Tag Archives: electric vehicles

California electric grid on the verge of collapse days after Governor Newsom signs “Electric Vehicle Mandate”.

California’s electric grid is on the verge of collapse days after Governor Newsom signs “Electric Vehicle Mandate”.

EV’s aren’t practical, they’re not cost-effective. They’re not reliable enough to have a secondhand market.

I’ve blogged previously about people who bought one, and wasted $11,000 on a car that looked fine, only to have it break down weeks later and find out that they need a $14,000 battery that GM doesn’t even make anymore.

Now it turns out there’s not enough electricity for California’s grid today, when few people even drive EVs, and the California electric company is asking people to avoid charging their cell phones due to imminent failure of their electrical grid.

Only a group of incompetent politicians could think you’re going to lob in millions of EVs on top of California’s grid and that it will still operate. The truth is there’s not enough electricity they could beg, borrow, or steal to make it work.

California is pretty much the closest thing to a European country there is in America, and true to form, as if their current mess isn’t bad enough, you have a bunch of them calling for the shutdown of their nuclear power plants as well, even as they speak of rolling blackouts being an inevitability with their current generating capacity.

The news is blaming climate change and heat waves, however, California has long had electrical reliability problems, and none of it is “climate” related.

They have had rolling blackouts since the early 2000s, and what electricity they could get was expensive. This is mainly due to fraud enabled by rampant political corruption, as well as leftists who don’t want any electricity to be generated by anything.

The only thing that appeases the lefties appears to be wind turbines and solar, neither of which generate stable base load power, and both of which create rampant environmental destruction of their own, since nobody is recycling them at the end of their service life, and they all get shredded and tossed in a landfill.

The only thing California proves is that the people living in it are too stupid to be allowed to possibly run their own state, which should be placed into a receivership after we expel their members of Congress.

California also has a water problem, due to throwing millions of gallons into car washes, lawn sprinklers, in ground swimming pools, and almonds that take a gallon and a half each, while Lake Mead runs bone dry.

They’ve been so successful in getting douchebags to drink “almond milk” that it’s driven up the demand for California almonds into orbit, which means more water for the almonds, which means they empty out Lake Mead like someone pulled the bathtub stopper.

They don’t want to accept blame, so they blame “climate change” for all of it.

In the early 2000s, Lake Mead was at record levels, and today they’re worried that it could stop producing _any_ hydropower and run dry.

The Inter-State Compact on management of the Great Lakes was quickly signed to keep California from trying to run a pipeline across the country to deplete our fresh water as well when they finish fouling their own nest. They’re too cheap to build de-salination plants.

It’s bad enough that you see posts from California transplants who can no longer stand the mess they’ve made of their own state and want to know all about yours. They haven’t learned anything. They’ll come here and vote exactly like they did there, which is why it went wrong in the first place.

The left isn’t logical. It votes based on feelings, not facts. Most of them are Atheists, except that “Liberalism” in the modern sense is a religion.

They believe that the state will fix everything, when in fact it has shown repeatedly that if you want a bigger mess than anyone has ever seen before, get the state involved.

Electric vehicles are just their latest idea that’s so bad, they had to make it a law.

Biden’s America: Rent soaring, no apartments available. “Inflation Reduction Act” price hikes on Electric Vehicles, and a meaner nastier IRS.

In my neck of the woods, in Illinois, the rent is soaring.

In much of the country, it’s the same story.

It’s soaring because there are no apartments available. As soon as they’re listed, they’re gone .

I’ve been watching in horror as our landlord keeps jacking up the prices of all of his units across town. They’re not exactly the most upscale units, and the price has gone up roughly 11% in the past 8 or 9 months.

It seems like the worse things get, the worse things get.

I figure he’ll probably hike ours at least this much and it’s just going to have to be another winter without heat.

The gasoline, the groceries, the rent. The left is taking a victory lap.

I actually had some Democrats tell me, the other day, that “expensive gasoline is good” because it will force people to use less.

But like living in an apartment, you just have to dig deeper and pay whatever it costs.

It’s not going to help the environment. In fact, it’s just going to cause the Democrats their biggest election losses in a midterm in my lifetime. Who do you think will cut emissions from anything then?

The Republican Party?

I’m getting angrier by the minute about all of this inflation, and I’m not alone.

While liberals are taking victory laps because the poor are being forced out of their homes, with nothing to eat, and no way to get to work, they have no idea how much they’re setting themselves back. It’s coming.

A Democrat(ic Socialist) Senator said that he was supporting the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act”, because “it may be a very long time before we’re in a position to pass anything at all again”.

That Senator? Bernie Sanders.

He sees what’s coming. The Democrat voters do not.

They think that with inflation rising by over 11% that people are going to stick around and tolerate their wasteful inflation spending due to some issue that’s maybe 5th or 6th on the mind of everyday voters, such as abortion.

Most people don’t really care what happens regarding abortion. At this point, it’s like maybe #5 on my list.

If you had asked me if I cared about abortion years before this mess, it might have been 2 or 3.

If anyone asked me what the other 4 issues plaguing our country are I’d say inflation, jobs, the overall economy, and healthcare.

Abortion as its own issue might be #5 right now. Yes, my spouse is an immigrant, but we’ll get through what’s coming before Trump’s back, and it’s harder to undo what’s been done than it is to change things for people coming in after us. I apologize for that, I really do.

But I can’t sit here and deal with this.

What has Biden done for us? Nothing.

The IRS is looking for people who made a little money walking dogs and got paid with PayPal so they can keep up with the damned landlord, but they don’t usually landlords. The landlord has the money to lawyer up and hire accountants to fight them.

In fact, the counties the IRS is most likely to do a tax audit in are poor and black.

“American Rescue Plan”

With the money raised by a bigger nastier IRS that audits poor black people in Tupelo, Biden spends an obscene amount of money subsidizing expensive electric cars for rich people in his new “Inflation Reduction Act”.

The problem I’m having with Biden is he hasn’t accomplished anything that helps my family.

Rents in Chicago going up 25% isn’t a help.

Food going up 11% per year isn’t a help.

$5 gas isn’t a help.

At the state level, things are even worse.

Governor J.B. Pritzker says the state of Illinois is helping, because it temporarily suspended, for six months, a 9 cent per gallon automatic increase on gasoline, which will go into effect immediately after the election, along with another one in January of about 10% of the total gas tax amount.

Oh, also the state suspended, for a year, a 1% tax on groceries.

And he’s trying to buy your vote by refunding $50 of your own tax money that the state stole from you last year, next month apparently.

I don’t know how fast paychecks are rising, but it sure as hell hasn’t been 11% around here. All of that Biden funny money swirling around out there has things going crazy and they act like sending the IRS out to mug a dog walker of their PayPal money so they can pay a person pulling down six figures money they don’t need to buy an EV is going to fix everything.

Predictably, right after the Inflation Reduction Act passed with the $7,500 and no limit government tax credits per EV, the manufacturers announced that EV prices would go up between $6,000 and $8,500, citing “battery costs”.

Of course, they waited until a couple days after the Senate passed the bill with the tax credit. This money isn’t benefiting consumers. It’s an auto industry bailout.

It probably won’t spur widespread adoption of EVs.

I certainly can’t afford an EV. Most people who are seeing 10-25% annual hikes in their core expenses can’t. Can you? The only people who benefit from this are Ford and GM executives and wealthy people who could already buy a new car if they wanted to, despite everything that’s going on.

We’re already stuck in an apartment from 1973 that smells like musty old books from years of neglect and crappy plumbing overflowing all of the sinks and bathtubs, and if things get any worse, we won’t be able to afford to live at all.

The government has done nothing except make my life worse and figured out new and exciting ways to screw me at every turn and angle, and now of course Governor Fat Bastard and Biden are here to save the day with more inflation and more welfare programs that we just barely don’t qualify for.

Wouldn’t you know it?

These greedy landlords had already been pressuring their tenants to do things like sending them money on PayPal and marking it “personal payment”. I was reading an article on Reddit a while back where a woman said her landlord was threatening to throw her out of she didn’t, and admitted that he wanted her to do this so that he wouldn’t have to “claim it as rental income on my taxes”.

Sure, it’s hearsay, but I’ve known landlords that are that stupid, and that corrupt.

They think the IRS will never catch on that they have buildings full of people “living there for free” while sending them $1,500 a month for “no reason”.

But I think that everyone should avoid PayPal for this new 1099-K reporting requirement that was in the “American Rescue Plan”. The IRS doesn’t penalize financial institutions for over-reporting on a 1099-K, so even if your mother is sending you $500 for spotting her a payment on her Medicare premiums, and you’re cashing out grocery rebates (which are also non-taxable), the IRS might get a 1099-K because the easiest thing for PayPal to do with it is to send the IRS more information than they need and let you sort it out if you get audited later.

The IRS has been ramping up hiring and lowering reporting thresholds. Banks now have to report it if you put $600 in your Online Savings Account from your other bank’s checking account.

I mean, it’s all kinds of crazy shit? Right?

The lowering of reporting thresholds from $10,000 or $20,000 to $600 shows that the intent of the new Regulations are to find people of modest means and send them out nasty letters demanding money.

Money that they’ll use to prop up some rich jackass’s new Tesla purchase.