Tag Archives: Gopher

Mozilla Fully Corrupted and Assault on the Internet Archive While America Crumbles

More on the corruption of Firefox, along with a social commentary regarding the assault on the Internet Archive and American Decline.

16 years ago, Robert Strong “They/Them”, proposed removing the Gopher protocol from Mozilla Firefox.

This is a form of vandalism and the start of giving Google total control of the company.

The Gopher protocol is very simple and contained no known security holes. It was implemented in Gecko with code inherited from Netscape, which was not huge.

The “proposal” was more outrageous than their removal of File Transfer Protocol support, which could have been beaten into better shape by dropping support for old and weird server implementations that nobody used.

It was surprisingly low maintenance as evidenced by how few iterations of the code there needed to be despite the fact that it was over a decade and a half old and ported from another browser at the time it was deleted.

In fact, Mozilla basically ignored community offers to help refactor it to be even smaller.

Interesting that they call something a security hazard when they merge entire systems to run proprietary binaries (WebAssemblies) into Firefox now because that’s what Google told them to do.

WebAssembly code is not well-written and it’s not a well-written specification, and it is impossible to properly secure without turning it off in about:config.

I still use Gopher protocol, many of the times I use it it’s to cut bloat out of Reddit or even Wikipedia and just read the text.

We all know why Google and Mozilla drop things like Gopher and FTP. It’s a power grab. If you can drop something from a Web browser, to many people it simply doesn’t exist.

They have been conditioned to think of the Internet not as a suite of protocols, dozens of which are not the Web, but “whatever some stupid Web site wants to run on my computer” which is normally a very insecure and bloated “Web App”.

I wish I could report that Mozilla and Google’s vandalism of Gecko stopped with Firefox, but I can’t. Rust modules and the deletion of Gopher have even made it into SeaMonkey. ChatZilla still recognizes gopher:// as a link, but when you click it, it says it can’t open them and to try the extension, which is OverBiteFF, which is broken, replaced by a “WebExtension” *barf* which does not work.

Lagrange (a Gemini and Gopher browser) is fantastic.

It is beyond the reach of Mozilla and Google. (Like Belarus and Russia, respectively.)

For a while, you could put Gopher back into Firefox yourself with “OverBiteFF”, but eventually Mozilla threw out powerful XUL extensions and replaced them with trash modeled on Google Chrome’s, and most of the good extensions simply were impossible to replace correctly and have never re-appeared. So now you need a special “browser” for Gopher, and Gemini protocols. Sure there’s a WebExtension, with no helper app for Linux of course, so that’s just swell.

It’s so much easier to read Wikipedia and other Web sites through a proxy to a simpler protocol, where you can get at the text and optionally load images (usually stock images you didn’t want) without all the hassle.

Though I usually use the newer Gemini protocol. There’s a Gemini proxy of Reddit at Gemi.dev along with the weather and a News site proxy.

That way I can keep an eye on the propaganda. It’s amazing that people actually pay to read propaganda.

There are times now, where I have three Web browsers open. SeaMonkey (which I use mainly), NetSurf without images or JavaScript (so I can view text-only in a graphical application), and LibreWolf (a Firefox fork minus the malware and mountain of trash from Mozilla). Three. This is not reasonable. I wish Mozilla would go back to making a good Internet application like they had prior to “Quantum”.

I (only) want to read the New York Times because it’s amazingly corrupt to the point where it’s a never ending source of amusement.

And there’s really no easy way to stop me, even over the Web, because I can always use a browser that simply couldn’t run their paywall code if I wanted to, like Links or Netsurf.

Mozilla not only removed Bypass Paywalls, but they also removed support for turning off JavaScript, even to just certain Web sites in the site permissions menu.

Why? They’ve always taken the side of people who want to tell your computer to work against you, the user. “Take back the Web?” Hardly. JavaScript is almost always there to do something harmful. (WASM too.)

It doesn’t surprise me at all that Google and Mozilla have killed alternatives to the Web as far as their browsers go, and are turning them into an operating system (and a really bad one).

The New York Times is functioning as an arm of the Biden Campaign. Parroting mindlessly, happy happy thoughts about a very sick American economy and running the KrugmanBot3000 for more “Doom Porn” articles about China.

Today, I read a new funny that I simply have to share. They said that “China has made all the easy gains it will get by moving workers from farms into factories.”

The American government moved factory workers to unemployment checks, and then varyingly dying of drugs (while blaming the Chinese, naturally), living in a tent and begging for change, or living with their parents, who might have had some savings or at least a check from Social Security, and who are now nearly dead.

Where is the “news”? Last I could stomach it, they were saying youth unemployment and living with parents was “The Charm of Multi-Generational Housing.”

Other “news” sites aren’t much better. The oligarchs have warred against the Open Internet for years, and won major victories through courts and corruption of Web browser companies.

This is coinciding with the assault on archive.org, which actually has nothing to do with a copyright lawsuit.

The propagandists must first wipe out all traces of any information they’ve said previously which is no longer convenient.

Then they can go ahead and deploy the new revisions and nobody will ever be able to prove it was ever different.

It’s exactly the same as Winston Smith’s job at the Ministry of Truth in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Burning the old documents so The Party could retroactively change what it said.

It happened so often that they needed people incinerating their prior statements, full time.

Biden’s Ministry of Disinformation within the Department of Homeland Security laid it on very thick, too thick even, to pass muster, even in this Brave New World of iPhone zombies who barely know how to read and write, but have college debts, but they accomplish the same thing without official Disinformation Ministers now.

Very quickly, nobody was talking about the Disinformation Ministry, like COVID. Like all of the illegal and unconstitutional things they used COVID as an excuse to do, and it all vanished. The government courts standing there, fecklessly watching and and stalling, and aiding and abetting places like Illinois turning into a dictatorship where rule of law collapsed. It’s like it never happened.

The same people who have made the Illinois Constitution and the American one effectively cease to exist, most recently with their assault on the Right to Bear Arms, are now trying to pass a huge amendment to give the thing that no longer restrains the State government anyway “gender neutral language”. I won’t vote for it. Hopefully there are enough other people who haven’t lost their minds, who wish to preserve the majesty of the document, even though it doesn’t give them any rights anymore.

Back to censorship…Ah yes, when they’re finished with us, they can just delete the articles, neuter Wikipedia (Wikipedia Neutering is something government and PR firms do a lot of.), and plug the “Internet Archive” so that the former revisions and deleted whole articles will no longer ever prove there were such things, or at least such revisions as the initial ones.

The lawsuit against the Internet Archive is better to think of in the terms of billionaire oligarch Peter Thiel’s attack on Gawker using Hulk Hogan’s sex tape as the nominal focus of the lawsuit. The powerful and wealthy wanted to remove an embarrassment, and they did.

But the Internet Archive will obviously be a much greater loss. A tragedy.

The commons is being narrowed out of existence, because the propagandists don’t want a well-informed educated public. You can’t rule them if there are too many.

The Internet Archive’s fair use argument was very strong, and the oligarch-owned American courts smacked them down anyway.

It’s not as-if there was some sort of rampant piracy happening at the Internet Archive, although piracy is certainly less objectionable from a moral standard than Digital Restrictions Malware.

But even using a form of DRM to control how many copies of a digitized work could be used, to remain compliant with copyright law did not satisfy the courts, so far.

Considering how corrupt American courts are, I don’t expect their appeal to get much consideration. Hollywood backs the Democrat Party, and in return they give the major copyright interests whatever they want.

At various times, they’ve gotten close to copyright bills passing that said everything was copyrighted “forever” minus one day.

Their DRM systems have always failed, so their counter to that was the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which makes it a felony to try to evade DRM.

In the America the corporations and the government propagandists built, drugs are plentiful, homelessness abounds, and information is cracked down upon.

Many years ago, most people had VCRs. Video Cassette Recorders.

If you had one that was older than the law requiring it to recognize Macrovision (copy restriction technique for analog tapes), or bought a “Macrovision remover” device, you could just take one movie and copy it to a blank tape.

Blank tapes were cheaper than a movie, so practically everyone I knew growing up had a house full of movies on blank tapes. You went to the rental store, rented a movie overnight, copied it to the other VCR with a blank cassette, made sure the copy worked, and then returned the rented tape.

Did Hollywood go under? No. They made a fortune in the video tape industry. They just always want more. So they arrange to get more, and for software and legal enforcement to that end.

Today, the nasty schemes from Google, Apple, and Microsoft, which include DRM, are meant to enslave people, take their access to information and culture away and dole it out only to people who can pay, and then get them to agree to be a jerk to everyone on the planet by saying “I can’t give you a copy.” as well as themselves, are marketed as “desirable goods”.

This is what Richard Stallman meant when he called Apple a “crystal prison”.

When I get new statistics showing Microsoft laying off, Windows usage eroding, and iPhone shipments down double digits, I feel great. More, please!

Their products are such overbearing tyrants that they even disable taking screenshots while a DVD is playing.

You may not be able to take pictures of windows in some apps, such as DVD Player.


The manufacturer of brainwashing devices, the iPhones, don’t deserve success. Apple will continue to be praised in the media regardless of what’s really happening in there, because we know what the “news” is.

The iPhone may be very pretty, and it’s very bad.

At least few people really like their jailers at Microsoft…

The clocks are striking Thirteen in America, and a few large “tech” companies, useful enough to be bailed out as much as necessary with government indebtedness, will control everything you see and hear.

Everything that you see around you now is unreliable and must be questioned.

They have all day, all night, all the time in the world, to keep coming up with more garbage. Your sanity will be broken eventually.

Windows 11 Will Respect Your Default Web Browser in the EU, but Not Elsewhere: It’s All About the Ads

Windows 11 Will Use Geolocation And Only Respect Your Default Web Browser In the European Union.

Microsoft really doesn’t care what browser you want as your default on Windows.

There’s a reason. They need to ignore you so they can sell advertising you don’t want to see.

While on Linux, you can set your default browser to literally anything, Microsoft won’t respect your choice on Windows 11.

This has prompted the development of “Edge Deflector” programs that trick Windows into opening your default Web browser anyway when you click on links in parts of Windows that are hard-coded to open in Microsoft Edge.

But Microsoft considers these to be “threats” to their attempt to open up MSN garbage written by ChaffBots with ads plastered all over the place, and while they are content to let Windows rot to Hell in most ways, they have been very aggressive to push out changes to stop Edge Deflectors.

With a Preview Release in the Development Channel, Microsoft will finally open your default browser, but only if you live in the European Economic Area.

Everyone else in the world who uses Windows 11 will just have to put up with Edge opening whether they want it to or not, and having to go to roughly 27 different places to set a default Web browser that Edge will either try to steal back by tricking them into clicking one button, or ignore.

Since Geolocation APIs can generally locate a person even if they’re on a VPN, it won’t matter if you’ve set your VPN on or not.

Basically the whole point of Windows “11” is further locking down the computer and leaving more ads and shit on your desktop. It’s a very exploitative operating system and they’ve promised to make it worse. As they fire people all over the company, they plan to put ads in the desktop shell on top of all these traps that open Bing and MSN to trash your screen with ads.

If you want to know which program will come up when you click on a hyperlink, you need to switch to Linux.

When I was a teenager, about 14, I started maintaining an ad blocking HOSTS file.

I tried to use the MS MVPs list, which ended up being too much for Windows 98 to handle, and I also found that resolving the ad servers to was not only taking longer than, but that kept the size of the file down, which was important because Windows 98 also slowed to a crawl if the HOSTS file grew above a certain size.

I set out to create my own list, and started from scratch. I browsed all over the Web as I used it and started eliminating the major ad networks. Then I started using it to remove ads from programs I used in Windows. Pretty soon, I figured I could help other people avoid ads, and it would be very little extra work to put it on my GeoCities Web site.

Unfortunately, downloads of that ONE file started using up all the bandwidth that Yahoo! (whose ad networks were also listed in my HOSTS file), would give me.

I ended up running into Mike Healan, who ran a site called Spyware Info, and asking if he’d mind hosting my lists, and he let me link to it from my GeoCities site too, which relieved the bandwidth problem and allowed my other pages, which documented how to remove Internet Explorer and Trident from Windows 98, and where to get the replacement shell from Windows 95 OSR 2.1 at, among other things I found in Windows 98 and documented by plumbing the registry, as well as useful utilities and program recommendations, and advice on setting up firewalls and changing bad network settings that led to security problems by default.

It ended up sprawling and covering “Everything you ever wanted to know about Windows 98, but were too afraid to ask.”

I put a public domain header on my HOSTS file, and sent Mike updates every week.

Eventually, I found out years later that someone even used it as the basis of a filterset for the Internet Junkbuster, which turned into Privoxy. A local proxy that you could route Web browsers through to strip out ads and change HTTP headers and stuff.

So in a way, I contributed to ad blocking before anyone was thinking to do it in the browser, and I sat down and made it work better than trying to use what was out there.

Several years later, GoDaddy basically extorted Mike Healan. They demanded a ton of money to renew the domain, and when he couldn’t pay it, they sold it off to an outfit that PUSHED spyware on people, and took advantage of “Web rot” to trick all the people who clicked a hyperlink to his site.

Internet advertising, in my opinion, should be blocked so that the ad companies are starved and the Web becomes less commercialized. To “Starve the beast.” as Ronald Reagan put it.

If that seems to be the opposite of what’s happened, I’d say the results have been mixed.

However, consider that many of the tech layoffs are in the advertising industry.

Consider how mainstream ad blockers have gotten and all the paywalls and nonsense that’s gone up, only to be knocked down again by the Gemini NewsWaffle (web proxy to Gemi.dev) or Bypass Paywalls.

Mozilla, which is “full of scum and trash from [Facebook]” to quote Roy Schestowitz, on IRC (when I commented that Firefox enabled their “Suggest” adware again on me when I opened Firefox ESR on openSUSE) (I’ve mostly switched to LibreWolf because of things like this!), attacked the users and removed Bypass Paywalls, so you have to install it from the author’s GitHub page.

Mozilla has pissed off their users, lost 77 million users in 4.5 years, and spawned at least half a dozen forks of Firefox because of the abdication of their Free and Open Source ethos.

For Chromium browsers, you have to download the repo as a ZIP file, go into like brave:extensions, vivaldi:extensions, chrome:extensions, or whatever, enable “Developer Mode”, and either drop it on the browser page or unpack the ZIP and “Load Unpacked Extension”.

I’ve come to surmise that I do way waaaay too much stuff to my Web browsers to keep them usable these days, but I can’t stop. I won’t stop. I wouldn’t know how to stop. 😛

It’s fair to say that “Starving the beast.” is working, because Google is panicking and conspiring to create “WEI” to stop users from modifying Web “content”.

Microsoft will work with them, as will Apple, because they stand to be the only three browsers that are even allowed to work, and then they can decide that they will only trust proprietary operating systems.

Gemini and Gopher are gaining users, including me, because of this Web mess. I probably use Lagrange almost as much as SeaMonkey or LibreWolf now.

But it will be a cold, cold, day in Hell before I ever install Chrome or Edge.

YouTube, Reddit, and Other Nasty Sites Sabotage LibRedirect. “Small Web” Stuff. Real Communities Don’t Need “Managers”.

YouTube, Reddit, and Other Nasty Sites Sabotage LibRedirect.

YouTube, Reddit, and other sites that have an unofficial privacy respecting/Small Web front-end are starting to get wise to this and “rate limit” their API or are making changes to it and sending scary letters from their lawyers.

They’re terrified, paranoid, that they’re missing “ad impressions” and opportunities to track the users.

Reddit sets 15 year tracking cookies on your computer so even if you never make an account, they can keep a list of things you look at, even if you change networks.

Google YouTube is putting ads all over “content” that they didn’t even produce, and sometimes “demonetizes the channel”, but still puts ads in someone else’s videos anyway and pockets their money. It’s like being beaten up and having your money stolen by the playground bully, and then the school staff (or the government regulators in the case of Google) sides with them.

If that’s not bad enough, sometimes the whole damn video is just some “Influencer” trying to sell you some dumb product. Sometimes it’s not even obvious who pays them to say what. So YouTube is of extremely limited use.

The RIAA is terrified of YouTube rippers (and so is Google), but music has basically been free since (the original) Napster anyway. They try to “monetize” songs my parents listened to (and obfuscate how to get at them) because nobody has put any serious effort into music since the mid-2000s on the major labels.

They’re obviously getting wise to the fact that people hate them.

Right now, I just deal with it the best ways I can. The Gecko (Firefox-type browsers, such as LibreWolf and SeaMonkey) have always had far more powerful APIs for Web Garbage blockers, like NoScript and ublock-origin. So that can often handle the mountain of bullshit on YouTube even when I’m on the main site.

Sometimes I go to DuckDuckGo just to search for videos. Playing YouTube videos there works better than on the YouTube site. Even though DuckDuckGo tracks people and I typically use Searx.be as my search engine, DuckDuckGo hasn’t ruined their Web site code to be so awful it barely runs at all. Like Google has.

So I’ve unfortunately been having to use Old Reddit Redirect and use redirects in LibRedirect less often. Google in particular is trying to figure out where all the holes are and plug them so that nobody can escape the aggravation.

Since far fewer users even know what Gopher and Gemini are, the News sites haven’t bothered to even look into blocking it. Sometimes Bypass Paywalls works in LibreWolf. Sometimes it doesn’t. Normally, the experience of reading news and weather in text is better anyway.

Likewise, gopher://gopherddit.com in Lagrange lets me read text on Reddit without being tracked. If I click through to a Reddit link it goes either straight to a image file itself in LibreWolf or at least to an old.reddit.com (via the extension) site, and I haven’t set up an exemption for them to be allowed to set cookies, and I’ve only whitelisted four specific domains that could possibly load JavaScript when I end up there.

Matthew Garrett was dismissing Small Web stuff before his behavior got to be so unacceptable that he became the only user in nearly 20 years of Techrights that had to be muted. He told me it was basically worthless because Gemini and Reddit don’t have things like forms you can post with, like browsers do.

But I actually found this cool site called Gemlog.blue that lets you post to a Gemini Pod from a Web form, which doesn’t even need active content.

With minimal code changes we could have simple Web forums that allow people to read and lurk over Gemini where nobody will track them and they can read the content with plaintext and nothing else, and if they want to post something, they can use any browser (even SeaMonkey) with JavaScript turned off. Those have forms.

Many people don’t really care whether it’s the Web or not, what bothers people like me about the Web is it’s very bloated and annoying, and the corporations and their pet governments have gone “full shithole” mode lately, putting all kinds of nasty stuff in it.

With Gemini sites, you don’t have to use CA certificates and put someone you don’t trust, can’t trust, and got trusted FOR you in your “root of trust”.

One of Mr. Garrett’s friends misunderstood why Techrights on the Web has a self-signed certificate.

Many browsers see this and basically alarm the user with scary language. But what is a self-signed certificate?

It’s basically just what it says. There’s no “Certificate Authority” involved, like “Let’s Encrypt” which is a plot to make it easier for Web browsers to demand encryption, which is not something that all users or even every site actually needs.

Techrights isn’t a bank. It isn’t an online shopping site. You don’t actually need to know that like, “Okay, this is really Discover Bank, or this is really Walmart.”

You can read over HTTP or HTTPS with a self-signed certificate. Really all you need to do is either accept the warning or mute it by adding the certificate so it won’t prompt you again. There’s nothing really “broken” about this setup. Most sites weren’t encrypted 10-15 years ago and we were fine.

Basically the only reason I ever forced HTTPS in a Web browser was because of Comcast, which at one point started hijacking Web pages in transit to (I’m sure spy, but also..) inject their own messages into the page.

This broke pages and was very annoying, and with HTTPS Everywhere in EASE Mode, they couldn’t do it!

As to that behavior, there ought to be a law against it. But HTTPS forced on was the only way I could make them knock it off. I also changed my DNS servers because they were NXDOMAIN hijacking invalid Web addresses to their own search page full of ads instead of saying the site didn’t exist. Super shitty company.

Fundamentally though, everyone should be using a VPN. The things your ISP can do are amazingly even creepier. There’s some like Mullvad that seem to be decent.

I think that a lot of people in his circle, starting at the top, don’t really “do” security, or even understand what it is. Again, not every site needs HTTPS and if there were laws against crummy monopolist ISPs hijacking your Web pages to insert poop and spy on you, rather than ones requiring it then I think we could get rid of most of this HTTPS nonsense and just be happy again.

There’s only a few Web sites that Netscape Navigator on my computer (I keep it around to LOL and look at Gopher mostly, sometimes, although Lagrange is better.) can look at anymore. It can view Roy’s site because he doesn’t demand HTTPS, and that’s part of what keeps it so broadly compatible, and it has simple layout that doesn’t force tens of megabytes of garbage styling and scripts just to read text.

It’s not Modern. Who cares? It’s not encrypted (or you can accept the self-signed cert). Who cares? There’s no security “angle” here.

Communities do not need to be “managed”.

Our latest discussion turned to “Community Managers” and it reminded me that Jono Bacon used to do this for Canonical, and he used to come to Techrights like many Corporate types did, to “keep an eye on us”. Managers like to know if articles are coming and what they’re likely to say.

The “Community Manager” is now working for clients like Deutche Bank, AirBNB, Microsoft, Intel, and Trend Micro.

Somehow I doubt they want to hear performances of the Metal Free Software Song.

Anyway, Chris Pirillo came up too. Seems Intel (intHELL) hired him to do damage control in 2019, I mean “Community Management”, possibly due to the failed products and chip bugs. They lay off thousands while people try to make their old PC run forever due to the dead economy with hyperinflation, I mean Biden’s Economic Miracle.

(Try Linux! You’ll like it better!)

Mozilla Finishes Sabotaging SeaMonkey. Highlights From IRC and SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes.

From IRC and the Meeting Notes for today.

First off, Mozilla is “cutting SeaMonkey loose” and not allowing them to use any infrastructure soon. I think they’re just angry that the Suite they threw away in 2006 gets updates and is still cooler than Firefox.

Mozilla finally decided to fully cut us loose in Q3. Formally and legally this is all in order.

  • Source code will probably be removed from comm-central because it seems parts of MZLA and/or the Thunderbird council are eager to do the same.
  • Fortunately we are mostly independent already and it will not affect the 2.53 line or building releases.
    • Depending on when this will happen we will have a deplayed release and maybe broken updates for one release too.
  • If this happens it is unlikely we will pursue upstream fixes for suite any longer and just concentrate on the 2.53 fork
  • We need to find replacements for bugzilla, translations via Pontoon, add-on and the distribution site.
    • Reviews for SeaMonkey add-ons seem to no longer be done anyway. We don’t have any access there.
SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2023

There were also some disturbing notes about the status of SeaMonkey’s infrastructure:

Our infrastructure is using Azure.

  • ewong has been looking at Kallithea, RhodeCode and other similar tools which are needed later to automate source code management for non mozilla repos (tools, website and others).
    • Also evaluation of Ansible and Terraform going together with it is done.
SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2023

Usage of Azure for anything is troubling, as it’s just not possible to make Microsoft products secure.

 According to data from Google Project Zero, Microsoft products have accounted for an aggregate of 42.5% of all zero-days discovered since 2014.

Microsoft’s lack of transparency applies to breaches, irresponsible security practices and vulnerabilities, all of which expose their customers to risks they are deliberately kept in the dark about.

In March 2023, a member of Tenable’s Research team was investigating Microsoft’s Azure platform and related services. The researcher discovered an issue which would enable an unauthenticated attacker to access cross-tenant applications and sensitive data, such as authentication secrets. To give you an idea of how bad this is, our team very quickly discovered authentication secrets to a bank. They were so concerned about the seriousness and the ethics of the issue that we immediately notified Microsoft.

Did Microsoft quickly fix the issue that could effectively lead to the breach of multiple customers’ networks and services? Of course not. They took more than 90 days to implement a partial fix – and only for new applications loaded in the service.

That means that as of today, the bank I referenced above is still vulnerable, more than 120 days since we reported the issue, as are all of the other organizations that had launched the service prior to the fix. And, to the best of our knowledge, they still have no idea they are at risk and therefore can’t make an informed decision about compensating controls and other risk-mitigating actions. Microsoft claims that they will fix the issue by the end of September, four months after we notified them. That’s grossly irresponsible, if not blatantly negligent. We know about the issue, Microsoft knows about the issue, and hopefully, threat actors don’t.

-Tenable CEO Amit Yoran “Microsoft: The truth Is even worse than you think”

It’s good that they’re getting away from Azure for building the binaries from their official Web site (apparently?). Should have never used it. Have no idea what Microsoft might be stuffing in there and there’s no reproducible build data that comes with the binaries, afaik.

Unfortunately, they also consider Azure CDN for hosting the binaries themselves. *facepalm*

Some Capacity planning to find the best price/performance ratio is carried out.

  • Other than azure hosting options because of price are also evaluated.
  • ewong started to look at Azure CDN as a download server.
-SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2023

Mozilla has “stopped testing” 32-bit Linux builds of Firefox, but SeaMonkey plans to stop providing 32-bit builds on any platform as well, it seems. It affects SeaMonkey even more because it’s single-process and the Web is so bloated and full of trash that 4 GB of RAM is no longer enough to contain all of the shit people are loading in a Web browser.

frg proposes to end 32 bit release support in 2024. Main reason is that modern websites are memory hungry and the 32 bit only architecture cause more and more oom crashes and subsequent complaints. Mozilla recently stopped testing Linux x86 releases too.

  • No consensus reached about it yet. So far building it is possible with gcc 8.3.1 under CentOS 7 and clang under Windows.
-SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2023

An interesting insight into Mozilla’s Firefox build process. It seems they no longer use shit-ass Windows to create builds for shit-ass Windows. They cross-compile them from Linux in a process that needs Wine? :/

Mozilla switched Windows builds to cross compile on Linux.

  • This would need backports but is not 100% native (needs Wine). So currently no plans to do this for SeaMonkey.
  • Discussion for later when setting up jenkins. Even buildbot had some version specific files outside the tree.
-SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 2023

Some talk about wanting to eliminate excessive different compilers.

Microsoft compilers are garbage and the way I understand it, since 2019 they shove telemetry crap in your program whether you want it or not.

When I was looking at WavPack binaries for 64-bit Windows, I ended up using the MinGW builds that were cross-compiled from Linux because Microsoft’s compiler added bloat, ran slower on the CPU, and also pointlessly dropped Windows XP support (both 32-bit and 64-bit x86) although the MinGW builds were smaller, faster and even run on Windows 2000.

To reduce the use of different compilers we are looking into compiling future 2.53 Windows releases with clang 14 or later.

  • Currently CentOS 7 can not use the mozilla provided compilers because of a downlevel libstdc.

VS2022 is supported since 2.53.10b1 pre but building is spotty because of changes in new compiler releases.

  • The Windows build server will not be switched to it for now and currently compiling with it is broken.
-SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 202

Needs User Agent Hacks, per-site. This tracks with what I’ve experienced. Globally advertising Firefox UA is radically destructive. Currently, I advertise Firefox 102.14 ESR and then set per-site UAs to something else as-needed through about:config. This is advanced user stuff that most people wouldn’t want to do. I mentioned that I do this for GMail in an older blog post so Google’s “Secure Apps” shuts the hell up and gives me my email.

Because of bad user agent sniffing we updated the base UA version some time ago from Gecko 68 to 91.

  • Youtube no longer seems to display correctly for some users only advertizing Firefox in the UA.
  • Further enhancements are planned for a later release in bug 1737436.
  • We want to implement overrides for bad web sites like Waterfox does using a json file containing the UA replacements.
    • The Fedora maintainer already added some of this and we will likely use this in the official release.
-SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 202

Google is being nasty and especially with YouTube. There’s major jank and I usually use it through Piped or Invidious proxies. It’s very helpful that my search engine, Searx Belgium, directs me to Invidious or Piped and also to Old Reddit, as these aren’t rotting bloated trash meant for Google Chrome. I ended up activating Web Components even though it’s not ready because it makes github and gitlab work again.

We are looking into adding support for Custom Elements and Shadow DOM in a later release. No ETA yet.

  • What is there has been activated in the current prerelease for testing. Shadow Dom support is mostly still missing.
  • Google owned/based websites like youtube are likely to break because of this in the near future. There are already reports of broken functionality on youtube.
  • Some good progress has been made and sites which do not need shadow dom start to work with dom.webcomponents.customelements.enabled and dom.webcomponents.enabled set to true.
-SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 202

The situation for add-ons is horrible. Fortunately, old versions of ublock origin and NoScript work for me, and those are the only really important extension types anyway.

SeaMonkey can’t easily handle all of the JavaScript Garbage anymore considering that it doesn’t just hide the mess on other processor cores like Google Chrome and Firefox do.

Without the ads and JavaScript Crap, SeaMonkey normally works fine for me. I route my news and weather to the Gemini resources from gemi.dev over mozz.us’s Web proxy. Then I can get those without the absolute shit show that unfolds in a sad modern browser. There’s a gopher proxy that proxies Reddit to Gopher then mozz.us proxies it back into the Web.

My dad always said where there’s a will there’s a way around it. I took it to heart.

Of course sometimes I just access this stuff over Lagrange. It’s a browser for Gemini and Gopher, which don’t suck. You can read Reddit on Netscape Communicator 4 through Gopher through the native gopher support. Unfortunately, the images can’t be grabbed unless you have a TLS proxy like Crypto Ancienne.

There’s no technical reason why you can’t access information from the Internet except they want to be a big fat goddamn pain in the ass unless you’ve updated your browser 10 times this month and buy a new computer every few years that you shouldn’t need so you can deal with fucking Reddit again.

It’s all spyware and tracking nonsense. It’s basically the only reason you need new computers and the browsers that run on them.

If you’re not fighting them, you’re helping them, and Mozilla isn’t fighting them.

Mozilla claims they have a security app for Linux and can’t figure out what the root account does. (I swear the only reason I write these articles is the opportunity to make some sick burns.)


  • WebExtension support in SeaMonkey is tracked in bug 1320556.
    • Work on theme or extension support has not started.
    • Support for Webextension dictionaries and language packs has been added.
    • Manifest v3 support will be mandatory in 2023. Google will no longer accept new extensions using v2 in 2022.
      • We do not plan to support this in the near future.
  • NoScript Classic 5.x is still available. Currently 5.1.9.
  • uBlock Origin is still available. The latest classic version is currently
  • Session Manager is still being updated. Latest version is and supports SeaMonkey 2.53.x.
  • Enigmail is supported again. Big thanks.
  • The Stylish forks stylem and stylem df version work in 2.53.13.
  • DownThemAll fixed 3.1.2 version for 2.53.10 and up.
  • Palefill generic polyfill can be used for accessing github, gitlab and other broken sites. Latest working version version is 1.23. Later versions are no longer working in SeaMonkey because of the developers decision to not fix some incompatible changes. Please disable updates or uninstall it.
  • github-wc-polyfill can be used for accessing github and gitlab. Both need Custom Elements support right now. Latest version is 1.2.19.
    • The add-on is outdated.
-SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes for August 20, 202

Finally, from IRC…

I gather that 2.53.18 will be a decent-sized release. 2.53.17 seems to have just cleaned up some build environment garbage and made a few changes to JavaScript and such.

More Web platform stuff seems to be on its way.

[8/20/23 09:22] Status of the SeaMonkey Source Tree
[8/20/23 09:23] All building I think. Need to do some central checkins but was real busy in the last weeks.
[8/20/23 09:24] Trying to get SpiderMonkey updated for 2.53. Great progress locally but not yet fully stable with the latest regexp stuff.
[8/20/23 09:28] Not much else here from me for source. But updating masters in git and hg is still just a matter of time. patching becomes slow.
[8/20/23 09:29] what’s the next big Javascript shiny in the radar?
[8/20/23 09:30] * njsg imagines Oracle implementing a JVM on top of Javascript
[8/20/23 09:31] tomman bigint and dynamic modules. But I need to fix my local queue first.
[8/20/23 09:32] dynamic modules are indeed getting a pest, thankfully the regex stuff seems solid on the .18b1 builds
[8/20/23 09:33] tomman yeah crahses pretty fast now in my queue so this needs to work.
[8/20/23 09:33] I either need to fix it or put more stuff in so that the original stuff applies clean(er).
[8/20/23 09:34] Release Train
[8/20/23 09:36] 2.53.17 is done. Wonder if we should do the next beta fast to get the regexp stuff out. Missing support now breaks tons of sites.
[8/20/23 09:39] probably
[8/20/23 09:40] Let my try to fix my queue and if not we do it next week.
[8/20/23 09:41] frg: yes, it would be nice to get your local queue in
[8/20/23 09:44] Extensions Tracking
[8/20/23 09:45] The pref changes still cause fallout but nothing else I think. Fortunately an easy fixer.