Tag Archives: criminals

In America, Can You Purchase a Clean Record?

In America, Your Criminal Record Can Be As Clean As You Can Afford.

Or can it be?

In America, the police harass good and innocent people all the time.

Sure, they sometimes arrest actual criminals, and put them through court.

However, the truly awful and wicked people seldom get punished in blue states (where Democrats run everything).

In Illinois, they typically have “Social Justice Warriors” who make it to the bench and give sweetheart deals to child molesters to do 6 days in the county jail and some weenie probation, then they turn around and unleash Hell on people nobody will burn down the police station over.

It’s true. I hate to make it a race thing, but it kind of is.

The police and county prosecutors never seem to solve the “burn down Walmart as a diversion in order to steal televisions to nearly put my spouse out of a job” people.

They don’t even work the case.

It’s so bad here that WALMART, one of the richest and most influential corporations, gets a “report number” and then the case goes dead. Seriously.

That happened in February and the police are no closer to solving it, and nothing would happen to the people who did it if they did.

But for certain kinds of people, they can be ridiculously petty, and then you have to buy your way back to a clean record which involves a dog-and-pony show of unloading about $3,000 on the expungement case alone and then saying you’re sorry and learned your lesson over something that should not have ever turned into a case to begin with.

I’ve come across a bunch of “lawyer blogs” citing studies that criminals can buy their way to a clean record. But this isn’t entirely true.

What typically happens is there’s three kinds of people who make it into a criminal courtroom.

  1. There’s the people who are guilty as Hell, a menace, and a “larcenous perverted worm” who should be “torn into itty bitty pieces and buried alive”. (Like the molesters or habitual violent felons.) (I loved Heavy Metal btw.)
  2. There’s the people who did something, but it was so trivial that it’s basically stupid that the police made an issue out of it to begin with.
  3. Then there’s the people who were just totally framed.

When you’re dealing with the first group, the Social Justice Warriors will say the system is keeping them down.

But generally, what really happens is that these people not only aren’t sorry, but they have 11 pages of court records and that’s just the summary.

It roughly started the day they turned 18 (and would go on further back except “they were a kid”) and it’s been a weekly event since then. The judges know them by name, but instead of giving them the “We’re going to fix it so you never see this guy again.” treatment, like Indiana would, they just keep slapping them on the wrist.

But the thing is, the record follows them because it would actually take over a million dollars and 110 expungement hearings just to ask, and they’re never going to get it all wiped even if they win the lottery, decide to clean up their life, and make 110 petitions asking forgiveness.

So the only people who can get a clean record are the ones who aren’t that bad or haven’t actually done anything wrong, but got pressured to say they did to stop the criminal proceedings from going any further.

A garbage disposal system is not judged by its fairness but rather by its ability to dispose of the garbage quickly and inexpensively.

-Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Nearly everyone who gets charged with a crime pleads guilty or no contest to “something”. The prosecutors don’t want to spend any time on it, so they “bargain” by charging lots of serious crimes, some misdemeanors, and a moving violation, and then come down to something you can maybe live to fight another day about.

So the next time you run into a “lefty lunatic lawyer” (and there’s a lot of them because they don’t live in the real world….like most “lefty lunatics”, they live behind a gate with armed guards and spend their days arguing in court), remember.

Buying your record clean only works if you aren’t that bad to begin with.

Lefty lunatics only have the luxury of believing in what they say either because they can afford to live somewhere else and not look at the problem or because they live with their parents and don’t have to want for things.

They certainly don’t need to buy a gun, because they can hire a private security army to guard the gate of their housing addition after they move behind a wall. So your Second Amendment Rights can go right in the garbage as far as they’re concerned.

These people are too dangerous to give power to.

That’s why I always vote to “impeach and remove the judges”.

I think the judges have all grown too comfortable where they are based on what I see unfolding in the real world, where I live.

Many people blame the bad economy for crime.

I get that. Stealing laundry soap, baby formula, and food, as many Americans have been reduced to, are what I would call “crimes of desperation” and it’s failed political leadership that got us there. Many people voted for Trump to get us out of NAFTA, and he gave us NAFTA with Lipstick instead.

Even if the economy was perfect, there would still be a lot of criminals.

It’s also true that it’s a personal choice and failing to use drugs and commit crimes to get money to feed a drug habit.

Criminalizing the drugs is important because many if not most of these people are also committing economic crimes in support of their habits and violent and sex crimes while they’re hopped up on crack or meth or something. Drug use is hardly a victimless crime.

It’s very disturbing that our Resident Troll in Techrights was spewing “drug legalization” nonsense all over the channel.

And not soft drugs that basically don’t screw you up permanently like pot, hard drugs where, “the brain has basically stopped working” and never will again.

I know he reads this and can’t get enough of what’s on my mind, apparently, so this part is basically for him.

But it sort of ties in with Democrats in blue states who don’t want to spend any money on justice repealing the drug laws.

Whatever happened to justice? Huh!? Whatever happened to right and wrong!?

More than two dozen criminals in Illinois got fake Paycheck Protection Program loans from the Trump administration and used them to post bail and flee.

More than two dozen criminals in Illinois got fake Paycheck Protection Program loans from the Trump administration and used them to post bail and flee, reports WGN Chicago.

All told, the fake loans in this case cost the federal taxpayers over $500,000 and sprung 25 people out of jail.

If Trump had appointed an Inspector General to oversee the program as the law required, perhaps this (and other similar incidents?) may not have happened.

Chicago gives us a good look at the notion that violent felons need “therapy” – or why Cook County Chief Judge Timothy C. Evans is a complete moron.

Chicago had 55 people shot and 11 killed last weekend and the police blame Cook County judges for allowing violent felons out on ankle monitors.

The Chief Judge, Timothy C. Evans, released a very long reply, but the part that shows what a true idiot this man is, I will quote:

“[…]our system has shown that 94% of these defendants charged with murder released pretrial are not charged with any new crime and about 99% are not charged with a new violent offense. While the court cannot comment on individual pending or impending cases, jail detention cannot under the Constitution be applied to 100% of those facing certain charges because less than 10% of those released cannot conduct themselves properly. I believe these results could improve with the addition of cognitive behavioral therapy for high-risk defendants, which the court will be able to pursue more actively as the coronavirus pandemic recedes.”

There you go. Only 6% of murderers kill again (as far as you know) if you let them out pre-trial and therefore you need to let them all out on ankle monitors so that they can get what they really need. Therapists.

The fact that people like this flipping moron are JUDGES anywhere, let alone the Chief Judge, along with prosecutors like Kim Foxx who let many go without charging them, tells you why nobody (at least if they’re a minority) worries about breaking the law in Chicago.

If you went to Indiana, I’m not saying you’d never witness a violent crime, but it’s a pretty rare occurrence outside of some Democrat cities that have become miniature Chicagos.

You really do wonder if the courts have sympathy like this for white people, but I can tell you now that they don’t.

White people fear the cops because nothing happens if the cop shoots you, you will be held accountable, and the entire system goes into overdrive trying to over-charge and falsely convict you. Certainly, nobody will riot and set an entire city on fire and say they’re getting justice for you by picking the local Walmarts clean down to the last pack of AA batteries.

The race for reverse-racism and political correctness has led to a system where only white people get to court and are punished to any meaningful extent in places like Illinois. Everyone else needs reparations and psychological treatment.

Visit Chicago. Your car is already there.

What’s really tragic is that while the state of Illinois oppresses white people with unconstitutional FOID laws and having the police rough us up (you just never get to hear about it from the fake news), minority offenders get put back out on the street, get another gun, and shoot someone else, usually in less than 24 hours. All while the judges make excuses for themselves and the violent offenders they let go.

When the Democrats are running things, you have to pretend like nobody has any idea what the problems are or what the solutions might be.