Tag Archives: Communism

The first American released by North Korea without conditions.

That black US soldier, Travis King, that tried to defect into North Korea and told them he wanted to be a Communist there because America treated him so badly got EXPELLED the other day. He was the first American that they released unconditionally.

The news sites have moved to the point where he’s black so they’ve started removing his mugshot and any and all references to his conviction in South Korea regarding the bar brawl and vandalizing the cop car, but that’s sadly becoming extremely typical.

This is sort of like something out of Communism. The new revisions are in effect, and now he was just some tourist and who knows why he bolted into North Korea?

The only reason we do know is because it took them a while to pull down the information, send it to the Disinformation Ministry, InfoSpeak Division, and post the new retcons to the InterWeb.

I’ve been sort of following along to see how far he got there with that one and apparently Kim Jong Un was as impressed with him as I’ve been.

“Mr. Kim” probably did some thinking, and came to the conclusion that if this guy, who had been arrested by the South Koreans and convicted of a bar brawl and vandalizing a police car, wasn’t thrown out of a military (the US one), that pays for “gender reassignment” and “hormones” for prisoners convicted of treason (Chelsea Manning), then he probably wouldn’t survive the North Korean military.

The North Korean military gives people who are conscripted (most males of age) a threadbare blanket, and it’s not even their own personal threadbare blanket, and also starvation rations, and tells them to huddle together under the blankets if you want to stay warm. Also, no homosexual activity, punishable by death.

I’m a gay man and I know better than to try to sneak into a Communist country and ask them for anything.

The only Communist country that has warmed up to gay people enough to not shoot or imprison us is Cuba, and that’s only been in about the last five years. The others, you’ll be in some sort of a lunatic asylum at best.

And don’t even tell them you are an “individual with pronouns” because you’ll like their response even less.

Around 2000, the North Korean government wrote a propaganda book loosely about the USS Pueblo incident, and threw in a hammed up accusation that the US soldiers requested to engage in gay sex, and in the book their North Korean guard allegedly said, repulsed by the very idea, that “North Korean live lives fit for human beings” and would never allow such a thing.

In real life, the American prisoners were flipping off the North Koreans while they were photographing them in captivity and convinced them it was a “Hawaiian Good Luck Sign”.

The US military has been going downhill for years and I can only imagine what else the South Korean people are witnessing as the US government scrapes up violent crazies who have never faced a real court system before and trains them to be a violent head case somewhere else.

This is on top of political correctness destroying military readiness, like that Muslim guy, Nidal Hasan, several years back that murdered all those people on that base, and of course there were warning signs flashing and a lot of people noticed, but nobody said anything, because they knew what would happen to them if they did.

It amazes and horrifies me at the same time how a lot of American gay people, including ones with degrees, WANT this to become a Communist country. I don’t think you’re doing what you think you’re doing.

I guarantee you that whatever you think you’re going through right now is mild compared to this. When you get a chance, read this.

It’s from a gay, North Korean, defector. He’s the only one that we know of.

The Communist Party does horrible shit to gay people there, starting with editing us out of existence to the point that anyone who is gay doesn’t even have a word for it.

So even if they figure out what they are, they’ll keep it to themselves if they know what’s good for them.

Is this really the political situation you want in America?

If you went to college, you’re supposedly educated, right? Educate yourself.

Maybe you need to unlearn what you have learned about Communism. That’s okay. Everyone has been badly misguided at some point, about something. The only shame is not admitting it.

I’m glad that WordPress.com still lets me write about things that amuse me. If I even tried to post something like this on Reddit or in a news comment area, bye bye post and account. This country is no longer a lot better than Communism, at least the media isn’t.

Speculative Tech Nonsense in California Paid for My Cat’s Surgery. Thoughts About Joe Biden and Vietnam, and What Kind of Country Americans Have.

Speculative Tech Nonsense in California Paid for My Cat’s Surgery.

My cat had her surgery yesterday, and they removed two masses and did a dental cleaning and extracted one bad tooth while she was under a general anesthetic anyway.

Recently, I had a bunch of class action settlements come in from various ways tech companies in California violated the law, usually the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act, victimizing me and stealing my facial imagery data.

These settlements keep going out for years after you’ve actually used a thing, because you weren’t considering at the time how the thing used you.

Lemonade insurance had an app that required me to use a video statement during a renter’s insurance loss claim.

Veriff (which just had a huge layoff), verified my driver’s license data so I could use an account to trade some securities.

There were others.

It occurred to me that this is a life changing amount of money for me. I could get a car repair or save my cat’s life, but to them, they just go right on breaking laws and paying for it later. Why not? It’s all “venture capital” nonsense.

The point of running companies on VC and juicing the stock with press releases of things that may lead to a profit “someday”, but not now, is so that the people running it can pay themselves handsomely and then fire everyone and announce that the company is bankrupt.

With higher Fed rates seemingly here to stay for a while, and the focus is on making people unemployed and popping large bubbles, damn the human cost (yet again), we’re “closing the business cycle” and with almost no new products.

Essentially most of what tech workers do is throw their labor “into the sea” on things that never benefit anyone except the scammers at the very top who made a lot of money issuing press statements about imaginary future profits.

Then they get laid off and their visas lapse and they have to go home. Some people end their lives. It’s tragic.

This is the kind of economy that America has because it refuses to have a real economy that is sustainable and producing real goods and services.

Instead of using what happened in China as a lesson on why it was a bad idea to make your population unemployable and strung out on drugs, while the suicide rate doubled, Bonehead Biden was off in Vietnam, an enemy country that 68,000 Americans died trying to keep at least part of “Free” from horrific Communist oppression, and lost.

Although we did manage to evacuate some people that I know and give them a better life in this country, the Communists overran South Vietnam and raped, murdered, starved, and disappeared many thousands of people. Which is very typical in Communist revolutions.

Communists are brutes. You see that when people risk running across mine fields to get to South Korea and have bullets in their back and tapeworms in their guts, and haven’t eaten anything in weeks if they make it.

You see people agitating for Communism in the United States. Usually these are spoiled brats in their mommy and daddy’s house, in their 20s, never had a job, don’t know how Communism will treat them. Hint, it ain’t gonna be iPhones and Xboxes and laying around all day taking pictures of your food for Instagram.

Also, 50 or 70 years after the revolution, you still get “rich Communists”, however that happens. Theoretically impossible, but you do. These are usually people high up in the good graces of the government officials, who get to go to hot spring resorts and have Macs and Steam accounts while there are food shortages and dirt floors in the country for everyone else.

Essentially everything Americans complain about and worse happens in a Communist state. The social stratification.

North Korea has an economy the size of Indiana’s, but there are several times as many people. It also has to support a huge military, a nuclear weapons program, and some party officials and “rich Communists”, who have brought nothing but dire poverty to millions while they enjoy most of what there is, for themselves.

“Communism makes everyone equal!”. Let’s test that. Just have the other 26 million North Koreans show up to that hot spring resort and see how equally they all get shot for trying to use something that no more than a few hundred are supposed to have.

Now, according to Old Bonehead, who can’t even make it through a paragraph if it’s late enough in the day that he starts sundowning with the cameras on him, we’re “exporting AI”, whatever that is, to a regime that functionally isn’t a lot different than China or even North Korea.

Biden’s term in office has been yet another slap in the face to Americans. Instead of building a more prosperous future for America, in America, we get more of these deals with corrupt enemy nations to make sure that we get Happy Meal Toys.

It’s actually very sick and depressing to watch how the media spins this whole situation.

I was talking with my dad over email again, and some of what he thinks about Joe Biden and the Democrats is actually quite right and I would like to quote him.

In your article you said “What does amaze me is how a country that takes away everything from people and leaves them homeless or dying from lack of food or medical care, has been so good about suppressing revolt.”

What they do is watch all the time, and then do really evil and painful things to anyone that steps out of line.

Total control. Total suppression.

They monitor and restrict communication. They prevent group activity that can allow political activism. They get them watching and reporting on each other. Now, facial recognition, AI, and “social conformity scores” can bump that up a notch.

The US leftist Democrat stranglehold on the government is taking the steps you would have to succeed at to turn this government into that kind of state. Subversion of the DOJ and FBI. Control of the courts and DAs. Domination and control of the voting system, including at-will manipulation and unaccountability. Vicious attacks on any opposition. Reinterpretation and substitution of social values. Manipulation of culture. Redefinition of ethical behavior. Control of news and reporting. Control and subversion of the education system for youth – mind control. They are building all this in plain view.

-My Dad

Commodity Fetishism. Wearing the Air Jordans to the Revolutionary Communist Meeting. AI for Vietnam, Says “Weekend at Bernie’s” Biden.

More car thoughts about economics.

As America falls over and stores complain about how much they lose to theft, I have some more musings on what’s going on with Capitalism in America.

Capitalism, makes bad products, ones that even violate the minimum safety regulations that theoretically exist in America, and nobody does anything about it.

About 10 years ago, I was broke, and I was looking for ways to save money on almost anything I could. When I went to the Dollar Tree, where everything really was $1, I bought some bags of coffee.

They said, “Product of Vietnam”, but they were $1. So I bought several bags and figured I was done buying coffee for the month.

When I got home, and brewed a pot, it left a plastic-like residue all over my coffee maker carafe, and I had to chisel it apart with a butter knife before I could use the coffee maker again.

I have no idea what that stuff was, but needless to say I did not drink the coffee.

I’ve bought a couple other products there before I realized completely what Dollar Tree actually was. It’s not a way to be frugal, it’s a false economy.

They aim for low prices, because so many people in America can’t afford anything better, and it does not matter at all if any of the products are “good”, at least on some level.

When I read that Dollar Tree is complaining about rampant theft, I became quite concerned about the current situation in America and what it means for the future.

Previously, for an item to be considered worthy of theft, it had to appeal to people who would see it as sort of a “religious artifact”, yet didn’t have the money that a Capitalist economy demands for such a thing.

Consider the $300-600 Air Jordan shoes, and how there are so many ways people get them. From smash-and-grab retail theft, to working a lot to buy just one pair of shoes, which cost 10-20 times what a perfectly good unbranded pair of shoes cost, to even using rent-to-own, and paying $1,200 for the shoes, eventually.

Marx gave us the concept of “Commodity Fetishism”.

It’s when an object loses its appeal over its utilitarian value to the consumer, and takes on, sort of a life of its own, being given an, almost mystical or mythological qualities in the person’s mind.

Consider Apple products. They have very little utilitarian value. If you want a set of earbuds, you can get something as good as AirPods for no more than $40, yet Apple charges up to, I think $300 for a codec with a battery and a little plastic.

This is commodity fetishism. People are encouraged through advertising, to pay for their own brainwashing, and a premium for an otherwise limited-value proposition.

People who fall victim to fetishism of commodities will end up paying too much for everything from coffee to computers.

While there is definitely a point where things get too cheap to possibly be good in a Capitalist economy ($1 coffee or $1 3.5 oz frozen ribeye steaks at the dollar store), there’s also a point where you get a good product, but you’re paying 10 times as much as you should, because there was a point where the utilitarian value of the purchase leveled off, and it was a long time ago.

So now you’re in debt to the “credit card” people and the “finance company”, and reality sets in that the product did not raise your standard of living, but you are paying for them fooling you.

Commodity fetishism leads to high levels of debt and dissatisfaction.

When people say that nobody in America is poor because they all have flat screens and nice shoes, that’s what this means.

You have no….money, per se, but Capitalism has made you rich in flat screen TVs, BMW cars, Apple phones, AirPods, Air Jordans, and Kirby vacuums…

(I know, you just opened the door and before you knew it, the guy had you signing papers, and you don’t even have any carpet!)

If a product is actually so much better that it earns its high price, then this isn’t automatically commodity fetishism, but this is a rarity.

“A religion may be discerned in capitalism – that is to say, capitalism serves essentially to allay the same anxieties, torments, and disturbances to which the so-called religions offered answers.”

“Capitalism is probably the first instance of a cult that creates guilt, not atonement.”

– Walter Benjamin, Capitalism as Religion

Most people born in America engage in Commodity Fetishism.

It’s almost inevitable thanks to the cradle to grave brainwashing that you’re only one product away from happiness.

Hell, I don’t know ONE person who isn’t affected by this lunacy, except me, and I must confess there have been times. But it seems everyone else I know has it so much worse.

70 hour work weeks and the whole Amazon warehouse in their closet. They don’t even open the boxes anymore. It’s rather disgusting.

But human nature is to be greedy, and advertisers like this.

Even in the Soviet Union, where you could get into huge trouble for having an underground dance club with Western music, booze, cigarettes, and clothing, they happened and the government was never successful in shutting them down although some did get raided.

One of the latest, and weirdest, phenomenons of Capitalism is their belief that they can eventually replace most workers with “AI”.

The third world…the third world….the southern hemisphere!

The third world…..the third world….the southern hemisphere……A
stop job is running 1m 30s….

The computer is rebooting NOW….Reason: User pressed Ctrl-Alt-Del 5

*sigh* *Holds in the power button.*

-Joe Biden’s Brain and Karen Jean-Pierre

When Bonehead Biden was in Vietnam the other day, where his brain took another dump on him mid-sentence and he started saying “The third world, the third world, the southern hemisphere.” followed by a word salad and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre quickly rushing the demented old coot off the stage, it was said that the United States will have Microsoft “export AI” to Vietnam.

One does wonder what a “Communist worker’s state” will do with “Microsoft AI”, which has lost its novelty, and which people here don’t really use much anymore.

As soon as people got tired of ELIZA on Steroids, they started leaving “ChatGPT” alone.

The barely noticeable uptick in Bing market share quickly evaporated.

Again, what are Communists going to do with a chat bot?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

The closest thing we have to a Communist Party in America is something called “RevCom” for Revolutionary Communism.

I only became aware of it while I was in South Chicago for a while.

I don’t think any of them have been brushing up on Marx. It’s a bit, uhm, dry reading, and the people calling themselves Revolutionary Communists don’t strike me as big readers who know a lot of five dollar words.

I’ve never encountered, actual Communists, in America.

The label is so toxic that the only people using it officially are derelicts who have nothing and are pissed.

Even people who are basically Communists here swear up and down that they’re not.

They’re Democrats, or Socialists, or Democratic Socialists, or they make up new words.

Anything but Communism.

What does amaze me is how a country that takes away everything from people and leaves them homeless or dying from lack of food or medical care, has been so good about suppressing revolt.

The United States has been unbelievably more successful with violently suppressing dissent than the Soviet Union was.

There came a point where so many people in the Soviet Union were so dissatisfied with it that it broke apart, and instead of murdering EVERYONE eventually the powers that be let it go.

That rather says a lot about America, I think.

We have long since crossed the point where people would replace it with something else if they possibly could. If they had the power to change things.

Except that our government always credibly threatens “the most vicious dogs” and “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” (two of Trump’s best), and people just quietly go back inside their home (or tent) and quit “causing trouble”, again.

There’s something different that’s happening this time, though. More people are just going into the stores and taking things and they don’t even care if the police are watching them. They have no job, despite the fake government statistics saying everyone is flush with cash, well fed, and gainfully employed.

Communist governments would be too ashamed to produce statistics such as the ones that the Bureau of Labor Statistics has gotten away with.

When Trump had them make a “math error” to not count a million unemployed people, Barack Obama stepped in and claimed nobody at BLS would ever lie to us. Oh sure, right.

(The same BLS that says the dollar has only lost two-thirds of its value since I was born in 1984, through 2023, when I’ve seen it lose at least that much as it pertains to rent and food since 2003.)

They’re all swamp monsters. Trump was just one that didn’t get along with the rest.

Everyone who has been paying attention to this country knows that this is not a happy crew and that our current president is basically full-on Weekend at Bernie’s because his mind is so gone. Turns out, we don’t even need a president, because they can put documents in front of a confused old man and have him sign ’em.

Maybe that’s how they got him to say Microsoft will export AI to Vietnam.

One of the only things that a lot of Communist governments did get right was basing a national operating system on GNU/Linux.

This isn’t actually just about Communism trying to provide affordable technology for its citizens. It’s a national security issue. Windows is horribly architected and impossible to secure. It’s also got built-in spyware for the US government.

You would have to be retarded to rely on something like this from an enemy country that wants to keep tabs on you.

It’s not just Communists that are ripping Windows and other US tech out of their computing, and a lot of it is because Microsoft is also an economic drain on their country’s economy. But that’s not even the main concern.

I just fail to see how wasting money on some Microsoft chat bot is going to help them when their government throws Windows out because it doesn’t want to be the victim of espionage.

Maybe they just don’t actually plan to use it for anything but had to do something to get the corrupt Bernie Lomax Biden Administration to open talks with Vietnam.

COVID and Vaccine Jingoism. The Politics of a Plague.

COVID and Vaccine Jingoism. The Politics of a Plague.

There was a strange phenomenon during COVID, well, a lot of them.

It wasn’t just every two-bit politician in America acting like a dictator with unlimited authority, sweeping the feckless courts and legislatures aside, ruling by “public health decree”. Forcing everyone into ineffective Hygiene Theater, including “sanitizing surfaces” and “masks”, whose sole purpose was psychological. (So the economy wouldn’t collapse.)

Oh no, there was a lot of noise in the “media”, like NPR, BBC, and NYTimes, regarding “Chinese” and “Russian” vaccines, and “What’s even in them? Who knows? They probably have lousy quality control because, again, Russia and China.”

In the mean time, as we in the Northern Hemisphere go into the Cold, Flu, and COVID season yet again, I’ve decided not to take any more of the “COVID shots”.

I’ve stopped calling them vaccines. I took four of them.

The fourth being the “bivalent booster”. So did my spouse.

Just 6 weeks after the bivalent booster (all doses were Pfizer), we both got COVID at the same time.

COVID actually made my spouse less sick than the COVID shot. The COVID shot made it impossible for him to get out of bed for nearly 4 days.

He ended up calling into work, losing most of his sick time, and then when he did get COVID, having to take unpaid Family and Medical Leave Act time off, which they only give you when you have COVID, not “COVID shot side effects”. Which they gaslight the public and claim don’t even exist.

I wasn’t even as lucky as him. I ended up very sick with COVID, and then developing chest pains that dragged on clear into this summer and didn’t stop for for EIGHT months.

We both took the “COVID antiviral pills”, he got the Pfizer ones, I couldn’t take them and had to take Molnupiravir. Just as soon as I was starting to come around, 4 days later, the COVID weakened my immune system to the point where I had a Shingles outbreak, and spent another few weeks taking pills to stamp that out, as well as painkillers three times a day (the maximum safe dose!).

I’ve decided this year, we’ll skip the shots, because they clearly do nothing and they can make you sicker than the damn bug.

I don’t feel like a repeat of last year where my spouse risks getting in trouble with his job, over a defective COVID shot, for absolutely no benefit.

So we will be taking the flu shot on Monday and calling it.

We are not anti-vaxxers. We have taken all of the CDC recommended vaccines. Most of them were put through a legitimate Scientific Process.

The clear and only point of Pfizer and Moderna’s COVID shots is to make money for Pfizer and Moderna, while the government sweeps all of the information under the rug about how badly they can hurt you.

This year, the Biden administration, allowed both companies to increase the price of each dose from $16, which the government paid and led to record profits for both companies, to $180 per dose, which is going to make insurance companies raise premiums again, to pay for shots that are dangerous and don’t even work.

Naturally, to grease the wheels on Phase II of the Great Heist, Moderna has said they’ll cover the shots for the uninsured, for now.

Given that these things very clearly don’t work, given the media gaslighting, which I’ll admit even got me until I had to experience the fact that they don’t work myself, and just the level of dishonesty and corruption about the entire thing (including anti-Russian and anti-Chinese propaganda that didn’t even leave the COVID shots out of it), I can’t justify accepting more.

It was the Democrats, as usual, who had such a horrible program, that they had to bribe and threaten people. Through their employers, naturally.

Take it, you get fifty bucks, don’t take it and potentially get fired.

Biden tried his best to make everyone who refused the heart damage and other oddities unemployed, during a recession, with hyperinflation.

This America is a dystopian Hell, and despite the rare media mention of COVID anymore (because they took their “emergency powers” and never gave them back, thank you very much), and now they want you out there shopping, rumbling of the Lockdown Fetishists are starting to make the news again.

This whole thing was an exercise in raw power.

After they eased up a little and like half of the jobs lost to the Lockdown came back, the corrupt New York Times spun up the KrugmanBot3000 to proclaim the Dead Cat Bounce as the Economic Miracle of Biden.

A “recovery” that brings back half the jobs, and puts the government in twice as much debt is a Miracle.

Hallelujah. Praise Be! I saw the light, I saw the light, no more darkness no more night! Then Jesus Biden came like a stranger in the night. Praise the Lord Joe Biden, I saw the light!

Ironically, after encouraging people who know how to knock a fence down and enter a place illegally to come to Chicago, ex-Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago was horrified when they did the same thing to her chain link fences around open air parks.

What public policy sense did it make to lock down open air state and local parks when there’s this germ going around mostly killing people who don’t even go out and walk?

(Of course, in Chicago, that’s defensible since not exercising is more healthy than being shot while exercising, I suppose.)

Also, true to Democrat form, we had to spill reams of digital ink, chiding people for going to church, and not say anything about the vandalism, looting, and the “house parties” where someone shows up with a machine gun, which were spreading COVID, but it wasn’t the people you CAN berate in the media doing it.

Excusing open and outright criminal actions while condemning people for engaging in their Constitutionally-protected right to freedom of religion did not weigh well on me. I think we deserve better than this from our government.

Calling rioting and arson and looting “mostly peaceful” while people are dying, the city is on fire, and businesses are being destroyed is never okay. But the Democrats and their pet media did this.

At the same time, the Civil Alert System was going off telling me not to enter Kenosha, Wisconsin or Downtown Chicago. Mostly peaceful, you know.

I’m planning to take my spouse to some Libertarian Party meetings.

It’s only right that if he’s planning to become an American that we should do this right.

I find it very ironic that the government universities, who basically load people up with so much debt they’ll never see the light of day again, most of them, and at only 18, would brand the faculty as such “Progressives” while actually promoting so much actual wealth inequality. Sure, yeah, finance it all and hand it to them. Whatever.

I don’t respect them. There’s nothing to feel good about when you’re a “university” and you load a bunch of rubes down with $60,000 in debt at 6%+ interest, knowing what you’re doing to them, and then you tell them that they’re a victim of “evil White people”.

Yeah, a lot of those “evil White people” are running the university. Ever stopped to think about it?

Those are the ones saying that the “evil White people” are the ones who are too poor to buy a bag of beans, and aren’t even threatening anybody.

The elitist “Left” is too stupid to realize that by openly mocking and slandering people who are on hard times, portraying Rural Americans as the Great White Satan, that they are making people like Trump and DeSantis more palatable.

They won’t do anything for the poor White rural voters, but they say they have the answer to everything, and point out how toxic and stupid the “Left” is all the time to score points because the last part is….not untrue.

You won’t like their answer to the problems though. Keep pushing, you’ll find out.

You thought Trump was bad the first time? Just wait and see what he does next. And if not him, someone like him.

Ohio school teacher resigns and takes a job at Walmart because it pays better.

An Ohio school teacher resigned and took a job at Walmart because it pays better.

RawStory: Underpaid Ohio teacher leaves profession for a career at Walmart — here’s why

Web / Gemini (NewsWaffle)

The job at Walmart isn’t even in management, and doesn’t require any sort of college degree.

This is how much government values educating your children.

Lurching us closer and closer to the movie Idiocracy, eventually nobody will bother teaching your kids because sweeping floors and stocking canned beans at Walmart pays then 33% more money per year than dealing with your snot-nosed brats and juvenile delinquents all day. The teacher who went to Walmart praised Walmart for not just the much higher pay, but the fact that he “only” has to work 45 hour weeks now, compared to 60 as a teacher.

College degrees in America have gotten very expensive, mostly because the schools are ran by lots of overpaid administrators who are only there because politicians are running the universities.

They’ve completely scooped out the brains of the Community Colleges in Illinois and turned them from trade schools to outlets for woke liberal and Chinese propaganda. When my spouse was studying there, they were essentially billing us $10,000 a year so he could read Trevor Noah bitching about White people all the goddamned time.

They strongly prefer to take in international students who don’t understand how the university’s liberal and Chinese Communist scams work, and need to keep going there to keep their visa once they find out. That’s how Colleges of Lake County operates. I doubt it’s better anywhere else in the state.

Even if you can study something useful, pursuing the degree is usually not even an investment when you consider that many people end up paying back multiples of what they borrowed to enable the school to be a political party with lots of bloat, lose years of their lives trying to get a degree, and then get disrespected for trying to pursue a career that benefits the public (like teaching), until they give up and take a job at Walmart.

My spouse asked if he could go back to college. I told him, “Don’t bother. Not only would it cost a lot of money, you’d probably be no better off in the end.”.

Richard Stallman has stated it just as bluntly.

With the debt and interest rates, and the prospective salary, he said “most people won’t be better off going to college unless they end up being a doctor when they’re done”.

The problem of not valuing public education is easy to blame on the Republican Party because they’re definitely the dumber of the two major political parties in America, but the Democrats rely on an army of voters who are too stupid to take care of themselves and need welfare.

It seems they’re both fine with a country going into the gutter while people give up and work at Walmart.

I mean, we’re well into the United States operating on printed money and some old people who still work while the banks enslave people to read Trevor Noah talking about slavery in 1860, so that’s nice. I’m sure there’s a good future in it.

If anyone really is interested in Trevor Noah bitching (he ruined the Daily Show because he’s not a comedian), I’m sure that the state has also wasted my money buying his books rambling on about grievances against White people at the public library.

(Just make sure you leave your name there for the COVID contact tracers.)

NordVPN is now blocked by my bank and all of the major video streaming “services”. Also, a major network disruption last night left me on Ireland and Hong Kong.

NordVPN is now blocked by my bank and all of the major video streaming “services”

(Source: Lots of people on Reddit bummed out that Netflix, Hulu, and the rest all detect NordVPN and lock them out suddenly. Like this post, but man… Time to cancel, and turn off Widevine DRM too! If you can’t even use the sites that demand it, why leave it on?).

Also, a major NordVPN network disruption last night left my PC only able to connect on Ireland and my phone ended up on Hong Kong.

Since VPN software is illegal in China, I’m guessing the Hong Kong server isn’t really physically there?

In any event, things like this keep happening with no explanation from NordVPN. A few weeks ago, I kept getting “Panama”, where “Nord”VPN is really headquartered.

It was also very slow. I’m guessing from everyone being routed to the servers that were still running.

For the part of “Big Tech” making it inconvenient to use a VPN, it’s obvious that they want to track you and enforce georestrictions, but if they can get people to stop using VPNs, then the government wins too. They want it to be as easy as possible to keep an eye on everything you do in case it becomes interesting to them later.

It’s relatively cheap in a country that spends trillions on “military” pork and dead products to bail out Microsoft “HoloLens” each year, yet leaves people in Chicago freezing to death in the winter and eating out of the trash.

I’ve always wondered, speaking about China, what all of these Chinese students go back and say about America.

“It was horrible. It was filthy. There was a lot of crime. I got mugged! They pointed a gun at me! I’m lucky to be alive. They have no real public transit and they have people roaming the train stations bumming money and eating out of the trash!”.

Just the other day, a Chinese student got shot and killed outside the University of Chicago because someone wanted his phone or something. WGN reported on it. Welcome to America!

Does the Communist Party need anything for propaganda about America other than what their people see here?

Then on top of that, our former president had his supporters so whipped up against “Asians” that his supporters attack them without provocation. Reddit has had to shut down so many subreddits of the Alt-Reich that’ I’ve lost count now.

Edit: And now NordVPN is screwing around with their servers again. I can only connect to “Italy”.

No explanation is coming, I’m sure.