roped into it and want the court to prioritize them over the plebs.

The problem for the “investors”, both “Venture Capitalists” and people stuffing their mortgage money into “crypto” coins is that even if they somehow convince the judge to pay out the little guys first (and when has that ever happened?) or to declare bankruptcy fraud and sic the FBI on Celsius, it doesn’t change the fact that they’re not going to get very much back.

One man wrote to the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Judge pleading with him to take some of his money and give it back to him “so I can make my mortgage payment next month”.

The man took screenshots of his Celsius account, which says there’s nearly $50,000 in it.

They can put whatever they want on a Web page, that you’re locked out of, but there’s hardly any money according to Celsius’s own filing.

Not even 10% of what they need to pay out their liabilities, and that’s if they’re even being honest on their Bankruptcy Schedule and not just buying executives time to finish draining what’s left and flee the country.

I hate to be callous considering that the guy’s family shouldn’t have to suffer because of Dad, but I wasn’t really surprised to find “Mr. Sophisticated Investor” left $1,000 of real money in his checking account while handing Celsius $50,000 and it turned out he was using Chrome on a Mac.


This particular guy will be lucky if he gets $500-1000 when the dust settles. He may yet get nothing at all.

When I was a kid, my grandparents (mom’s side) fell for every scam that made its way through the church.

Most of it was Multi-Level Marketing bullshit like King’s Vitamins or Destiny Telecommunications, but the concept is always the same. You find rubes, marks, who have absolutely no idea what they’re doing or where their money will really be, and don’t know to be skeptical of something that isn’t regulated, bonded, and insured, and you go for them.

That’s exactly the sort of thing these “crypto” companies have done.

With abortion and contraceptives to be curtailed in America, The Guardian says that “births outside of hospitals” are up, not citing a reason.

With abortion and contraceptives to be curtailed in America, The Guardian says that “births outside of hospitals” are up, not citing a reason.

I’d like to go with “While the Republicans are saying that rape is an opportunity to have the baby you never wanted, the Democrats have failed to contain healthcare costs and you might get a bill for the birth that is $550,000 dollars, and includes a $39.99 surcharge for holding the baby” for $1,000.

It’s not like the Republicans winning an election (or a violent overthrow) is going to help Americans afford healthcare. So this situation isn’t going to get better.

If you think you were brutalized by the medical bills for having a baby, wait until you get a load of the shit that comes next.

Thankfully, our wonderful American system has an answer for that.

Locking baby formula and diapers, which have quadrupled in price in the last two years, behind glass, with a security alarm. After rationing it, because Greatest Economy in the Whole Wide World.

SmartAsset said in 2019, before hyperinflation, to expect to pay more for your baby’s first year of formula than many of the cars I’ve had.

It’s no wonder that the women who still need abortions are figuring out how to get to Illinois. The cost of a MegaBus ticket from Houston to Chicago can be as little as $40.

As this all plays out, we get more and more articles openly wondering why people don’t have kids, including this one from 2018 when it was already horrendously expensive to do so, and telling us to let our pets die of cancer and eat beans and sell the car if we’re worried about inflation.

This is turning into a dark comedy and a parody of Crapitalism. In fact, they don’t even see the irony or the fact that “millenials” are over 40 now and definitely too old for this bullshit.

The 2020s have turned into a bad 1970s acid trip. We have oil shocks, hyperinflation, and a recession (which they say is “coming”, ignoring the fact we’ve been in one for over three years so far), and now the Supreme Court is bringing back coat hanger abortions and trips to Chicago for no particular reason “for a couple days”.

It’s bad times all around. If the Republican Party would get off their asses and actually make it possible to raise children with two incomes, then we could honestly have a discussion about why so many people would seek out an abortion, but when having one child (and applying for every government assistance program that is out there, and burning one of your bankruptcy filings on the bill for a hospital birth) still costs over a million dollars, it’s not hard to see why few people find that appealing.

The number of abortions will not decline substantially regardless of what the Supreme Court does because the underlying fact is that $500 is still cheaper and many two income households make under $50,000 a year even as the value of the pay decreases by 10% a year now.

But their position is impervious to arguments based on reason, because a lot of them just do it to be mean. They see childbirth as a way to punish people for having sex.

And without going too far into that department, the number of people 18-29 who say they have never had sex is at a record high. Mostly because the thought of the consequences.

Consequences that the Baby Boomers opted themselves out of and then brought back when they have about 5 minutes left on Earth.

(But what else is new for that bunch?)

I mean, not even living with HIV is as financially impossible as having kids. Donald Glover made it part of his routine. You take a pill every day, you’re fine.

There’s government programs to help people pay for their meds. It cuts perhaps half a year off your life expectancy, and those were the adult diaper years anyway.

Having kids is undoable.

It’s pretty bad when the Party of Bush and Trump has made AIDS beat baby by like a mile. Yet here we are, on the precipice of societal collapse because people like my dad, the biggest moron who has ever lived, did all of this just to be mean.

Walmart closes the stores at night because the prices go up so fast and they don’t want you to see them do it.

Walmart closes the stores at night because the prices go up so fast and they don’t want you to see them do it.

Inflation in the United States is now so bad that in the last month, groceries have gone up in price more than they have in the last 8 years before that.

The government won’t admit it, but when I did my shopping at Walmart today, it was all around.

60 eggs went from $5.48 to $7.02.

20 pounds of Basmati Rice went from $18 to $28.77.

2 pounds of frozen peas were better, they only went from $2.00 to $2.22, which is 11%.

And meat went up again.

This is just the latest round.

Sometimes they just don’t bother to price things accurately because when all groceries go up, they miss shelf tags, so you have to bring the phone so you can load an app, which scans a barcode, and then this becomes very time consuming.

That alone pisses me off bad enough that I may start shopping at Aldi again. At least they have THE PRICE you will pay at the register on the signage.

When I was a child, we had stores. Actual grocery stores, not Walmart.

They had nothing like this efficiency, and a gallon of milk would cost you about 98 cents, and this was 25 years or so ago.

I recall that when Walmart opened up in Marion, Indiana, they used to get into price wars with the other grocery stores until they put them out of business.

You had milk for 98 cents, Walmart had it for 76 cents. (It was $3.84 today at Walmart.)

You put Coca Cola on sale for $3.98 for a 24 pack, Walmart put theirs up at $3.48. Stacked entire pallets of it. (It was on “rollback” today for $9.48).

I gave up drinking soda a long time ago because the habit just became too expensive. But I keep an eye on it.

Since 2020, Walmart has raised the price of Coca Cola by 35%.

My spouse, who is from the Philippines and is not used to living in a “normal” country with “real money” says “this just happens, even in the Philippines”. It’s not normal for prices to go up this fast in America. In fact, it hasn’t happened in my lifetime. You read about it happening in the 1970s, but things were different then. Wages kept up with it. Everyone was furious, but wages kept up.

(I say the Philippine Peso isn’t real money because it’s not a world reserve currency. Even the British Pound is still like 2-3% or something in foreign reserves. And the Philippines government is notoriously corrupt on all levels. It’s more like a token for exchanges that happen inside of a country. They can’t transact in their own money internationally, and they pay a heavy price for that. But it’s “not supposed to happen here” and the fact that it is kind of tells you what sort of rot must be setting in on the American economy.)

Walmart, while raising grocery prices another 25%-30% or so overall, AGAIN, this month alone, gave my spouse a raise.

A 2.1% raise. Less than 15 times less the price hikes on groceries and gasoline.

We had already turned off the heat in our apartment this winter to keep the electric bill down.

People in Europe are probably being hit worse because they refused to see that they were arming Putin and in fact also giving him “[natural] gas as a weapon”. Russia’s on the other end of those pipes and can just turn it off while it’s freezing outside in the Eurozone. They were fools who were just looking for the cheapest upfront energy to power their economies (especially German manufacturing).

Anyway, Richard Stallman still says inflation benefits the poor because they’re in debt.

Well, the ones who aren’t in debt will be soon if rents, food, and utilities go up like this. It will not benefit the poor, but he quotes Creepy Uncle Bill’s (Gates) Lamestream Media.

Where we get to read what a serial philanderer and Epstein associate pays them to publish.

That was hardly the worst part though. The COVID vaccine fascism that Richard Stallman puts out could almost be its own energy source, and also hyperlinks to Gates-funded media.

Creepy Uncle Bill must be upset that Moderna stock has lost 90% of its value since last summer, with a lot of that happening after the Supreme Court struck down most of Biden’s mandates to roll up your sleeve and take a huge health risk in exchange for benefits that are greatly diminished in light of the new COVID variants.

(And the new studies showing that it never was much more efficacious than Pfizer’s shots, but has 5 times the risk of heart inflammation.)

But it kind of says everything about where America is at now as a country, that shit continues hitting the fan year after year, and almost nobody even talks of COVID anymore, like it was something from 40 years ago. Just because we have so many bigger problems.

Hyperinflation is here, and the government just straight up lies about it. I haven’t seen anything that’s only going up at 7.12% annualized.

Have you?

7.12% per week is what it feels like at the store.