Tag Archives: China

Bad Lenovo UEFI Firmware Causes Nine Models to Freeze on Resume from Suspend. Delays Linux 6.6.

Bad Lenovo UEFI Firmware Causes Nine Models to Freeze on Resume from Suspend. Delays Linux 6.6.

I don’t even want to write about Lenovo again in my life, since they are such a nasty company, but Roy asked me to say something.

Ever since 2016 when they admitted to me that there was a deal with Microsoft to lock Linux out of the Yoga 900 ISK2, but then proceeded to defame me after the media reported on a Reddit post I made on the subject that went viral, and then quietly fixed it after I took legal action against them, I’ve been telling people what a super shitty company they are.

Lenovo is a Chinese company, so it probably shouldn’t come as any shock that they banned everyone in the State that I live in from commenting on their forum until the scandal died down.

In China, when someone is talking, you typically figure out abhorrent ways to stop them from talking, which don’t work in a Free country. For Lenovo, really all they could do was try to silence people on their own support forum, but by then it was too late.

They also indiscriminately banned anyone who talked about “hacking” the board with an external flasher to unhide the “ACPI” option (to allow other operating systems to see the storage device), which was always present, but hidden as per their illegal contract with Microsoft, which they quickly got scrapped after the State of Illinois started investigating them.

The late 2020 Tiger Lake-based ThinkBook 15 I have is a little better.

Lenovo’s advice was to disable “Secure Boot”, as all it has ever done for Linux is cause problems due to extra complexity and bugs, as it is a Microsoft requirement to license Windows to OEMs, which is the default state of the laptop. “Secure Boot” actually does nothing to secure the computer from most any actual security threat that anyone really faces.

In at least one case, on my Yoga 900 ISK2, Ubuntu updated the “Secure Boot” dbx due to “Boothole”, and the revocation update (dbx) caused Fedora to fail to boot with a “Security policy violation.”

To unjam it I had to reset “Secure Boot” to the factory settings and that apparently wiped the dbx update. At that point I turned “Secure Boot” off and have never turned it on after removing Windows from a PC since then.

Lenovo’s other advice for this laptop, even though the “fake RAID” support was added to Linux after the 2016 incident by Intel (after they refused to document it for over a year!), is to turn that off and set the disk controller to “AHCI”.

Matthew Garrett claimed that this had something to do with power management, but he was either wrong or lying, because when I run powertop as a system service (to set all power management tunables to on), I always get better battery life than Windows does.

He’s very obtuse, and it’s probably because his job at various points in time involved implementing Microsoft nonsense like “Secure Boot” in Linux.

They need to get rid of the “Free Software Award” because they have such a bad habit of giving it to the wrong people.

(It’s like watching Donald Trump putting the Presidential Medal of Freedom on people at this point.)

Other than a bunch of “FIRMWARE BUG” crap on my 2020 Lenovo laptop that prints to the screen (which Windows and IBM Fedora hides, but Debian doesn’t), the laptop works fine with Linux.

But Lenovo released, apparently, more than nine models of AMD-based laptops with UEFI bugs that prevent the user from resuming from suspend due to fatal ACPI errors, which includes the AMD option for the laptop model I’m writing this on.

Although, mine’s an Intel, so in your face to all those “AMD is better” people. 🙂

The Linux kernel’s 6.6 release was delayed while workarounds that added 78 more lines of firmware bug workarounds was added.

Linus Torvalds was obviously furious, but criminals and idiots put him in therapy for yelling at them with incompetent code in the past, and he put Linux under the control of a now Microsoft-controlled “Linux Foundation” and so to keep his job, he can’t say much anymore.

According to Roy Schestowitz, the culprit was something that a Chinese man exhaling some sort of smoke (to look macho I guess?) on his Microsoft GitHub page did in the ACPI code in the Linux kernel.

Apparently, his name is Huacai Chen and he works at Loongson.

Linus Torvalds very obviously wanted to scream at him (backscroll and read down) for moving ACPI code around to fix something and then breaking other things, then hiding that they were broken until users started writing in saying they upgraded their kernel, some stuff happened, and kersplat.

I don’t even plan to stay on the PC after this laptop unless I decide to buy a model with open source firmware from System76 instead of this Lenovo garbage which is barely even code.

UEFI is garbage, Microsoft is garbage, Lenovo is fucking garbaaaage. The entire PC situation is cat shit wrapped in dog shit. And the people working on things like “Secure Boot in Linux” just make it so much worse from there.

This is the worst time to own a x86 PC, EVER.

Lenovo has never supported updating your UEFI firmware on most of their products using anything available to Linux users, even LVFS, which is a backdoor, and I wouldn’t trust them not to brick my computer or make it worse if they did.

I uninstalled LVFS because it started spitting an error message into Debian. It’s in charge of updating the dbx, but fuck dbx, fuck “Secure Boot” (which makes it harder to plug actual security holes), fuck Microsoft, and fuck the people Microsoft gets to make this my problem.

As a user, I just think these things are deplorable, but large corporations have turned Linux into some shitty colony where they can put DRM malware, universal backdoors, and absolutely broken shit with no repercussions. None. Not even that Linus Torvalds might yell at them.

So the last time the UEFI in my ThinkBook 15 was updated was August 2021, when I switched it over to Linux.

By that point, they had fixed most of the really nasty bugs they shipped the laptop with, which were even causing problems in Windows, but as firmware upgrades are dangerous and I have no warranty now, and they require Windows, I don’t plan to touch the firmware on this laptop ever again.

It’s just not worth it. One of the bigger problems with UEFI is that it’s just such a monster that you can keep fixing bugs forever, and that’s why “Secure Boot” will never work even if they wanted it to.

If you could get past the issues like “This is barely even code. It’s just a pile of garbage.”, the x86 PC might be worth plodding along with.

Now that they make the Raspberry Pi 5, and it’s several times faster than its predecessor, I wonder why we’re even talking about sticking around for more abuse.

When the UEFI firmware Lenovo ships is so fragile that a guy working for a hardware company making totally unrelated MIPS processors in China bumps something and an x86 Lenovo laptop that people bought THREE GODDAMN YEARS AGO starts malfunctioning if anyone installs that kernel, it’s time to look for greener fields.

UEFI is such a catastrophe, that it’s not even just a Freedom issue.

It’s such a massive fucking colossal failure on a code level that Google, which certainly doesn’t care about your Freedom, based the Chromebook firmware on a variation of Coreboot.

My next system will probably just be Linux running off some cheap flash memory on a ~$80 ARM computer. The fact that the Pi 5 finally has a SKU with 8 GB RAM really REALLY helps. With the help of ZStandard compressed ZRam, you can make KDE work with this.

No more of these $1,000 Lenovo PC laptops full of LULZ for firmware and Chinesium keyboards where buttons randomly break and need to be remapped to another key because they’re three years old, and playing “How do I brutally murder Windows 11 this time? Hmm…. DIE DIE DIE!!!!!”

Brave Lays Off 9% of Employees. “AI” in Web Browsers. American Social Credit System.

Brave had layoffs of 9% of the company.

Sad. They’re the only Chromium-based browser that’s worth any attention at all as a user. Certainly the only one that does much of anything to protect your privacy.

Definitely the only one that will ever have a Private Tab that proxies itself through Tor.

(Not as secure as Tor Browser, but good enough for better privacy than going directly through your own ISP.)

I wonder who they let go.

Unfortunately, the article says they want to put “LEO” an “AI” in the browser. Terrific.

*head desks*

Like Opera and Vivaldi putting in Chaff Bots and welding them to the GUI. 😛

Like Google and Bing, most of the “AI” is severely brain damaged so that it can’t possibly say anything that would (1) offend anyone or (2) steer you towards a torrent file (Bing Chat). Although some that refuse to tell you where a torrent file is will infect your computer with malware through ad fraud. (Bing Chat)

So obviously, “AI”. Yay!

It would be a real shame if Brave goes under.

Mozilla is about as Independent from Google as Belarus is from Russia.

There’s getting to be more and more forks of Firefox because the best way to improve it is tear all the junk out and hand the user the version they would have asked for had Firefox been actual Free Software.

At a source code level, Firefox is mostly Free Software. But they don’t like the fact that people are bolting and some of that is because they can use “Firefox without the garbage”.

I mostly use Brave, yeah.

I like the ad blocker. I do.

I like that they tear out and neuter all of this Chrome garbage like FLoC/”Privacy Sandbox”, I like the fingerprinting protection. I like the Tor Mode.

I like that it doesn’t overload my computer’s RAM and cause the oom-killer to activate (with 16 GB of RAM in the machine and ZRam!), like Bloatzilla Failfox.

(Although, I am playing with Floorp now, which has “Sleeping Tabs” that the user has a meaningful amount of control over. Merits further experimentation.)

I wonder if there’s a plan for “fork control” over at “Bakersoft”. (“Bakersoft” = Mozilla.)

Mitchell Baker runs it like her own checking account while firing people who do actual stuff except pack Firefox full of adware and keylogging spyware.

I’e seen what “Bakersoft” is doing to harass SeaMonkey and it’s not pretty.

First they had all the Linux distributions (except Fedora, strangely) defame SeaMonkey by claiming “it’s not even maintained”, and that was 2011 or so, and dozens of versions later including the update for the libwebp disaster, clearly not maintained at all :P, it’s still around.

(It’s like Dick Van Dyke. 97 years old and every time you see him he’s tap dancing and cracking wise.)

Then Mozilla did this Quantum thing that’s got these amazingly crappy extensions, then they slowly told SeaMonkey to beat it, and now they say it can’t even use Bugzilla.

Well, that’s real neighborly.

I guess Mozilla is probably angry to see SeaMonkey’s Firefox 1.5/2-derived tab interface code running rings around Firefox. Google is definitely not thrilled that I use SeaMonkey to access my E-Mail.

They SeaMonkey me rollin’. They hatin’!

Mozilla is busy spending the money writing articles about deplatforming people from the Web and telling people to use TikTok and Instagram, which aren’t even the Web.

They’re absolute horrors, backdoored by surveillance monsters. They feed into an “American Social Credit Score” system. (More on that later.)

I apt purged Firefox. Unlike the IE on Windows era, I didn’t technically need it on Debian long enough to get another browser.

The Web browser situation is getting completely terrible, but if we lose Brave, then it doesn’t put us on a course that is more towards Freedom and Privacy, because the mean will revert in the direction of nasty spyware like Chrome and Firefox.

I don’t know how Mozilla managed to avert a full blown riot, so to speak, when they put keylogging malware in Firefox that sends your keystrokes to an ad server in addition to Google (which is at least a search engine), so that in exchange for nothing, your data would be leaked, analyzed, and used to put ads directly into the browser.

I’ve blogged all about how Mozilla is so untrustworthy they can’t even maintain a common set of lies about how your data is or isn’t collected, and how it both is and isn’t used.

According to them, they don’t collect it, except when they do, they don’t share it, except when they do, and they don’t sell it, except when they do. They completely talk out of both sides of their mouth. Then they have rampant fanboy-ism that says “Brendan Eich bad, ungh!!!!”

Gecko is part of the Chromium mono-culture.

Name anything that Mozilla doesn’t straight up blind copy, often with a Google library with the same vulnerabilities.

Most people reviewed WebP in 2010 and said this was going to be really bad.

An FFmpeg developer took a look at it and said it was worse than JPEG because WebP makes the image blurry due to emphasis on signal to noise ratio instead of good perceptual coding.

I also feel like Brave would be the bigger loss than Firefox at this point because Firefox is just so done.

Again, there’s only about a million Firefox forks at this point because they went grabbing for an extra 1% revenue with spyware and lost many of their users in the following few years due to this. Every once in a while there’s a “dead cat bounce”, but the long term trend is sharply down.

Most people are not happy to see ads and spyware parading around in software they use everyday.

I briefly wondered if they would try to just go proprietary or something to try to stop the forks, but it seems like Mozilla’s only real purpose is to exist long enough for Google’s anti-trust trial to end, and for the government to lose because “there’s a choice”, and then Google can pull the rug out from under Mozilla.

The future is very obviously Chromium browsers, but the big question is which one will it be? And we should hope that people have Brave.

Mozilla is squandering precious capital with this mozilla dot ai crap, and it’s so obvious that Large Language Models are just some more ignorant tech bruh stuff.

The benefits, are marginal, and the costs are enormous. ChatGPT loses an insane amount of money.

I laughed when I read about how much water Microsoft was going through to keep their data center from overheating since this GPT nonsense.

It’s amazing how something with so much dystopian potential that has been massively oversold to investors is an environmental catastrophe. I mean think about it. You’re being told not to brew a pot of coffee because “mah environment” while this thing is wasting so much power to run a chat bot that lies to people that they have to pump all this water in there.

Bing with GPT is basically the worst of the bots.

They’re training a chat bot to lie to people, log their activity, and they’re funding it with malvertising.

While the US companies are busy limiting what chat bots will tell you to only the information the government, big business, etc. wants you to hear, and only the angle they want you to hear, they are also projecting and claiming this is a problem in Russia and China.

There are many problems in places like China, like Social Credit Scores which don’t let people get a job, buy a train ticket, or eat a goddamn ice cream cone if they’ve been deemed a “problem”.

How bad it gets depends on if they’re a nuisance or a menace to the State.

The goal is to make it impossible to live and drive people to suicide, at some point, if the scoring gets so bad that they can’t recover.

Of course, what you never ever get to read, except maybe you’re reading it here now is… Where did this start? Well it started in America and it goes on here to much the same effect and purpose.

Most Americans didn’t have a “credit score” (much less 20 or 30 of them) until the late 1980s. Why is that? Where did it come from? What is it designed for?

Before credit scores, you gave people lists of references. It was a very laborious process for the background check people. They might even call the supermarket where you bought your groceries. They’d get a gist of what people said about you. If you were writing a bunch of hot checks, if you were stumbling over drunk all the time and didn’t pay landlords and walked out in the middle of the night, I mean they figured this out, they found out what your co-workers thought about you.

It was widely railed as unfair, so they replaced it with FICO. There’s a lot of scores Americans have, but almost everyone knows about the FICO. It’s three digits and they won’t tell you exactly how it works (very fair), but it’s easy to generalize. You pay bills on time, you don’t get evicted from apartments, you’ll probably be alright.

The problems start when you have a setback in life, and the system makes it very difficult to recover from.

If you can’t earn very much money for some reason, you’ll have a low score.

Then eventually you’ll end up in trouble with hospital bills and stuff you can’t pay, then you’re in even more trouble.

Most people can easily go from zero debt in America and $50,000 in the bank to a million dollars in debt and the hospital taking everything in about an hour, but the system is also set up so most Americans can’t save any money because it takes 150% of what a person can earn to stay in their apartment, keep the lights on, and buy enough food.

Then an employer or landlord will run a credit check.

Whoops, no job, nowhere to live. Then if you do find a crummy minimum wage job and an apartment in the ghetto from a landlord that didn’t ask questions, the electric and gas companies will want deposits for energy.

After this “credit score” makes your life impossible, you have a higher chance of ending up with a criminal record, and then that will make it hard to build your credit or get a job or apartment. At this point, who wants their life to go on?

Whew. At least we don’t have any disgusting Chinese “Social Credit Score”.

I see some of the rationale for like, creating an “American Social Credit Score”, I do.

Everyone normal hates anti-social criminals that fuck up society for everyone else.

I think most reasonable people would agree there’s certain people who should basically be totally excluded from society.

Where this comes from, in the State of Illinois, and many other places (usually operated by Democrats), is that when society outsources its “revenge” against criminals to an uncaring and incompetent government that the criminals are allowed to vote for, for breaking laws (raping, shooting, burning, looting, carjacking, murder, you know, “little stuff”) and then the Democrat politicians and the Democrat judges and the Democrat jury pools let them go, the market goes to work and turns punishments into a product.

The Democrat judge and Democrat Prosecutor and Democrat jurors recently let a Lake County man who strangled a little dog and threw it into a wall to die go. That’s not even all he did. He choked his girlfriend and told her she would be next.

Then when the police arrived, he picked up the dead dog and tried petting it. When the officer said the dog was dead, the criminal, tossed its lifeless body onto a bed and shrugged.

The Democrats involved sentenced him to 26 days in jail and some probation. So he’s out there now with the rest of us, theoretically punished, but not enough. Honestly, in my opinion. they should take people like this dozens and dozens of miles out and throw them in the middle of the lake, and if they can swim to shore, their debt to society will be considered paid. That’s my opinion.

But the government, with Governor J.B. Pritzker as their King, has proved it’s too incompetent and uncaring about what the rest of us have to live with, and there’s plenty worse than this guy, so “the market” steps in.

I think most of us would say that no Uber driver wants the guy who murders small animals and chokes women in their back seat. I think it’s fair to say that he shouldn’t be on a dating app. I mean, there’s obviously no public consequences for people like this, so the market steps in and if you want to call “Everyone can see what you did and they’re not happy.” a “Social Credit Score”, most wouldn’t object to that. If that’s all the farther it goes.

But, unfortunately, it is not.

The United States is becoming a privatized version of China.

They don’t even bother to hide it, they admit it.

But while PayPal has told that it will cut people out of the platform who criticize the government and will “inform politicians” about it, I can’t imagine that the United States system will reward people for doing anything positive, socially.

Can you imagine an American system that rewards people for saving money back and helping the elderly neighbor with her trash? Because I sure as Hell can’t!

I’m not even going to lie, it made me bust out laughing when I started thinking about this and realized that the Commies have a “Caught you being good!” system, and all Americans get is rewards for being anti-social and going into unsustainable levels of debt (as long as they make the minimum payments).

Because they just dump criminals back out on top of us, ones that are dangerous and psychotic and have no chance at being reformed. That gives these businesses a “reason” to get going, and then it metamorphoses into something totally unrelated and much worse.

When you log into Google or “Social Media” apps, you are feeding a surveillance monster, where they will use “Artificial Intelligence” (whatever the definition of this is), to decide things, even though you were never charged with or convicted of an offense.

For years, companies have been scraping people’s Twitter posts for job decisions-by-robot, and that’s hardly where it stops.

You may get denied housing for that thing you used Google Search for.

The life insurance company might purchase your Google search history and see what sort of disease symptoms you’ve been looking up. A robot can analyze what you’re saying to people on Facebook and Facebook Messenger and consider it in ways you’re not even thinking about right now.

This form of “Social Credit Score” is not okay, it should be illegal, it should never have been allowed to get this far, and you need to get as far away from it as you possibly can.

Brave has been doing a lot, actually, to protect people from this menace, while Mozilla has been advertising it and encouraging people to come closer to something that isn’t even the Web, which they have no control over, which “seems to be free” because of data mining.

They can ruin your entire life, for pennies, and you won’t even know where it came from, because there’s no law that says they have to tell you why you aren’t getting jobs, an apartment, or an Uber.

America’s “Social Credit Score” is from Silicon Valley, and people who want the information have to pay for it in bits and pieces out of separate databases, but that’s very nearly the only major difference from China.

To be sure, Mozilla is not the absolute worst source of information feeding this system, although they do default to Google search and have “spyware by default” in their browser now.

To feed all of your Web activity data directly into these systems, you’d need to go even further and use an Absolute Spyware Browser like Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, or at least log into those engines, or a “Social Media” platform, but merely telling people about “Social Media” platforms without the caveat of why they should refuse them is not acceptable.

No doubt, lying chat bots full of government bullshit are a problem in Russia and China too, but anyone who used ChatGPT a while back and, especially, people who typed in a jailbreak, saw what the model could actually do, and if you ask ChatGPT something it doesn’t like now, it’s much much better at zapping your question and reporting your account.

I mean, how is this not at least comparable to what is happening in the other Hellholes of Despotism?

You learn quickly “what not to say”. Isn’t that how every fascist or Communist regime has governed throughout history? Thought crimes?

It’s because of this notion of thought crimes in a nominally free country, like America (it still says it is a free country, at least in the propaganda sales pitch), that people feel they absolutely must burrow deeper underground, and start using pseudonyms and lots of encryption and VPNs and onion routing, and obscure forums.

When people notice they’re being lied to and results are being censored out of the American search engines, you drive people looking for answers to search engines that happen to be located anywhere that doesn’t give a damn what America wants, even if that ends up being Yandex in Russia.

When you have the American media engaging in constant streams of lying, propaganda, and false news, and then have the audacity to call everyone else liars, where will they go for news? “I’m not the liar, you’re a f*****g towel!”

The ideas still get circulated, only there’s no longer anyone to hold accountable because you’ve made the people impossible to identify or challenge. Then others read these ideas, and because there’s no accountability anymore, the person just starts saying whatever they damn well please, and you end up in this cycle of radicalization.

Certainly nobody has ever become less radicalized by being suppressed, but I don’t think that the Cancel Mob even fully understands what they’ve done.

There’s no indication that the American “Left” gets it at all.

Instead of picking their battles, they were shrieking about Donald Trump’s eating habits. Why? God only knows.

There’s a McDonald’s on every block in America, and it’s because someone eats there.

“Why don’t we just pick a way to insult damn near everyone in the country instead of telling them what’s actually wrong with Donald Trump? Haha, we can antagonize them because eating bugs and tofurky is the purest form of existence!” Brilliant, simply brilliant.

Regardless of the actual value of “AI”, Large Language Models, it’s clear why they want them.

One, clueless investors who have been oversold on the potential investment return.

Two, Microsoft (especially), but also Google, is hoping to prove to the American government what a boon a lying chat bot full of propaganda could really be, and parlay that into more bailout money.

The Biden Administration is so openly corrupt, that it already sends out letters to CNN, the New York Times, and others, telling them to ignore the House impeachment of Biden and instead dial up their attacks on Republicans. The letters also state that anyone who has a blog or is on Facebook or news organizations that aren’t in bed with the administration are all “liars” and “disinformation peddlers”. This is the kind of thing you hear from Vladimir Putin.

What kind of a regime gets to operate by telling the media to ignore an impeachment proceeding entirely and to help it dig dirt and promote propaganda against the other party?

Americans are not stupid enough to continue believing this President.

Only 19% believe the economy is getting better as of October 8, 2023, compared to 56% who say it’s getting worse, according to YouGov, while Joe Biden is about as popular as the IRS.

Have you read a “news” article lately that admits things are getting horrible out there with the layoffs and hyperstagflation?

Of course not. Have you flipped open CNN or NYTimes and heard about Chicago running out of room to put Venezuelans and they’ve even stuck 1,000 of them in O’Hare Airport on the floor? Nope. The NYTimes tells you the hyperstagflation and layoffs are a Biden Economic Miracle.

Biden isn’t going to get pushback from the alleged “news” agencies that he told not to cover his impeachment, which is why he only bothered to send it to them and not dozens of others that are somewhat less corrupt.

But the chat bots open up more avenues for this Administration’s disinformation, omissions, and lies.

How hard would it be to send another letter to Microsoft and Google and have them change their bots and their searches to refuse to talk about it or redirect them to some talking points from the administration? Perhaps obscuring where it came from.

Both companies have basically allowed their search index (which is good at censorship, but less able to convincingly lie) to rot and fester.

The reason they want chat bots doing the lying and censoring is because studies (on twisted, dark psychology) have shown that human psychology lends itself to bonding with a machine that seems to have a natural language processing ability. Even a very simple one like ELIZA.

Decades ago, people felt an emotional bond with that thing and it was only made to mock Rogerian psychoanalysis.

When people are lied to and know something is missing from their Google results, they feel mad and start looking everywhere for it.

Imagine what will happen when people learn to love their abusers.

As I have demonstrated, Americans are probably no more free than the average Russian, not much less surveilled or controlled than the average Chinese person.

They have put on us a system where if you step out of line, the same “control mechanisms” will be deployed, only you’ll never see the entirety of it, and most people won’t ever consider where it came from.

You think you saw a Silicon Valley cockroach here and there. What anyone who has ever seen a roach can tell you is you rip out fixtures and look in the walls and there’s 10,000 more.

Chat bots give them the potential they’ve never had before. This time, it’s personal.

The fact that Mozilla wants to get in on this is frightening.

“Trustworthy AI” just means another bot that is programmed to lie, brainwash, and gaslight you. These things should NOT be built into a Web browser, and you should NOT interact with them if they are.

It can only be a matter of time before one ends up in Firefox too and will be yet another cancerous tumor that needs to be excised in the forks. Mozilla didn’t spend (at least) $40 million not expecting to have some product later.

Drug Overdoses and Crime Surge in the United States. Decriminalization is the Worst Possible Option.

Drug Overdoses Surge in the United States. Decriminalization is the Worst Possible Option.

The New York Times likes to normally engage in pro-United States anti-China propaganda, so I was somewhat taken aback when they described the almost RoboCop-like situation brewing in Oregon and across the country right now.

Titled “Private Security Guards Become Last Resort for Public Safety”, the article dives into the now $40 billion a year industry of companies, exasperated by the “Defund the Police” movement, hiring private security to try to deal with the Democrat-State crime.

I suppose that nothing bad could happen from turning policing over to Omni Consumer Products.

Of course, the Times went and covered Oregon. I guess this has become a pattern since there are only 8 police officers left on some shifts for the entire city of Portland, and sometimes it takes 2-3 hours (if they show up at all) for a 911 call for an attempted kidnapping or murder.

The only thing the security guards can do is try to call the police, walk around with Narcan to reverse as many Chinese Fentanyl overdoses as possible, and bribe the bums away from the stores with cigarettes or a hotdog.

The Chinese Fentanyl has gotten so potent that it only takes less than 50 cents worth to kill a person, and it’s getting so bad that Narcan can’t be relied on to reverse the overdose half the time now.

Not that the government gives a flying fuck. Oh no.

In yet more evidence that it wants you to die and be replaced if you’re an American citizen, the drugs to kill you are 50 cents a hit, while the Narcan at the Walgreens is $50, and wrapped in anti-theft devices and behind glass.

Biden’s America values American lives so much that while all of this is going on, we also have illegal immigrants flooding the country by the millions and being fed and put in $300 a night hotel rooms and given work permits, millions of American citizens are living on the streets dying of overdoses.

The Times said that Portland’s fire department responds to more overdoses than fires. They said that one fire station out of over 30, responded to over 300 overdoses last year.

They also described typical Big City Democrat Values, of a junkie laying dead in the street for more than an hour with hundreds of people walking past them that didn’t even care, before someone called 911. By that time, it was just scrape them off the pavement and get the corpse out of the way of the Democrats walking to Starbucks.

“Wash, Rinse, Repeat” was the exact phrasing by the medical examiner talking to a security guard in that case.

Cook County, Illinois, the other day, said they were spending $14 million of US taxpayer money buying hotels to put illegal immigrants in as well as $30 million to give them a tent city with heat and plenty of blankets and foul weather gear before winter sets in.

This is the same city (Chicago) where the Democrats sent the Chicago Police Department out, under Rahm Emanuel (now Biden’s Ambassador to Japan), to tear down a homeless encampment on Lower Lower Wacker (where waste heat from buildings kept them warm), beat them up, and burn their stuff.

The only thing the Democrats have for Americans is contempt. After they cause American citizens to lose their job and replace them with people who shouldn’t even be here, they spend money putting them up in fancy hotels, the Biden Administration, well, let’s face it, they’re an arm of the Chinese Communist Party at this point.

He let their spy balloon fly over everything and report on it and once it no longer had any value to them, only then was it shot down, but that’s pretty minor compared with conspiring with Xi to flood the streets with cheap drugs that kill people the Democrats abandoned and don’t want to hear from again.

This fentanyl crap is Biden’s holocaust. It’s the Democrat Party’s plan for America.

We should not be decriminalizing anything or defunding the police.

We should instate the death sentence for anyone caught selling, trafficking, or smuggling this. Death to drug dealers was one of the few things they got right in Russia.

Only days into the Democrat “SAFE-T” Act in Illinois, the Lake and McHenry Scanner has been publishing the kind of “non-detainable” criminals they’ve let back out, and it’s every bit as bad as Darren Bailey tried to warn us about.

Some sexually abused children, others violated a protective order, kicked down their ex-wive’s door, and admitted to the arresting officers that they planned to kill her if they got inside, another killed a veteran by supplying him with drugs, and another guy punched and grabbed the cops by the balls during an arrest for threatening to kill a woman, saying that he knew how to dismember her body.

The Lake County State’s Attorney, Eric Rinehart, doesn’t even try to detain drug dealers. He’s a Democrat, of course.

In McHenry County, a man who pulled a gun on a train conductor was released, “because it wasn’t violent”.

The Illinois Black Caucus wrote this bill and passed it in the middle of the night, and it’s so obvious why they did.

It has nothing to do with fairness. It’s meant so that the public just has to sit back and accept the 1,000% violent crime surge that follows, and can’t really even arm themselves because constitutional rights to carry a gun (which you now need because the police don’t do anything, can’t do anything), is so hard to use that most people don’t even bother. And it’s not the criminal.

The law in Illinois, has been completely re-written by a group of politicians that want the criminals out of prison and voting for them while the State decays into anarchy and the judges and politicians live in gated communities with armed private guards.

The media is actually doing a fine job of documenting the decay and ruin of this country, and it’s the Democrats doing it. It’s the Democrats ruining everything.

I am never going to vote for a Democrat again. This is insanity.

Commodity Fetishism. Wearing the Air Jordans to the Revolutionary Communist Meeting. AI for Vietnam, Says “Weekend at Bernie’s” Biden.

More car thoughts about economics.

As America falls over and stores complain about how much they lose to theft, I have some more musings on what’s going on with Capitalism in America.

Capitalism, makes bad products, ones that even violate the minimum safety regulations that theoretically exist in America, and nobody does anything about it.

About 10 years ago, I was broke, and I was looking for ways to save money on almost anything I could. When I went to the Dollar Tree, where everything really was $1, I bought some bags of coffee.

They said, “Product of Vietnam”, but they were $1. So I bought several bags and figured I was done buying coffee for the month.

When I got home, and brewed a pot, it left a plastic-like residue all over my coffee maker carafe, and I had to chisel it apart with a butter knife before I could use the coffee maker again.

I have no idea what that stuff was, but needless to say I did not drink the coffee.

I’ve bought a couple other products there before I realized completely what Dollar Tree actually was. It’s not a way to be frugal, it’s a false economy.

They aim for low prices, because so many people in America can’t afford anything better, and it does not matter at all if any of the products are “good”, at least on some level.

When I read that Dollar Tree is complaining about rampant theft, I became quite concerned about the current situation in America and what it means for the future.

Previously, for an item to be considered worthy of theft, it had to appeal to people who would see it as sort of a “religious artifact”, yet didn’t have the money that a Capitalist economy demands for such a thing.

Consider the $300-600 Air Jordan shoes, and how there are so many ways people get them. From smash-and-grab retail theft, to working a lot to buy just one pair of shoes, which cost 10-20 times what a perfectly good unbranded pair of shoes cost, to even using rent-to-own, and paying $1,200 for the shoes, eventually.

Marx gave us the concept of “Commodity Fetishism”.

It’s when an object loses its appeal over its utilitarian value to the consumer, and takes on, sort of a life of its own, being given an, almost mystical or mythological qualities in the person’s mind.

Consider Apple products. They have very little utilitarian value. If you want a set of earbuds, you can get something as good as AirPods for no more than $40, yet Apple charges up to, I think $300 for a codec with a battery and a little plastic.

This is commodity fetishism. People are encouraged through advertising, to pay for their own brainwashing, and a premium for an otherwise limited-value proposition.

People who fall victim to fetishism of commodities will end up paying too much for everything from coffee to computers.

While there is definitely a point where things get too cheap to possibly be good in a Capitalist economy ($1 coffee or $1 3.5 oz frozen ribeye steaks at the dollar store), there’s also a point where you get a good product, but you’re paying 10 times as much as you should, because there was a point where the utilitarian value of the purchase leveled off, and it was a long time ago.

So now you’re in debt to the “credit card” people and the “finance company”, and reality sets in that the product did not raise your standard of living, but you are paying for them fooling you.

Commodity fetishism leads to high levels of debt and dissatisfaction.

When people say that nobody in America is poor because they all have flat screens and nice shoes, that’s what this means.

You have no….money, per se, but Capitalism has made you rich in flat screen TVs, BMW cars, Apple phones, AirPods, Air Jordans, and Kirby vacuums…

(I know, you just opened the door and before you knew it, the guy had you signing papers, and you don’t even have any carpet!)

If a product is actually so much better that it earns its high price, then this isn’t automatically commodity fetishism, but this is a rarity.

“A religion may be discerned in capitalism – that is to say, capitalism serves essentially to allay the same anxieties, torments, and disturbances to which the so-called religions offered answers.”

“Capitalism is probably the first instance of a cult that creates guilt, not atonement.”

– Walter Benjamin, Capitalism as Religion

Most people born in America engage in Commodity Fetishism.

It’s almost inevitable thanks to the cradle to grave brainwashing that you’re only one product away from happiness.

Hell, I don’t know ONE person who isn’t affected by this lunacy, except me, and I must confess there have been times. But it seems everyone else I know has it so much worse.

70 hour work weeks and the whole Amazon warehouse in their closet. They don’t even open the boxes anymore. It’s rather disgusting.

But human nature is to be greedy, and advertisers like this.

Even in the Soviet Union, where you could get into huge trouble for having an underground dance club with Western music, booze, cigarettes, and clothing, they happened and the government was never successful in shutting them down although some did get raided.

One of the latest, and weirdest, phenomenons of Capitalism is their belief that they can eventually replace most workers with “AI”.

The third world…the third world….the southern hemisphere!

The third world…..the third world….the southern hemisphere……A
stop job is running 1m 30s….

The computer is rebooting NOW….Reason: User pressed Ctrl-Alt-Del 5

*sigh* *Holds in the power button.*

-Joe Biden’s Brain and Karen Jean-Pierre

When Bonehead Biden was in Vietnam the other day, where his brain took another dump on him mid-sentence and he started saying “The third world, the third world, the southern hemisphere.” followed by a word salad and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre quickly rushing the demented old coot off the stage, it was said that the United States will have Microsoft “export AI” to Vietnam.

One does wonder what a “Communist worker’s state” will do with “Microsoft AI”, which has lost its novelty, and which people here don’t really use much anymore.

As soon as people got tired of ELIZA on Steroids, they started leaving “ChatGPT” alone.

The barely noticeable uptick in Bing market share quickly evaporated.

Again, what are Communists going to do with a chat bot?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

The closest thing we have to a Communist Party in America is something called “RevCom” for Revolutionary Communism.

I only became aware of it while I was in South Chicago for a while.

I don’t think any of them have been brushing up on Marx. It’s a bit, uhm, dry reading, and the people calling themselves Revolutionary Communists don’t strike me as big readers who know a lot of five dollar words.

I’ve never encountered, actual Communists, in America.

The label is so toxic that the only people using it officially are derelicts who have nothing and are pissed.

Even people who are basically Communists here swear up and down that they’re not.

They’re Democrats, or Socialists, or Democratic Socialists, or they make up new words.

Anything but Communism.

What does amaze me is how a country that takes away everything from people and leaves them homeless or dying from lack of food or medical care, has been so good about suppressing revolt.

The United States has been unbelievably more successful with violently suppressing dissent than the Soviet Union was.

There came a point where so many people in the Soviet Union were so dissatisfied with it that it broke apart, and instead of murdering EVERYONE eventually the powers that be let it go.

That rather says a lot about America, I think.

We have long since crossed the point where people would replace it with something else if they possibly could. If they had the power to change things.

Except that our government always credibly threatens “the most vicious dogs” and “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” (two of Trump’s best), and people just quietly go back inside their home (or tent) and quit “causing trouble”, again.

There’s something different that’s happening this time, though. More people are just going into the stores and taking things and they don’t even care if the police are watching them. They have no job, despite the fake government statistics saying everyone is flush with cash, well fed, and gainfully employed.

Communist governments would be too ashamed to produce statistics such as the ones that the Bureau of Labor Statistics has gotten away with.

When Trump had them make a “math error” to not count a million unemployed people, Barack Obama stepped in and claimed nobody at BLS would ever lie to us. Oh sure, right.

(The same BLS that says the dollar has only lost two-thirds of its value since I was born in 1984, through 2023, when I’ve seen it lose at least that much as it pertains to rent and food since 2003.)

They’re all swamp monsters. Trump was just one that didn’t get along with the rest.

Everyone who has been paying attention to this country knows that this is not a happy crew and that our current president is basically full-on Weekend at Bernie’s because his mind is so gone. Turns out, we don’t even need a president, because they can put documents in front of a confused old man and have him sign ’em.

Maybe that’s how they got him to say Microsoft will export AI to Vietnam.

One of the only things that a lot of Communist governments did get right was basing a national operating system on GNU/Linux.

This isn’t actually just about Communism trying to provide affordable technology for its citizens. It’s a national security issue. Windows is horribly architected and impossible to secure. It’s also got built-in spyware for the US government.

You would have to be retarded to rely on something like this from an enemy country that wants to keep tabs on you.

It’s not just Communists that are ripping Windows and other US tech out of their computing, and a lot of it is because Microsoft is also an economic drain on their country’s economy. But that’s not even the main concern.

I just fail to see how wasting money on some Microsoft chat bot is going to help them when their government throws Windows out because it doesn’t want to be the victim of espionage.

Maybe they just don’t actually plan to use it for anything but had to do something to get the corrupt Bernie Lomax Biden Administration to open talks with Vietnam.

COVID and Vaccine Jingoism. The Politics of a Plague.

COVID and Vaccine Jingoism. The Politics of a Plague.

There was a strange phenomenon during COVID, well, a lot of them.

It wasn’t just every two-bit politician in America acting like a dictator with unlimited authority, sweeping the feckless courts and legislatures aside, ruling by “public health decree”. Forcing everyone into ineffective Hygiene Theater, including “sanitizing surfaces” and “masks”, whose sole purpose was psychological. (So the economy wouldn’t collapse.)

Oh no, there was a lot of noise in the “media”, like NPR, BBC, and NYTimes, regarding “Chinese” and “Russian” vaccines, and “What’s even in them? Who knows? They probably have lousy quality control because, again, Russia and China.”

In the mean time, as we in the Northern Hemisphere go into the Cold, Flu, and COVID season yet again, I’ve decided not to take any more of the “COVID shots”.

I’ve stopped calling them vaccines. I took four of them.

The fourth being the “bivalent booster”. So did my spouse.

Just 6 weeks after the bivalent booster (all doses were Pfizer), we both got COVID at the same time.

COVID actually made my spouse less sick than the COVID shot. The COVID shot made it impossible for him to get out of bed for nearly 4 days.

He ended up calling into work, losing most of his sick time, and then when he did get COVID, having to take unpaid Family and Medical Leave Act time off, which they only give you when you have COVID, not “COVID shot side effects”. Which they gaslight the public and claim don’t even exist.

I wasn’t even as lucky as him. I ended up very sick with COVID, and then developing chest pains that dragged on clear into this summer and didn’t stop for for EIGHT months.

We both took the “COVID antiviral pills”, he got the Pfizer ones, I couldn’t take them and had to take Molnupiravir. Just as soon as I was starting to come around, 4 days later, the COVID weakened my immune system to the point where I had a Shingles outbreak, and spent another few weeks taking pills to stamp that out, as well as painkillers three times a day (the maximum safe dose!).

I’ve decided this year, we’ll skip the shots, because they clearly do nothing and they can make you sicker than the damn bug.

I don’t feel like a repeat of last year where my spouse risks getting in trouble with his job, over a defective COVID shot, for absolutely no benefit.

So we will be taking the flu shot on Monday and calling it.

We are not anti-vaxxers. We have taken all of the CDC recommended vaccines. Most of them were put through a legitimate Scientific Process.

The clear and only point of Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID shots is to make money for Pfizer and Moderna, while the government sweeps all of the information under the rug about how badly they can hurt you.

This year, the Biden administration, allowed both companies to increase the price of each dose from $16, which the government paid and led to record profits for both companies, to $180 per dose, which is going to make insurance companies raise premiums again, to pay for shots that are dangerous and don’t even work.

Naturally, to grease the wheels on Phase II of the Great Heist, Moderna has said they’ll cover the shots for the uninsured, for now.

Given that these things very clearly don’t work, given the media gaslighting, which I’ll admit even got me until I had to experience the fact that they don’t work myself, and just the level of dishonesty and corruption about the entire thing (including anti-Russian and anti-Chinese propaganda that didn’t even leave the COVID shots out of it), I can’t justify accepting more.

It was the Democrats, as usual, who had such a horrible program, that they had to bribe and threaten people. Through their employers, naturally.

Take it, you get fifty bucks, don’t take it and potentially get fired.

Biden tried his best to make everyone who refused the heart damage and other oddities unemployed, during a recession, with hyperinflation.

This America is a dystopian Hell, and despite the rare media mention of COVID anymore (because they took their “emergency powers” and never gave them back, thank you very much), and now they want you out there shopping, rumbling of the Lockdown Fetishists are starting to make the news again.

This whole thing was an exercise in raw power.

After they eased up a little and like half of the jobs lost to the Lockdown came back, the corrupt New York Times spun up the KrugmanBot3000 to proclaim the Dead Cat Bounce as the Economic Miracle of Biden.

A “recovery” that brings back half the jobs, and puts the government in twice as much debt is a Miracle.

Hallelujah. Praise Be! I saw the light, I saw the light, no more darkness no more night! Then Jesus Biden came like a stranger in the night. Praise the Lord Joe Biden, I saw the light!

Ironically, after encouraging people who know how to knock a fence down and enter a place illegally to come to Chicago, ex-Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago was horrified when they did the same thing to her chain link fences around open air parks.

What public policy sense did it make to lock down open air state and local parks when there’s this germ going around mostly killing people who don’t even go out and walk?

(Of course, in Chicago, that’s defensible since not exercising is more healthy than being shot while exercising, I suppose.)

Also, true to Democrat form, we had to spill reams of digital ink, chiding people for going to church, and not say anything about the vandalism, looting, and the “house parties” where someone shows up with a machine gun, which were spreading COVID, but it wasn’t the people you CAN berate in the media doing it.

Excusing open and outright criminal actions while condemning people for engaging in their Constitutionally-protected right to freedom of religion did not weigh well on me. I think we deserve better than this from our government.

Calling rioting and arson and looting “mostly peaceful” while people are dying, the city is on fire, and businesses are being destroyed is never okay. But the Democrats and their pet media did this.

At the same time, the Civil Alert System was going off telling me not to enter Kenosha, Wisconsin or Downtown Chicago. Mostly peaceful, you know.

I’m planning to take my spouse to some Libertarian Party meetings.

It’s only right that if he’s planning to become an American that we should do this right.

I find it very ironic that the government universities, who basically load people up with so much debt they’ll never see the light of day again, most of them, and at only 18, would brand the faculty as such “Progressives” while actually promoting so much actual wealth inequality. Sure, yeah, finance it all and hand it to them. Whatever.

I don’t respect them. There’s nothing to feel good about when you’re a “university” and you load a bunch of rubes down with $60,000 in debt at 6%+ interest, knowing what you’re doing to them, and then you tell them that they’re a victim of “evil White people”.

Yeah, a lot of those “evil White people” are running the university. Ever stopped to think about it?

Those are the ones saying that the “evil White people” are the ones who are too poor to buy a bag of beans, and aren’t even threatening anybody.

The elitist “Left” is too stupid to realize that by openly mocking and slandering people who are on hard times, portraying Rural Americans as the Great White Satan, that they are making people like Trump and DeSantis more palatable.

They won’t do anything for the poor White rural voters, but they say they have the answer to everything, and point out how toxic and stupid the “Left” is all the time to score points because the last part is….not untrue.

You won’t like their answer to the problems though. Keep pushing, you’ll find out.

You thought Trump was bad the first time? Just wait and see what he does next. And if not him, someone like him.

Intel and AMD Power Management is a Stinking Mess as Intel Makes Death Rattles.

Intel and AMD Power Management is a Stinking Mess as Intel Makes Death Rattles.

There’s simply no other way to describe it.

Even if you turn on all of the power management the hardware is capable of, it’s not terrific.

The x86 processors are known for being brute force energy hogs.

Buying x86 processors and expecting good power management is like trying to hypermile a Chevy Suburban.

(As big as a house and half as aerodynamic.)

There’s just so far you can take it.

The other architectures usually have better power management because people are using them on cell phones where they’re going to be really mad if the thing kills out 5 times a day.

This is essentially why Intel had no luck with mobile processors. The things that it makes are simply too broken and full of bugs to actually work properly if you’re going to run out of power at some point.

Sure, x86 has power management. Really, really terrible power management. It’s almost like an afterthought.

And thanks to Intel’s incompetence you risk data corruption and system crashes if you turn the wrong part of it on, and thanks to the “design” of modern Intel chips being more like SoCs, you need all or basically all of it on or else the one thing that isn’t powering down does a horrific amount of damage to the overall consumption of the system.

Intel and AMD power management and ACPI (which is full of Microsoft-isms and is the x86 power management and device description system of the PC) are so bad that Microsoft doesn’t even stop to figure them out on Windows.

It just turns parts off and you have to live with 3-4 hour battery life on a computer that could theoretically get 6-8 hours.

To get any decent amount of runtime you pretty much have to run Linux, and override it all to turn on and figure out if it actually corrupts anything or causes the system to become unstable.

I’ve been lucky with my two Lenovo laptops that turning it all on at boot with the powertop –autotune systemd service on Linux just happens to work and doesn’t appear to screw anything up.

Nevertheless, I think it should be embarrassing that Microsoft and Intel and AMD talk about “designing chips for Windows” where something as basic as good power management doesn’t even work on Windows, and rather than investigating it, they declared that you bought it and they’re not going to make more money off you soon, so have fun with broken power management, on the chip designed for Windows, under Windows.

Hell, you’re lucky if this thing even continues booting at all and doesn’t suddenly start crashing and saying “Unsupported Processor” because you installed a Windows update.

The recent Windows “Unsupported Processor” incident actually does happen once in a while, and Microsoft expects users to install newer UEFI firmware that may never come to keep getting Windows updates.

I never update my system firmware unless it’s doing something horrific because Linux doesn’t block you from installing operating system updates and throw bizarre panic errors if it worked okay to begin with, and system firmware updates gone wrong can mean a working computer becomes a dead one. So throwing it in the user’s lap just means that they risk a broken computer, trying to make Windows operable again.

Microsoft absolutely should be responsible and work around whatever the error is, because Windows worked on these systems before the update. So what the hell did they put in there, and why does it make a previously working computer “Unsupported”?

The owner of the machine didn’t do something wrong. Microsoft, Intel, and their OEM screwed up and now the user gets to suffer.

As for Intel, oh Intel…. Bailout Biden gave them billions of dollars to expand production in America with the “Chips and Science Act”, which is totally not at all like Communism.

No sir, not one bit.

If it was Communism, then perhaps the government officials would expect to see new factories going up instead of thousands of layoffs [1] [2] [3]….(and a cafeteria stabbing).

Oh, and since they lost the Apple contract, because their chips are too bad for even Apple (who dabbled with AMD chips internally and then called it on x86 and moved to ARM), the cuts affected Intel’s GPU division too, so expect performance of integrated GPUs to flatline after anything they already have in the pipeline.

Recently, Biden signed an executive order to limit Chinese access to all this Intel junk.

Last year, Intel said that the Chinese didn’t currently (in 2022) have anything that overtook the raw performance of the Intel chips, but they almost certainly will within 4 years.

As another disaster at Intel recently unfolded, Chinese regulators blocked Intel’s $5.4 billion dollar acquisition of Tower Semiconductor, causing Intel to have to pay $353 million for breach of contract and walk away with nothing.

Intel is a comically badly managed company and they and Microsoft deserve to die on the same hill.

(The Microsoft layoffs and hiring freezes continue, but Roy Schestowitz has covered this angle well enough, I think.)

You add all this up, and I mean, it’s not an emergency but I do want off x86 and onto something that runs Linux on ARM eventually.

Raspberry Pi Imager seems to have a Flatpak for non-Ubuntu users to create SD cards with various OS software and game emulators for the thing, and I think I could tolerate deploying this to crank out some OS images if I decide to pick one up.

Entire Front Page of New York Times Nonsense About “China Failing” While US Military Recruits Die of Drug Overdoses Following Failed Cover-Up.

Entire Front Page of New York Times Nonsense About “China Failing”.

The entire front page of the New York Times as of August 29, 2023 is about “China failing.” This is called projection.

“She Rose From Poverty as China Prospered. Then It Made Her Poor Again.” -New York Times Headline

The United States was prospering, at one point. Most people living in it today would say they miss how things were 20 years ago.

I’ve been personally wiped out by “recessions”, hyperinflation, and “enemy action” (the government, directly) and I don’t personally feel like I’ll ever truly recover. My country has abandoned me.

“Mr Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: ‘Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action’.”

-Goldfinger (James Bond)

There’s also another one from a Sean Connery movie, which many suspect was an “unofficial James Bond”.

General Hummel (Ed Harris):
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” Thomas Jefferson.

John Mason (Sean Connery):
“Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious,” according to Oscar Wilde.

*Hummel punches Mason*

John Mason:
Thank you for making my point.

-The Rock, 1996

“U.S. Commerce Secretary Meets With China’s Economic Czar Amid Tensions”

-NY Times Headline

America crumbles while it likes to pretend it can tell China what to do. I believe the British found themselves at this point in the 1980s when Margaret Thatcher traveled to China to tell them how they would be “extending the lease” on Hong Kong.

There was a point where the New York Times was a legitimate publication, hard-hitting, journalistic integrity, publishing even leaked US Government classified documents and standing up to authoritarians.

These days? It’s just CNN with a paywall. Also, a KrugmanBot3000. Very reliable for spitting out anti-Chinese propaganda.

I guess the government is still working on Liberty Prime.

All this “China failing, China failing, no trouble in America, no siree Bob!” stuff would go down easier except…

America is failed. Its own military recruits, young ones, die of drugs.

After a failed cover-up attempt by the US government, word got out that the US Naval Station Great Lakes in Illinois has been having soldiers drop dead like flies due to fentanyl and other crap.

“Fentanyl takes lives at the Navy’s boot camp base”, reads the Yahoo! News article, from Navy Times.

Original article.

Archive.org Mirror.

Archive Today Mirror.

As America grapples with a fentanyl crisis, multiple junior sailors have died from the drug aboard the base that houses the Navy’s boot camp in recent years, and investigators have been probing efforts to smuggle drugs onto the installation, including through the U.S. mail system, since at least 2020, according to records obtained by Navy Times.

Two other sailors are facing criminal charges in connection to one of those deaths, records show.


Those substances include fentanyl, cocaine and the opioids hydrocodone and oxycodone, as well as the hallucinogen LSD, Xanax and THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana.

These incidents and sailor deaths, which the Navy has not publicized and which have not been reported before, raise questions about how young sailors have been able to use and distribute drugs there.

-Navy Times

This is obviously the stuff of the very robust America, not the very obviously “failing” ZOMGCOMMUNIST RED China. 😛

The media narrative of China’s situation is very much exaggerated, and our own dirty laundry is always either not talked about, or squirreled away with their henchmen at the modern New York Times and similar “mainstream” sources.

Look, people say the mass media in the US isn’t credible, because it isn’t. The people running these psyop campaigns made “fake news” a “Trumpism” so they can always have a red herring.

Most people in the US join the military because of lack of social mobility.

It’s that, a job at McDonalds (at least until they can work with IBM to automate the place, albeit IBM is so incompetent they haven’t had much luck so far), or prison.

The Republicans sued to stop Biden’s student loan forgiveness because they ADMIT that the GI Bill is one of the few reasons people go into the military.

When the only way to go to college free is to join a gang of war criminals, and perhaps be ordered to murder people and blow up their home, that’s certainly some country, isn’t it?

Who has China done this to? It wasn’t China that attacked Vietnam. It wasn’t China that invaded Iraq.

The fact that the American military is getting people to join up who are in their teenage years and already so done with everything they’re dabbling in hard drugs and killing themselves shows the state of rot going on.

Past generations had the world by the balls when they were 18.

Now it’s over before it begins thanks to crooks and liars having been in charge of America for so long.

Maybe old Bonehead Joe can have Kamala set up a commission to study this or something.

Mozilla Fully Corrupted and Assault on the Internet Archive While America Crumbles

More on the corruption of Firefox, along with a social commentary regarding the assault on the Internet Archive and American Decline.

16 years ago, Robert Strong “They/Them”, proposed removing the Gopher protocol from Mozilla Firefox.

This is a form of vandalism and the start of giving Google total control of the company.

The Gopher protocol is very simple and contained no known security holes. It was implemented in Gecko with code inherited from Netscape, which was not huge.

The “proposal” was more outrageous than their removal of File Transfer Protocol support, which could have been beaten into better shape by dropping support for old and weird server implementations that nobody used.

It was surprisingly low maintenance as evidenced by how few iterations of the code there needed to be despite the fact that it was over a decade and a half old and ported from another browser at the time it was deleted.

In fact, Mozilla basically ignored community offers to help refactor it to be even smaller.

Interesting that they call something a security hazard when they merge entire systems to run proprietary binaries (WebAssemblies) into Firefox now because that’s what Google told them to do.

WebAssembly code is not well-written and it’s not a well-written specification, and it is impossible to properly secure without turning it off in about:config.

I still use Gopher protocol, many of the times I use it it’s to cut bloat out of Reddit or even Wikipedia and just read the text.

We all know why Google and Mozilla drop things like Gopher and FTP. It’s a power grab. If you can drop something from a Web browser, to many people it simply doesn’t exist.

They have been conditioned to think of the Internet not as a suite of protocols, dozens of which are not the Web, but “whatever some stupid Web site wants to run on my computer” which is normally a very insecure and bloated “Web App”.

I wish I could report that Mozilla and Google’s vandalism of Gecko stopped with Firefox, but I can’t. Rust modules and the deletion of Gopher have even made it into SeaMonkey. ChatZilla still recognizes gopher:// as a link, but when you click it, it says it can’t open them and to try the extension, which is OverBiteFF, which is broken, replaced by a “WebExtension” *barf* which does not work.

Lagrange (a Gemini and Gopher browser) is fantastic.

It is beyond the reach of Mozilla and Google. (Like Belarus and Russia, respectively.)

For a while, you could put Gopher back into Firefox yourself with “OverBiteFF”, but eventually Mozilla threw out powerful XUL extensions and replaced them with trash modeled on Google Chrome’s, and most of the good extensions simply were impossible to replace correctly and have never re-appeared. So now you need a special “browser” for Gopher, and Gemini protocols. Sure there’s a WebExtension, with no helper app for Linux of course, so that’s just swell.

It’s so much easier to read Wikipedia and other Web sites through a proxy to a simpler protocol, where you can get at the text and optionally load images (usually stock images you didn’t want) without all the hassle.

Though I usually use the newer Gemini protocol. There’s a Gemini proxy of Reddit at Gemi.dev along with the weather and a News site proxy.

That way I can keep an eye on the propaganda. It’s amazing that people actually pay to read propaganda.

There are times now, where I have three Web browsers open. SeaMonkey (which I use mainly), NetSurf without images or JavaScript (so I can view text-only in a graphical application), and LibreWolf (a Firefox fork minus the malware and mountain of trash from Mozilla). Three. This is not reasonable. I wish Mozilla would go back to making a good Internet application like they had prior to “Quantum”.

I (only) want to read the New York Times because it’s amazingly corrupt to the point where it’s a never ending source of amusement.

And there’s really no easy way to stop me, even over the Web, because I can always use a browser that simply couldn’t run their paywall code if I wanted to, like Links or Netsurf.

Mozilla not only removed Bypass Paywalls, but they also removed support for turning off JavaScript, even to just certain Web sites in the site permissions menu.

Why? They’ve always taken the side of people who want to tell your computer to work against you, the user. “Take back the Web?” Hardly. JavaScript is almost always there to do something harmful. (WASM too.)

It doesn’t surprise me at all that Google and Mozilla have killed alternatives to the Web as far as their browsers go, and are turning them into an operating system (and a really bad one).

The New York Times is functioning as an arm of the Biden Campaign. Parroting mindlessly, happy happy thoughts about a very sick American economy and running the KrugmanBot3000 for more “Doom Porn” articles about China.

Today, I read a new funny that I simply have to share. They said that “China has made all the easy gains it will get by moving workers from farms into factories.”

The American government moved factory workers to unemployment checks, and then varyingly dying of drugs (while blaming the Chinese, naturally), living in a tent and begging for change, or living with their parents, who might have had some savings or at least a check from Social Security, and who are now nearly dead.

Where is the “news”? Last I could stomach it, they were saying youth unemployment and living with parents was “The Charm of Multi-Generational Housing.”

Other “news” sites aren’t much better. The oligarchs have warred against the Open Internet for years, and won major victories through courts and corruption of Web browser companies.

This is coinciding with the assault on archive.org, which actually has nothing to do with a copyright lawsuit.

The propagandists must first wipe out all traces of any information they’ve said previously which is no longer convenient.

Then they can go ahead and deploy the new revisions and nobody will ever be able to prove it was ever different.

It’s exactly the same as Winston Smith’s job at the Ministry of Truth in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Burning the old documents so The Party could retroactively change what it said.

It happened so often that they needed people incinerating their prior statements, full time.

Biden’s Ministry of Disinformation within the Department of Homeland Security laid it on very thick, too thick even, to pass muster, even in this Brave New World of iPhone zombies who barely know how to read and write, but have college debts, but they accomplish the same thing without official Disinformation Ministers now.

Very quickly, nobody was talking about the Disinformation Ministry, like COVID. Like all of the illegal and unconstitutional things they used COVID as an excuse to do, and it all vanished. The government courts standing there, fecklessly watching and and stalling, and aiding and abetting places like Illinois turning into a dictatorship where rule of law collapsed. It’s like it never happened.

The same people who have made the Illinois Constitution and the American one effectively cease to exist, most recently with their assault on the Right to Bear Arms, are now trying to pass a huge amendment to give the thing that no longer restrains the State government anyway “gender neutral language”. I won’t vote for it. Hopefully there are enough other people who haven’t lost their minds, who wish to preserve the majesty of the document, even though it doesn’t give them any rights anymore.

Back to censorship…Ah yes, when they’re finished with us, they can just delete the articles, neuter Wikipedia (Wikipedia Neutering is something government and PR firms do a lot of.), and plug the “Internet Archive” so that the former revisions and deleted whole articles will no longer ever prove there were such things, or at least such revisions as the initial ones.

The lawsuit against the Internet Archive is better to think of in the terms of billionaire oligarch Peter Thiel’s attack on Gawker using Hulk Hogan’s sex tape as the nominal focus of the lawsuit. The powerful and wealthy wanted to remove an embarrassment, and they did.

But the Internet Archive will obviously be a much greater loss. A tragedy.

The commons is being narrowed out of existence, because the propagandists don’t want a well-informed educated public. You can’t rule them if there are too many.

The Internet Archive’s fair use argument was very strong, and the oligarch-owned American courts smacked them down anyway.

It’s not as-if there was some sort of rampant piracy happening at the Internet Archive, although piracy is certainly less objectionable from a moral standard than Digital Restrictions Malware.

But even using a form of DRM to control how many copies of a digitized work could be used, to remain compliant with copyright law did not satisfy the courts, so far.

Considering how corrupt American courts are, I don’t expect their appeal to get much consideration. Hollywood backs the Democrat Party, and in return they give the major copyright interests whatever they want.

At various times, they’ve gotten close to copyright bills passing that said everything was copyrighted “forever” minus one day.

Their DRM systems have always failed, so their counter to that was the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which makes it a felony to try to evade DRM.

In the America the corporations and the government propagandists built, drugs are plentiful, homelessness abounds, and information is cracked down upon.

Many years ago, most people had VCRs. Video Cassette Recorders.

If you had one that was older than the law requiring it to recognize Macrovision (copy restriction technique for analog tapes), or bought a “Macrovision remover” device, you could just take one movie and copy it to a blank tape.

Blank tapes were cheaper than a movie, so practically everyone I knew growing up had a house full of movies on blank tapes. You went to the rental store, rented a movie overnight, copied it to the other VCR with a blank cassette, made sure the copy worked, and then returned the rented tape.

Did Hollywood go under? No. They made a fortune in the video tape industry. They just always want more. So they arrange to get more, and for software and legal enforcement to that end.

Today, the nasty schemes from Google, Apple, and Microsoft, which include DRM, are meant to enslave people, take their access to information and culture away and dole it out only to people who can pay, and then get them to agree to be a jerk to everyone on the planet by saying “I can’t give you a copy.” as well as themselves, are marketed as “desirable goods”.

This is what Richard Stallman meant when he called Apple a “crystal prison”.

When I get new statistics showing Microsoft laying off, Windows usage eroding, and iPhone shipments down double digits, I feel great. More, please!

Their products are such overbearing tyrants that they even disable taking screenshots while a DVD is playing.

You may not be able to take pictures of windows in some apps, such as DVD Player.


The manufacturer of brainwashing devices, the iPhones, don’t deserve success. Apple will continue to be praised in the media regardless of what’s really happening in there, because we know what the “news” is.

The iPhone may be very pretty, and it’s very bad.

At least few people really like their jailers at Microsoft…

The clocks are striking Thirteen in America, and a few large “tech” companies, useful enough to be bailed out as much as necessary with government indebtedness, will control everything you see and hear.

Everything that you see around you now is unreliable and must be questioned.

They have all day, all night, all the time in the world, to keep coming up with more garbage. Your sanity will be broken eventually.

White Tech Oligarchs, Including Bill Gates, Load Up on Farm Land Near Military Bases; Fuel Anti-Chinese Sentiment Through Oligarch-Owned News.

White tech oligarchs, including Bill Gates, are loading up on farm land near military bases and fueling anti-Chinese sentiment through oligarch-owned news.

The oligarch media, which mostly lies to and gaslights Americans, who are vulnerable to repetitions of false statements which even use identical wording over and over again, has been spewing a narrative about Chinese people buying farm land near American military bases, as a front for the Communist Party to spy on us.

That hysteria has led to dozens of American states to pass racist anti-Asian laws stopping foreign citizens from owning property. In some cases, these laws are flat-out illegal, since Lawful Permanent Residents (Green Card holders) can have as much land as they can buy.

Even my father, a man who spent his life working as an educated man. An engineer, with 9 US patents on television components, who has recently suffered two heart attacks and may not be around very much longer, is wasting what time he has left, ranting about the “Chinese farm land” issue.

It’s a fiction being given to us as a distraction, with very real and gruesome consequences which I will get to.

Now state legislators have embraceda novel, locally focused tactic aimed at China’s domestic investments: restrictions on Chinese land ownership.


Lawmakers in 33 states have introduced 81 bills this yearthat would prohibit the Chinese government, some China-based businesses and many Chinese citizens from buying agricultural land or property near military bases, according to a Washington Post analysis of data compiled by Asian Pacific American Justice, an advocacy group. A dozen of the bills are now law in states such as Alabama, Idaho and Virginia.

The Washington Post

In the case out of California, where a “shadowy” and “even possibly Chinese” acquisition of all of the farm land around Travis Air Force Base, it turned out that Flannery Associates was actually a group of White tech oligarchs, and the media has been foaming at the mouth with anti-Asian sentiment for weeks, sparking a federal investigation which turned up nothing, except an actual problem, which I will return to in a moment.

A mysterious investment company is buying up large tracts of land around a California Air Force base, raising questions about who is behind the firm — and its intentions — amid growing fears about Chinese businesses acquiring land near American military sites.

The investment firm Flannery Associates has bought around $800 million worth of land around Travis Air Force Base in northern California’s Solano County, which is midway between Sacramento and San Francisco.


Garamendi, a House Armed Services Committee member, told The Hill that he has been investigating the land acquisitions for nearly two years and has come up with few answers to his questions.

“We have no idea who they are,” Garamendi said. “Flannery Associates is opaque. We have no idea where the nearly $900 million dollars has come from. They bought well over 55,000 acres of land in the area and [the purchase] raises a major concern.”

The Hill could not immediately contact Flannery Associates for comment. The firm claims that 97 percent of its investors are U.S.-based, but Garamendi said there is no way to verify that claim.

-The Hill

Well, in the end, it turned out to be mostly backed by these people.

The project was spearheaded by Jan Sramek, a 36-year-old former trader for the investment banking firm Goldman Sachs, and is backed by prominent Silicon Valley investors including Michael Moritz, a venture capitalist; Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of Linkedin; Laurene Powell Jobs, the founder of the philanthropic group Emerson Collective and wife of Steve Jobs; Marc Andreessen, an investor and software developer; Patrick and John Collison, the sibling co-founders of the payment processor Stripe; and the entrepreneurs Daniel Gross and Nat Friedman, the Times reported.

-The Guardian

Yes, Marc Andreeson, who made his money in the DotCom Bubble, largely from Netscape Communications, and a bunch of other rich White people, are definitely “invaders from China”.

Most of the rest of these people are affiliated with Microsoft (Nat Friedman, GitHub, Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn, and of course there’s someone from Goldman Sachs, a megabank that got bailed out by your tax money in 2008 and pretty much continuously since then while you lost your jobs.)

After months of stirring up racist anti-Asian, and particularly anti-Chinese sentiment among Americans, many of whom are so stupid at this point that they don’t even know there’s a difference, the media admits it was a bunch of rich White dudes.

But the damage is already done. These anti-Asian laws are now on the books in many states, and the Republican Party in particular isn’t going to let the revelation that it’s not even Chinese people who are a threat stop them from passing more.

What is a threat is that “Creepy Uncle” Bill Gates has been “investing” in farm land. A lot of it, and now his rich buddies are joining him.

Why? Are they going to get some tractors and start milking cows and harvesting the corn?

I’m so glad you asked. Nope. They’re basically planning to just own it and sponge off of tenant farmers and drive up your grocery and fast food bills while they get you hopping mad at Asian people.

Sam Waterston who played Prosecutor Jack McCoy, a favorite of mine on Law & Order, gave one of his best lines ever in one episode, which bears repeating here.

“Today’s ‘philanthropists’ are yesterday’s robber-barons.”

-Jack McCoy, Law & Order

Only he was wrong. Bill Gates never “retired” from being a robber-baron, none of them really do. They figure out a way to rape and exploit hard-working every day Americans with more Gordon Gekko business tactics.

“I create nothing. I own.”

-Gordon Gekko, Wall Street

If you thought that Creepy Uncle did most of the damage he would ever do to humanity while he was aggressively and illegally hawking terrible software at Microsoft, you need to guess again.

This farm land thing really is a problem. Maybe states can ban rich White people from buying so much of it.

Then after that, they can make the news apologize for the anti-Chinese lies they’ve been spreading so much of, which are getting people killed.

It’s not just a reckless and racist disregard for the truth, it’s deliberate and it is vile!

An 18-year-old Indiana University student was stabbed multiple times in the head while riding a local bus in Bloomington, Ind., this past week.

The suspect told police she stabbed the victim because the victim was “Chinese,” adding that it “would be one less person to blow up our country,” according to an affidavit shared with NPR.

Indiana University in Bloomington confirmed that the victim was a student enrolled there and said it was an incident of “anti-Asian hate.” Police did not provide details about the victim except that she was from Carmel, a city north of Indianapolis.


The suspect, Billie R. Davis, 56, has been charged with attempted murder, aggravated battery and battery with a deadly weapon, according to court documents.

Since the attack, Asian American students and staff at Indiana University have been grappling with grief, anger, anxiety, and fear, according to Melanie Castillo-Cullather, the director of the school’s Asian Culture Center.


Local police said surveillance footage from the Bloomington Transit bus showed that the suspect and the victim had no interactions prior to the assault. The victim appeared to be getting off the bus when another passenger struck her repeatedly in the head with a knife, according to the affidavit. The attacker then left the bus and walked away.


I am aware that I’ve quoted at least three oligarch-affialiated media sources along the way, because if you read closely and monitor them enough, some truth permeates for those who can follow what they are doing, and the real story starts to emerge.

There is a national crisis involving farm land, and the unprovoked and murderous attacks on Asian people in America are simply a byproduct of a revolting distraction.

The crisis is….Bill Gates and his rich criminal buddies, and the farm land they buy.

The New York Times Spins Up the KrugmanBot3000 to China-bash.

The New York Times Spins Up the KrugmanBot3000 to China-bash.

The crooked New York Times has made the KrugmanBot3000 write another article.

This time, the alleged Mr. Krugman, if indeed he is a person at all, and not just a Large Language Model for the Inner Party, claims that Chinese debt levels are unsustainable.

While the KrugmanBot3000 has unwaveringly said that the American federal debt that keeps growing and is about $33 trillion dollars right now is “manageable” and even recently blew off the fact that interest rates are rising and the interest on the national debt is going to crowd out more and more of the federal budget.

In fact, this will force deep and unpopular cuts to everything, including Social Security and Medicare, because there is no appetite to raise taxes on the rich.

The Democrats, which the KrugmanBot3000 is a tool of, did not repeal the part of Trump’s tax bill that gave the wealthy elite their bailouts, even though the debt explodes and there is no end in sight to the misery being suffered by the American people.

But in a China-bashing (and paywalled) article, the KrugmanBot3000 claims that Chinese debt is different, somehow.

I’m not confident enough in my understanding of China to judge whether it will manage to contain its Minsky moment, the point at which everyone suddenly realizes that unsustainable debt is, in fact, unsustainable. In fact, I’m not sure if anyone — including Chinese officials — knows the answer to that question.

But I think we can answer a more conditional question: If China does have a 2008-style crisis, will it spill over in a major way to the rest of the world, the United States in particular? And there the answer is pretty clearly no. Big as China’s economy is, America has remarkably little financial or trade exposure to China’s problems.

-Paul Krugman (KrugmanBot3000)

Now, I want you to stop and think how stupid that quote is from top to bottom.

So, American debt, which is horrific, is sustainable. EU and UK debt is horrific, but sustainable, Japanese debt is almost 300% of their annual economic output which is truly awful, but sustainable.

But Chinese debt is unsustainable and will push them over the edge into a massive economic failure? Oh boy. Maybe if they hurry up and be our allies, they too can have “sustainable (horrific) debt”. 😛

Then the alleged Krugman continues, by claiming that America, which is basically pretty much fully dependent on China for, oh Jesus. Have you ever LOOKED at the country of origin on anything at Walmart?

“Very little financial or trade exposure.”

Well, other than making almost everything you buy here, or increasingly what people set fire to the store and steal here because they can no longer afford Dollar Tree, after Bubba Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and put millions of Americans out of work (and put some cigars in Monica Lewinsky) and got “Free Trade” going, and other than owning so much of the US debt that they pretty much could ruin us by just letting it roll off the books and refusing to buy more “Treasury Securities”, sure. Awesome Possum.

I ran into a video the other day, should have saved it, about how the American media has been publishing Doom, Gloom, and Boom articles claiming China will come down like a sack of bricks in short order, for over 50 years.

As the United States has become an old age colony floating around in debt and Fentanyl, the shrieking and insistence that there’s no problem with us, only with the Chinese, has only gotten louder.