The Twisted Logic of Republican migrant busing to “Sanctuary States”.

In the news lately, is a lot of stuff about Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, and Governor Greg Abbott of Texas sending migrants to blue states, which spent the Trump years passing “Sanctuary laws”.

These states and cities (Illinois has one, and so does Chicago, which goes even further.) spent years passing Sanctuary Laws, which shield Immigrants from ICE by way of State non-cooperation.

However, in most of these cases, what’s happened is that the Immigrant in question only came to the attention of the State government because they were arrested for committing a crime, against another Immigrant or even a United States Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.

In other words, it protects the bad ones more than it does the good ones.

Most countries don’t take kindly to illegal immigration even when it’s relatively benign (migrant farm workers or something), but I presume that they take less kindly to illegal immigrants coming to their country to rape and murder their own citizens, drive drunk, and raise hell, but when Democrats in the United States pass laws to shield these people so that ICE can’t remove them, what happens is they all go to the place they know allows that and crime surges.

It’s hardly any wonder, then, why Governors DeSantis and Abbott have had no trouble at all getting illegal immigrants on planes and buses and sending them here. They’ve sent at least 800 of them to Chicago alone, and that was the last time I checked, so it’s probably more by now. Maybe even over 1,000. More are coming.

What’s more telling is that when they get to Chicago, Chicago officials directed by Her Hineyness Mayor Lori “Beetlejuice” Lightfoot, are there to implement the “Welcoming City Ordinance”….. by putting them on another bus and turning them around to go stay in small towns in Illinois that haven’t generally been experiencing lawless disorder like Chicago has, and quite often they have Republican local governments.

In other words, it’s becoming a shuffle because the liberals don’t even want these people, and it’s not hard to see why.

Even if Dictator Pritzker hadn’t destroyed the economy of Illinois with his illegal lockdown orders and overspending on mafia unions which blow up perfectly good roads, repave them, and then two days later are out ripping pieces out of the road they just redid again, and pensions we can’t afford on “teachers” who are managing a bunch of dropouts who are more likely to get addicted to drugs, become a single mother, or get an STD, than to graduate in a Chicago School, these illegal immigrants certainly don’t have permission from USCIS to work anywhere, so what the hell are we going to do with thousands of them?

Maybe the next bus will be to Canada, where Justin Trudeau has an even stricter and more racist Immigration system than the one Donald Trump wanted, but nobody says anything about it.

Anyway, the black humor in giving the liberals what they want, is watching them scream when they get it.

3 thoughts on “The Twisted Logic of Republican migrant busing to “Sanctuary States”.

  1. Pingback: Links 26/09/2022: GNUnet 0.17.6 and Science News | Techrights

  2. Somewhat Reticent

    Helping someone “practice what you preach” is not always received well

    ( Your generalization of “most” & “crime” is conveniently vague )


    1. baronhk Post author

      If they’re already screaming over 1,000, I wonder how Lori Lightfoot and the rest of those idiots in charge of Chicago will respond to “Welcoming City” when it’s 10,000 or 100,000. If Abbott wants to, he can make this happen very quickly. A lot of the immigrants have been given instructions on how to foil the US Immigration system by the Mexican government, and it includes making it to “Sanctuary Cities”. Abbott giving them free bus tickets and something for lunch isn’t something they’re going to pass up.

      A bunch of leftist lawyers got together and told the ones that landed in Martha’s Vineyard that there might be money in it for them if they sue Ron DeSantis, which is why they’re suing him.


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