Tag Archives: Joseph Cantrell

Bruce Perens: “Open Source Has Failed Its Users.”

Bruce Perens: “Open Source Has Failed Its Users.”

Bruce Perens has finally admitted that “Open Source has failed its users.” from the angle that users who expect to have Freedom from Open Source usually get no such thing at all.

Ever since the Open Source “movement” started, it has not been about the Freedom of the user at all.

The Free Software Movement is more than a decade and a half older, and Free Software is about protecting the Freedom of the user who gets a copy.

“Open Source” started out in the late 1990s to persuade businesses of a “superior method to develop software which works better, and you can even have free labor too”, and by the benchmarks that the movement itself set for itself, it has been a raging success.

Almost everyone on the planet today has some Open Source software, whether they realize it or not. It’s in Android, it’s in Mac OS, it’s in the iPhone, it’s in cars, it’s even in Windows, bits and pieces of this Open Source.

But these companies have packaged it, often, in ways where the user cannot run a different version of it, or at least not easily, and enjoy any sort of Freedom to improve on it, or to remove malicious features and replace it with a version of the program without the malicious feature.

What finally sent Bruce Perens off the edge?

IBM. IBM and Red Hat.

Today, Red Hat is owned by IBM and it is not at all like the Red Hat from 10 or 20 years ago. Today, we have a Red Hat that is a major parasite and a troll, and something that might as well be another Oracle, or another Google, or another Apple.

Whenever they “deal with” the GPL, they have lawyers on standby trying to figure out how to sabotage the GPL and make it effectively meaningless to the user.

The GNU General Public License was created as a Free Software License, to make sure that the user would always have the Freedom to use modified copies, to share the improvements in that copy, and to compile and run a different version of that copy.

Over the years, and especially culminating under IBM’s ownership and tenure of “Red Hat Enterprise Linux”, Red Hat has been doing increasingly nastier things with “their” Linux kernel.

They think that there’s some magic words that their lawyers can sprinkle into some other agreement that lets them retaliate against their customers for flexing their rights under the GPL, and most of their customers won’t dare to question this, much less sue Red Hat, which in my opinion, they definitely deserve for trying to pull this shit.

Over the years I’ve fought off some nasty companies who just figured they could throw a Linux kernel and some other stuff over the fence and walk off and refuse to hand over the source code. Probably the biggest one was Samsung, with a Blu Ray player, model BD-C5500, around 2009-2010.

I argued, as the Vizio lawsuit does now, that when they sold me one, they made a “contract” with me, that the GPL was a “contract” with the user, and that I wanted the source code or they’d better prepare to argue that it was not a contract.

No court has ruled on whether the GPL is or isn’t a contract. If the GPL is a contract, as they seem to be moving in the direction that it is, then every software license is a contract, and potentially any user can sue for the distributor’s failure to perform a thing under that contract.

This will not help “Open Source” users at all, because those licenses don’t involve the author or the distributor promising to do anything.

In the specific case of Samsung, I was able to get them to turn over the GPL/LGPL stuff in a ZIP file pretty quickly once I started down that road, but they should have just complied.

Thanks to “Open Source” software elsewhere that didn’t protect my Freedoms at all, there was still no way to study the code and run a different version on my player.

Companies hoard source code and violate licenses even when there is absolutely no practical benefit for them to do so. These companies, serial GPL violators, are usually just a “bag of dicks”. They’re usually not even trying to hide it because they can prevent you from doing something by hiding it.

Red Hat even falls into this category now, under IBM, as it pertains to trying to hide the kernel and call it “theirs” even though it is GPL-licensed. A “bag of dicks” that I believe are violating “the spirit of the license” even if what they are doing is legal.

The GNU GPL is Open Source, but it isn’t Open Source.

The goal of the GNU GPL is to give users the Freedom to do anything they want, as users. It meets the “Open Source Definition” by that measure, but it is a disservice to refer to it as an “Open Source license”. It is a “Free Software License”.

Open Source tends to degenerate into proprietary software that the user cannot actually do anything with except run, often almost immediately as soon as anyone else who finds it to be a handy program gets it and cobbles it into something else.

The GNU GPLv2 was released in 1991, when computer users faced different threats.

Most users of the PC were not faced with malicious software that controlled which operating system was allowed to boot. This malicious software that users face today is called “UEFI” and “Secure Boot”. On non-x86 systems, you frequently can’t turn it off at all and boot a different operating system, and on x86 systems, it’s only possible for legacy reasons which Microsoft is increasingly not supporting anymore at all.

It’s designed so that Microsoft can throw a switch later and force their partners to, and they can say “All ours now….All ours now.” about the PC and leave the user with no choices except whatever Microsoft allows.

And a lot of really terrible human beings have collaborated with Microsoft to “support” this system on the PC from the Linux side, and not only to support it, but to put a backdoor into the OS. This backdoor is even in Debian. The backdoor is called Linux Vendor Firmware Service.

LVFS “dials home” and uploads “blacklists” of things Microsoft doesn’t want you to have on your computer, and then sneaks these blacklists into your UEFI firmware, quietly.

In fact, you will only find out about LVFS doing this when it, like everything IBM and Microsoft have a hand in, breaks down and starts throwing weird indecipherable error messages.

I recommend purging LVFS out of the system and not giving the OS a network connection until it is gone.

The fact that this horseshit is even in Debian shows that Debian no longer meaningfully respects the user’s Freedom. It’s up to the user to know that Debian, even, is doing things behind their back and stop it.

Bruce Perens is right that Open Source has failed its users. Why has it failed? Money is a corrupting factor.

Microsoft and others have basically bought and bribed their way in. They pay generous salaries to people without any form of conscience to assist them in harming billions of computer users.

So what do we do about it?

Well, we will have to remain apprised of the situation. For now, do we have to panic and run for the fire escapes from the PC? No. There’s a very good chance that the computer you use right now will continue working for years, and all you should do to it is turn off “Secure Boot” and remove LVFS.

In the future, we’ll have to be much more careful to buy from PC vendors that include firmware that’s not a pile of garbage that hides bugs and locks you out calling itself “Security”. OEMs like System76 appear to be concerned about your Freedom as of the time of this writing, but as always, stay informed. Things can change.

The various “Pi” devices are cheap, and always getting faster. Each iteration gets multiples faster than the last one, and they can be built for between $100-150.

More work is being focused on emulating x86 for Wine, and at the rate the Pi systems are improving, they should be able to run the majority of Windows software, if not now, eventually. The faster the CPU, the less the dynamic binary translation even matters.

I personally, am going to use whatever keeps Microsoft’s operating system out of my life, even if it means not using the x86 PC anymore. The only thing Microsoft is bringing to computing anywhere they go is more viruses and data breaches.

Recently, the Lake County, Illinois Health Department had their second data breach this year, and third in the past two years. They implicated Microsoft in passing.

Microsoft is responsible for thousands of data breaches. Every scammer on the planet probably has your Social Security Number and other stuff because someone else paid Microsoft to do things for them.

Microsoft is an option for when you don’t give a damn about Security because it’s someone else who will suffer every time you get attacked.

And some of their victims, direct customers who do get attacked later and lose something keep going back, a lot of the time.

“Did Microsoft do this to you?”

“Yeah, but you gotta understand, deep down, they really love me!”

The kind of Nazis and morons that they hire to work at Azure, who brag about their drug binges and venereal disease and all the coworkers who should “be deported”, and how the Indian CEOs are ruining tech companies, who cap it off with a good stabbing on the Microsoft Campus, should have been your first clue.

We absolutely cannot depend upon proprietary software companies.

So instead of stewing on the fact that the “Open Source” people kind of suck because “Open Source” isn’t about Freedom, let’s move this in a more positive direction.

It’s unfortunate every time a software developer chooses to use an “Open Source” license instead of a “Free Software” one with copyleft features, because it means there’s another program out there where the freeloaders in the Fortune 500 can use gulag labor to build roads only they can benefit from, so to speak.

That library or that utility you release under the Open Source license instead of the Copyleft one, there might be an improved version floating around in Windows, Apple, or Android that only those companies can use.

They can quietly run off with it, not even tell you they used it at all, and then you find out that Intel has created an entire malware program designed to undermine the security of the user’s OS, out of your OS, like the MINIX incident.

Everyone with a post-2016 Intel computer is running an entire UNIX-like OS on the CPU, which is there to spy on them and act as a backdoor that is impossible for the user to remove and which the OS you see is unaware of, and cannot control.

MINIX is “Open Source”. Open Source means it’s only a matter of time before a program you release like this gets turned around and used to attack the user, or at the very least, by Tech Company jerks on the Left Coast, or maybe even a Communist regime, to harm people and benefit themselves at the expense of millions or billions.

Don’t be a promoter of “Open Source”. Be a promoter of “Free Software”. Make sure your users keep their rights no matter whose hands your program has passed through.

This is not to say that the GPLv2 is perfect. It is not. It is deprecated by the GPLv3, which was designed with more modern threats to the users in mind.

The only real opposition to GPLv3, are malicious entities that want to harm your users, and they have a lot of anti-GPL propaganda out there to try to discourage developers from choosing this license.

In the context of booting a computer, the whole “systemd-boot” setup is designed to replace GRUB2, in order to impose Microsoft’s “Secure Boot” malware on the user.

Microsoft refuses to directly sign anything under the GPLv3 because then they would have to tell you how to work around Secure Boot, so the current setup is using a program called “shim” to load GRUB.

Shim is a binary the user is not allowed to control, and it’s licensed under an “Open Source” license, which makes it easy to attack the user’s Freedom.

The problem with this setup is that it’s flakier. There’s no technical reason why GRUB2 can’t boot a PC directly. They’ve made the system crankier and more prone to weird failures purely to appease Microsoft and help them attack the user.

Open Source has “failed its users”. It was designed to, so it is doing what it was made to do.

Kiwi Farms Re-Listed by Microsoft Bing and Their Pet, DuckDuckGo.

Kiwi Farms Re-Listed by Microsoft Bing and Their Pet, DuckDuckGo.

Today (November 15th, 2023), I noticed that DuckDuckGo, which is just a skin for Microsoft Bing, was returning Kiwi Farms to the top of the search again.

Google is still blacklisting it.

I wonder if the actual Nazis at Microsoft (see the full list of posts about the MicroSSoft Nazi, Joseph Cantrell) have removed the blacklist deliberately or if this is just another “something happened something happened”.

Until today, no American search engine would even tell you that the Kiwi Farms existed, or at least where to find it, but now thanks to MicroSSoft Bing, there are two (if you count the DuckDuckGo skin, which is hosted in MicroSSoft Azure and pays MicroSSoft Bing for results).

Yandex, a Russian engine with an English language version (they’re like the Russian Google), never removed Kiwi Farms to begin with.

Microsoft Bing Hides News Regarding Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell.

Microsoft Bing Hides News Regarding Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell.

Microsoft has removed all references to Joseph Cantrell from Bing News, which has made its way into DuckDuckGo as well.

Google News still returns results for the drug addled Nazi that Microsoft hired and now tries to hide. No doubt, having him stab another employee was very embarrassing.

This is just one example of how Microsoft can run damage control. As his case winds its way through the court system, people will increasingly wonder what kind of company hires people who self-admit to extensive drug usage and Nazi ideology, and then further admit that nobody on their team of 4, which costs the company over a million bucks, can figure out bugs in Azure, and have to resort to posting questions on Stack Exchange.

The drug diary, which I also previously reported on, also shows that Cantrell’s behavior created an extremely toxic and harassing workplace. On numerous occasions, Cantrell says that in company meetings, he said Indians shouldn’t be allowed to work at Microsoft and that one person in particular “should have her green card revoked” for being Indian, admitted to soliciting prostitutes and getting STDs from them, and blogged extensively that tech companies who have Indian CEOs don’t have good products anymore. “I wonder if Bill Gates even uses Windows or if that Indian guy at Google even uses Google.”

Almost all of the worst of his admissions in the diary were on his public Web site before the hiring.

But if Microsoft sets up a simple key word ban, nobody following Bing or DuckDuckGo News will read about its dirty laundry.

Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell’s Drug Diary Part II: Homophobic Nazi “In Defense of Pedophilia” Turned Down by Hundreds of Employers Along the Way.

Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell’s diary contains even more disturbing “thoughts” on pedophilia.

He also admits to Nazi views throughout and confesses that he supports Donald Trump and the Republican Party with these views.

This is the second post about the diary. See Part I.

Honestly, his thought process is so messed up from the drugs, that he starts out like there’s a non-defense defense for it and then he keeps going.

By his second entry, it’s pretty clear he’s extremely homophobic, and by his third post, he’s claiming that Steve Jobs was a pedophile who died of AIDS and that cancer was just a cover story.

In part of the diary I won’t post here, he claimed further that Steve Jobs acquired it from contacts at Disney and “Star Wars” who hooked him up with a 14 year old girl. (I don’t know.)

Then he accuses Tim Cook of being a pedophile and says “There are lots of pedophiles at Apple.”.

When I searched for “pedo” in the diary I got 31 matches.

Honestly, everything in here is so weird that you may find yourself going weird too if you even try to read it. this is sort of why you shouldn’t get too deep into it. The writings of a madman left behind as some sort of manifesto. Like he was going to kill others and himself at some point and wanted to leave this behind.

The impotent Nazi did barricade himself in his apartment, according to the police, but they managed to talk him out and arrest him. It’s relatively easier to live with a lot of depressive and suicidal thoughts than to take action on them.

He left his coworker (that didn’t die) for dead and then had no plan for what to do next. Like all of the hookers he admits he paid, he couldn’t finish.

July 26, 2020: In response to some random anti-pedo shit on my Facebook feed:
Why is everyone so obsessed with exposing pedophiles? I get it, you like to protect the children and shit. Some people strike me as the type of people who should work for the FCC. I don't support pedophilia, but the truth is, most of these people are born with an attraction to children much like how most people are born with an attraction to the opposite sex. Also, about 10% of people are attracted to the opposite sex, and other animals are gay too. I'm straight and attracted to intelligent dark-skinned women (especially girls who speak foreign languages like Spanish), but I accept that there are people who are different than me and move on. I mean, you shouldn't let children be harmed, but what's the point in going out of your way just to ruin someone's day? Honestly, I'm sure there's some kind of genetic or drug therapy that could remediate pedophiles to be more in line with the values of general society in the future. Honestly, there are tons of natural remedies for ailments (like DMT for ADHD {don't tell anyone!}), so there may be some plant or fish already out there to fix pedophiles. Maybe a swordfish? Well shit, if there's some cure, then they'll start forcing the gays in China to convert too haha. Lol
August 16, 2020: Meh, I've always been a fan of a rehabilitation first policy for things beyond people's control. Most pedophiles have a disorder in their brain, much like gay folk. Some are merely wicked folk and deserve to be punished with prison.
August 27, 2020:  Hillary Clinton conspires with pedophiles.  Lock her up!  I won't say a thing, but she should be locked up.[...] Steve Jobs got tested positive for HIV on Setember 1, 2004.  He was negative for chlamydia and gonorrhea.  Steve Jobs got HIV by being a pedophile with Disney in late 2003.  Sombitch.  I bet there's more pedophiles at Apple.  I bet Tim Apple Cook is a pedophile... Damn son. [...] I saw Steve Jobs in 2004, and he basically admitted to being a pedo on meth.  He said, "Most people don't want to watch movies on their PC, and they can stream it to their television."  The camera cuts there on the upper part of his trousers as he shakes hands with this fat guy with a big nose.  What the fuck yo.  Steve Jobs might have been a gay pedo.  That's gay.  Fuck Tim Apple and fuck Steve Apple.

Like I said, I don’t want to paste everything he put in his diary here.

I trimmed as much of his garbage as I could to give you a sampling of this part of his ideology.

Again, this was all posted on his public Web site, both before and after he was hired at Microsoft, and I found it in under ten minutes.

Along the way, I searched for the word “applied” and there were over 100 hits.

Each hit resulted in multiple listings where he applied that day. He applied at several hundred tech companies before Microsoft hired him (for $165k plus benefits).

Along the way he rambles at length about government conspiracies to knock him off the Internet and make him homeless.

He blames the hiring managers quite frequently for his own mistakes, and he says they have a conspiracy going between them to make sure he remains unemployed.

Interspersed, he talks about all of the amphetamines and other illegal drugs he’s taking.

He’s quite obviously not sleeping if he can put in this many job applications in this short of a time period. But the drugs and lack of sleep appear to be causing him to get sloppy and make the mistakes he blames on the “conspiracy” of hiring managers and the government.

As I mentioned in my last post, he eventually learns that if he says he has a disability, called “Neurodivergence”, he can take advantage of one of Microsoft’s “Social Justice Programs” called “Neurodivergent Hiring Program” and land a job at Microsoft, after at least 200-300 other companies across the United States turned him down.

Microsoft hires a lot of people who have no idea what they’re doing. They’re utterly incompetent.

Joseph Cantrell was rejected by hundreds of top companies before he started working in Microsoft Azure, which has had hundreds of data breaches.

Microsoft hides the incompetence somewhat by having proprietary software you can’t see, and a lot of it runs on computers you don’t control. And when you put your software in these systems, bad things happen. The Pentagon got breached the other day due to Azure.

Microsoft ALWAYS blames their customers in the end. This time they didn’t go straight to that, but they claim there’s an “investigation” and then it all went silent.

Meanwhile, Cantrell and four other people who collectively cost Microsoft over a million dollars a year were asking how to fix a bug on Stack Exchange and laughing about a bogus error message that they had planted in the Azure code (see my first post about the Diary, linked at the beginning of this post).

Stack Exchange was one of the companies he says he had applied at.

October 17, 2021: 7:41 p.m. - I don't trust these Indian run corporations like Google and Microsoft anymore.  Look at what their products have become.  They're full of glitches and new annoyances that never, ever get fixed.  Does Bill Gates even use Windows anymore?  Does that Google guy still even use Google?

“I don’t trust these Indian run corporations like Microsoft.”

Gets a job at Microsoft.

Good job, Microsoft.

There’s some mentions of his mother in here. She died in 2016.

October 25, 2016: My mother is in a hospice.  There are many more cancerous masses than originally believed, and the number is at least eleven.  I'm assuming she has less than six months to live as that's the only way the government will pay for it (and of course there's no other way to afford it).  She's still in constant pain and can't get up by herself.  She's taking morphine.  She's in a comfy hospice with lots of recreational activities and a view of a lake.  Well.  The hours remain.  A Petrichor by Sulphur is soon to come.  It just might be true.

October 27, 2016: My mother has 1-2 months to live according to the doctor.  He said she will be gone by Christmas, and lucky to make it to Thanksgiving.  Well.  Fuck.  I worked out.  That was great.  Showered, brushed my teeth, smoked a vape bowl (.3 grams), and took a 200 mcg tab of acid.  I didn't set a timer this time for the first time in a while, so I don't know when it will hit me.  But I think I can start to feel it; an interesting tingling in my body (although maybe this is from the weed and preworkout).  Well, acid will speed up my heart a little, but it's been over five hours since I took the preworkout.  I benched 270 for six sets and bent over rowed 227 for 4 sets (I did warmup sets of 245 and 225, respectively).  Well, a good day so far.  Kinda.  My mother wants to go home when she has to die, but the house is fucked up and needs to be fixed.  Friends and family are fixing it.  That's great.  Fuck this situation, I'm going to play Overwatch.

October 28, 2016: Waking up for philosophy sucked.  I couldn't fall back asleep, and then it turns out my mother is probably going to die today.  I was asked the question of resuscitation and asked for it, but later recanted after speaking with Crystal, Vickie, and the nurse.  Damn.  I went to Columbus to see her.  That was it.  She couldn’t speak when I got there.  My last moments with my mother and she barely had the strength to open her eyes to see me.  She opened her eyes for two seconds, jerked her hands up in excited acknowledgement, and laid back to rest with her eyes closed.  My last words were never able to be returned, unfortunately.  Whatever.

October 29, 2016: My mother died at 16:26.  I left back for Atlanta, smoked some weed and passed out.

Whatever.”? “I smoked some weed and passed out.”?

Really great job, Microsoft. A Nazi that doesn’t even love his own mother.

I think it goes without saying that any normal person would be so disturbed by what’s going on with their mother being in the hospice with cancer that even if they had a rocky relationship, they’d be taking time to grieve. He keeps going to class, playing games, and using illegal drugs, and plays the entire thing off. Very shortly after his mom’s death, he goes right back to writing in the diary as-if nothing happened.

January 18, 2018:  I recently got my first dog myself, a fluffy German Shepherd named Breezy.  Some people, including my cousin Hayden, were scared of dogs.  An aggressive breed can be conditioned.  Nonaggressive breeds can be conditioned to synergize for collective benefit.  This is why marginal capitalism with a safety net is better than pure communism.

Interesting thoughts on the welfare state.

I wonder which “breed” it is that is “aggressive” and can be “conditioned” that he had in mind.

June 24, 2022: 6:19 p.m. 10:07 p.m.: I don't think I've ever written this down, but given my history with groups of black people, I am a white supremacist.  I think white people should maintain the upper echelons of power [...] I think it's dangerous to give a minority group power [...] I think the majority, whites, should retain control of the government, especially the military and prisons, lest the minority groups begin weaponizing those industries like the careless needle that was used by that fat black jailhouse nurse in my tuberculosis test.

November 26, 2022: 11:20 a.m. - It's weird how n*****s celebrate Juneteenth, and then for the next 100 years after Juneteenth, n*****s were shuffled from the back of the bus to be lynched from the trees.[...] My mom was a racist and would be about sixty today.  That means about 20% of white people are still racist.

January 25, 2023: 12:38 p.m. - Monday when I walked the mile into the office as usual, I threw away a bear with a red sweater reading "Veritas" on it.  I also threw away a cheetah with a blue vest saying "FAST" on it.  They were there waiting to taunt me, sitting on the windowsill behind my desk at Microsoft.  I kept them on my desk until now.  On Friday, I left the red bear up on the light so I could remember ask people about it, but then I decided I didn't want to interact with those fucking n*****s and just threw it away.  I asked if I could work from home, and after arriving, my manager asked me to stay working from home until I get the doctor stuff sorted out on Valentine's Day.  

Which party is he with?

Given limits on immigration, this is a stretch, but the Chinese and more importantly the allegedly "democratic" Indians have four times as many people as the United States such that they could replace our entire population and overrule our democracy if we let them.  Unchecked immigration from Mexico and south of Mexico ("south Mexico") can also further this goal of destabilizing the United States.  These companies claim the talent pool in the United States is small enough to justify hiring expatriates, but I'm proof these companies are simply not even trying.  The United States should further restrict its immigration policy like Japan's difficult naturalization process, and as such I support Donald Trump and the Republicans.

“MicroSSoft” is the company where White Replacement Theory is openly welcomed, I guess.

“What are you going to do about it, whitey? Are you just going to stand there?”

Thoughts on Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell’s Drug Diary.

Thoughts on Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell’s Drug Diary.

This will largely be from my Mastodon wall, so if it reads strangely, I apologize.

Microsoft employee Joseph Cantrell is a Nazi, a drug addict, and a misogynist.

He left a diary on his Web site admitting to all of this and more.

After skimming it over, I came to these conclusions:

Microsoft Stabber actually was nice enough to go crazy and detail a lot of embarrassing things including all about his drug and masturbation cycle with detailed time indexes for the last 3 years.

It also details his paranoid hallucinations directly leading up to the stabbing.

It goes on for well over 100 pages.

At lot of it is skippable, because it details his eating habits. Spoiler, his favorite McDonalds is the double bacon cheeseburger with bbq sauce.

Wonder if he’ll get one in prison.

The Microsoft Stabber said in his rambling diary, while he was working for Microsoft, that their products, including Windows, are a disaster, and that Windows in particular has been broken, on a surface level, for years, without any action taken to fix it.

He said that his request to join “Windows UX” team was turned down by the same manager that pulled him into the office and yelled at him for making racist remarks about Indian people and having a drug diary on his public Web site.

There’s something amusing about a psychopathic Nazi working at Microsoft, that tried to murder a man, while on drugs, wanting to fix the GUI in Windows because it’s awful.

Shows you that part of his brain works.

Who knows why they actually turned him down. Could be the racism. I think they were probably too afraid to lay him off and were content with leaving him at Azure.

Could you imagine being the guy that fired this person? It’d be you in the hospital.

In Office 95, Microsoft apparently hid an entire flight simulator as an Easter Egg.

If they had only let Joseph Cantrell take a crack at Windows 11 (while on crack), he could have integrated Prophet Launcher re-written as C#. Sharp as a knife, you see.

DEI at Microsoft. Diversity, Equity, INCISION!

You want to know where DEI gets you?

It gets you the Microsoft Stabber.

He said in his diary that he applied to Microsoft’s “Neurodivergent Hiring Program” (read this and it will tell you about what managers are being told to do regarding crazy people in the office) and he got a $165k job with benefits specifically for being crazy.

They hired him, he scared the fuck out of everyone that worked with him, then he started responding badly by demanding transfers to another dept that got denied, calling in, using PCP for an entire month, and then stabbing a coworker 13 times.

The witnesses to the Microsoft Stabber told police that the man he was trying to murder was “screaming like a dog that got hit by a car or something”.

Some folks asked why the guy wasn’t able to get him off of him.

Well, just off the top of my head, he was being stabbed 13 times, by surprise, by the result of the Neurodivergent Microsoft Hiring Program, who was on PCP. (He had been on PCP the entire month according to his diary.)

“He was probably on PCP. Broke every bone in his arm, wouldn’t feel it for hours.” -Detective (The Terminator)

The Stabber worked from late May through October 2022 without Microsoft finding out about his diary and Web site, and then Microsoft pulled him into the office and gave him a coaching for making inappropriate comments at a meeting about how Indians shouldn’t work at Microsoft.

October 19th, 2022 was when they found out about all of his insane paranoid ramblings and talking about how he was always on drugs on his personal Web site.

The Microsoft Stabber’s November 22, 2022: 7:15 p.m. entry is about his manager’s manager at Microsoft yelling at him for talking too much about what they had him doing at Azure.

He says he was hallucinating colors and shapes appearing over the manager’s face while he was being yelled at.

The Microsoft Stabber’s December 4, 2022 8:14 PM entry says that Microsoft was still “watching” him over the “resolution”.

He is starting to become concerned about legal troubles if the authorities start investigating him for the drugs and drug-induced mental illness and says he has to be careful because Microsoft is watching him.

Yet the blogging continues and gets worse.

December 21, 2022: 7:53 a.m

The Microsoft Stabber blogs about his STD test for that day.

He also believes that women and the government are in a conspiracy to give him STDs and then experiment on his corpse. He believes that he has had “an unknown STD” for some time and the doctor simply won’t tell him what it is and that perhaps it’s “jock itch”. He says he’s been trying to cure it with amphetamines. (Uhhhh.)

“STD” appears 98 times in his diary.

On December 27, 2022: 10:54 p.m., he calls the men who sold him weed his “Private Dindu Nuffins”.

At 6:06 p.m. on January 1, 2023, he says Microsoft Hololens could take off. Clearly on drugs.

January 6, 2023: 6:10 p.m.

The Microsoft Stabber loses his erection after 5 minutes of whacking it while thinking about owing the IRS for two years of back taxes.

So far this is the most normal thing I’ve seen in this blog. Throughout his blog he keeps going back to his failure and inability to sexually perform or even satisfy women. He admits that he pays prostitutes and that he can’t finish, and then they tell him the usual “it happens to a lot of guys” type stuff. I’m sure they could care less if he’s impotent as long as he’s paying them.

(Superior Nazi Genes = Erectile Dysfunction?)

January 25, 2023

The Microsoft Stabber blogs that four highly paid programmers at Microsoft couldn’t figure out a bug in some Azure software and resorted to asking for advice on Stack Overflow.

“January 25, 2023 4:02 p.m. – The people at work even have database queries they can run to see how many people they fucked over with that fake ass error. “

Other observations:

The Microsoft Stabber was boasting about buying his drugs (using money from Verizon and Microsoft) over the Dark Web. The links are in Onionv2, so none of them work anymore.

He complained that a lot of the drugs he was purchasing were stale. The ketamine in particular. (A horse tranquilizer.)

He admitted that he was high on various substances throughout the entire Microsoft interviewing process, including at least 60 minutes, face-to-face, with their Hiring Manager.

He had been chased out of Verizon, where he had previously worked for a couple months.

While he was working at Verizon, he bragged that his apartment was infested with flies and that he had killed “45” of them with a $1 bill. He said he borrowed some money so he wouldn’t have to spend “my Special Dollar” on the MARTA (Atlanta Public Transit).

Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell Boasts of Nazi Lineage and Made Disturbing Video Games.

Microsoft Stabber Joseph Cantrell Boasts of Nazi Lineage and Made Disturbing Video Games.

The news reports that Microsoft employee Joseph Cantrell attacked and stabbed another Microsoft employee, whom he did not know, while they were walking off the campus from work.

I did a little more digging.

On Cantrell’s personal Web site, he has a very long “about” page, which includes this nugget.

“My evolved cells, their DNA, and everything else in my body have their roots in my family. To get here, my grandmother, Paula Josefa Cantrell (1922-2003), emigrated from Germany to the U.S.A. during Adolf Hitler’s bolstering of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.”

-Joseph Cantrell, Microsoft Stabber

If bragging about Nazi lineage just ain’t doin’ it for ya, he has a list of video games where you win points by killing Jesus Christ, the Prophet Muhammad, and anyone you give it a picture of. Available in 2d and 3d.

His projects include something called an “Anne Frank Simulator”.

His favorite shows include “Death Note”, where beings from another dimension, called Shinigami, have special books where they write in human names, and then basically that person drops dead and the victim transfers their remaining life to these things. In the series, they occasionally drop these “death notes” into the human world, where people pick them up and start writing names. Anyone they don’t like basically dies of any cause they write down. So for example, you can become a serial killer and take control of your victim and force them to do something extremely gruesome to end their life.

Alone, is this proof he’s a nut? Not really, but taken as a whole some of this could go along with that.

My impression from his “about me” page is that the guy is just kind of a loser who wanted to overcompensate by boasting about himself in weird ways. There’s no telling what set him off until and unless he decides to talk to the cops.

I wasn’t able to find much about his work at Microsoft except a GitHub (Microsoft) repository with some things about Azure.

The only commit I found was about adding some Oxford commas to some documents.

“I came here to add commas and stab people, and I’m all out of commas.”

Microsoft gets a disturbing number of stabbers, rapists, stranglers, and other assorted crazy people.

You’d seriously think that the hiring managers could open Google and find out that they’re dealing with a crazy person though, which about, oh, two or three minutes looking at his blog would have done.

Apparently, the victim’s Apple Watch alerted his wife there was something wrong.

“Alert! Your husband is being stabbed by a Microsoft employee!”

Damned rollercoasters.

I have also located a confession that Cantrell put on his own site detailing illegal drug use.

(It’s under “secret-journal-wall-trump-card-v2” in the file “Joseph Cantrell-alias.txt”.)

Note the following,

This was originally a document detailing my drug use and my thoughts on or during their effects like the dream journal my mom bought me when I was a kid.  However, it is now my overall life journal and literary practice.  It should be freely and posthumously published to help humanity or whatever.  I'm sure it will help someone in the future given the challenges I've faced with abnormal genetics of decelerating neuron firing rates.  Also, it's a good deterrent.  I'm deep undercover with Luzianne sweet tea.


Most Intense Experience: LSD + MDA + 3-MeO-PCP + Cannabis  (potentially fatal combination)
Best Experience: LSD + 3-MeO-PCP + Cannabis
Drug Utility Shortlist:
	Amphetamine sulphate: Intelligence training, motivation, long term life enhancement
	Marijuana: Malleable short term life enhancement, natural medicine
	3-MeO-PCP: Amphetamine addiction and withdrawal, creativity, motivation, depression
	MDMA: Amphetamine withdrawal (sparingly)
	Psychedelics: Appreciation
	LSD: Weightlifting
	DMT: Weightlifting, back pain, natural medicine
	Dissociatives: Reflection, habit based depression

Drugs I've used to get high:
Amphetamine Sulphate
Nitrous Oxide
Ketamine S+ & -Racemic
Codeine & Promethazine
Salvia Divinorum

Now with that very same list, I'll divulge my thoughts on those drugs.  A ++ denotes I would use it again while a -- means it is a castaway.
Amphetamine Sulphate ++
  This is the gold standard and my ticket to life with Neural Deceleration Disorder.  It trains me to be intelligent, motivated, happy, and caring.  It acts through releasing NE and DA, but it also has other actions unbeknownst to me.  I am most addicted to this drug, and it will always be that way until I die.  It causes massive oscillations in the neurons of my body to the point I can hallucinate toward a ketamine-like hole of white light and 3-MeO-PCP-like hallucinations of rainbow women.  It enhances my holistic comprehension, calculation speed, working memory, short term memory, and long term memory.  It enhances adrenaline reserves when appropriate, and adrenaline is more easily triggered for release, even by withdrawal alone.  Levoamphetamine mostly trains those things related to NE and makes me hungry and cold.  I can sleep on levoamphetamine even with large amounts of dextroamphetamine as long as the ratio is sufficient.  Somehow levoamphetamine trains a moral tending to the call of duty.  It fosters integrity.  Dextroamphetamine trains my DA related motivation and reward and makes me hot, keeps me awake, and mitigates my hunger.  These two atomic arrangements work together to keep me holistically capable.  This is the only way I know to increase intelligence, and it would be sufficient to transform a C student to a P.h.D. graduate.  This should have the ability to train away fear, at least if used in childhood for six years.  
Caffeine ++
  This is the standard work drug, and it works well so long as I am not oscillating too much from amphetamine.  Caffeine boosts my enjoyment of lifting weights, and I consume it in the form of Luzianne sweet tea and flavored preworkout.
Marijuana ++
  Weed is great for amplifying another drug's effects.  It can put me to work or put me to bed and is good in almost every situation except lifting weights.  Marijuana puts me to work so long as I am in the presence or afterglow of amphetamine.  Weed will likely put motivated people to work and put demotivated people to rest just as it does me in the vicinity of my amphetamine dependence.
Alcohol --
  I've given up alcohol for good because it has awful hangovers with headaches, body aches, brain fog, and puking.  It is extremely addictive given that it is very frequently consumed in small quantities.  It contributes to cancer like that which killed my mother.  It is worth trying a couple times to experience GABA agonism.
LSD ++
  This drug is a great way to enjoy the company of one's own thoughts and visualize oneself.  LSD almost doubles the acquisition of muscular strength from lifting weights.  I've used LSD daily with no ill effects to achieve that growth.  LSD makes me see beautiful caricatures of rainbow women and even a white light and full body orgasm at high doses.  No overdosing makes this one of the best psychedelics.  Like most psychedelics, no hangover and addictive qualities make this an ideal choice.
25I-NBOMe ++
  This drug is like LSD but is more precise in the serotonin receptors it targets, namely 5HT-2A.  This drug morphs the color black more than other psychedelics.  It numbs the tongue and must be dissolved under the tongue.  It is stimulating and gives me the giggles quite easily.  With a high enough dose or combined with enough weed, it can lead to blacked out cackling.
Methylphenidate --
  A DAT and NET inhibitor, this drug is often used as an NDD medication, but it has been disavowed by me by making my NDD worse in time of crisis in late 2017.  It doesn't foster any sort of responsibility like amphetamine and is similar to cocaine in the selfishness it induces, so this drug is noted as being inappropriate for children among those educated about it.
LSA ++
  This is a naturally occurring drug similar to LSD but producing more sedation.  Food tastes very good.  Natural sources cause intense puking, but the short nausea is worth the dreamy lethargy it induces.
Mushrooms --
  Mushrooms have more morphing visuals than LSD a stronger mental danger at high doses.  I suspect I dislike mushrooms because of some dopamine activity that isn't compatible with my NDD much like DAT inhibitors.
Nitrous Oxide ++
  NO2 has very heavy NMDA antagonism and is purported to have mild opiate and benzo effects.  I can't confirm those latter two statements, but the rapidity of effects' dissipation lends itself to a greater addiction than other drugs.  This is the most addictive dissociative I have used, but given the lack of negative effects in moderation, I would do it again.  One would need to ingest hundreds of eight gram cartridges every day for negative effects to quickly manifest.  
Dextromethorphan ++
  DXM needs weed to feel good.  Otherwise there is too much nausea.  This has the greatest chance of inducing double vision visuals while also having the most complex closed eye visuals of any dissociative.  Massive planetary landscapes and castles can be imagined.
Cocaine --
  This DAT and NET inhibitor drug is evil in the selfish, talkative nature it induces.  Constricted blood vessels and a hangover is present the next day unlike methylphenidate which suggests additional activity.  Fascinations with evil plotting, lying, betrayal, gloating, cameras, attention seeking, disregard, and sadism are present.  Clapping and running are stimulated behaviors.  I read in the media that sadism enhances sexual gratification with partners later in the day, but I can't verify that being a major drawing point.  They call that charging or hooking.
  This drug makes me feel very happy since it is very similar to my medication, amphetamine.  It's a great substitute to alleviate amphetamine withdrawal, and given my negative experiences with trying things like MDA, it is dangerous to try anything else for amphetamine withdrawal.  It is very far reaching and has no noticeable hangover if used in moderation.  Despite common usage for group settings, I love to use this drug to examine myself.  However, because I had a bad reaction to amphetamine withdrawal in combination with MDA, becoming addicted to MDMA which metabolizes to MDA could become just as disastrous.  This drug is not something to use as often as I have in the past.  
2C-B ++
  This drug produces morphing visuals more than LSD and also has more intense bodily feelings except in high doses where LSD is more intense in just about every way.  Low headspace compared to LSD.
DOM ++
  DOM is more stimulating and visually active than LSD and produces much more detailed hallucinations for way longer.  I've never seen a white light of serotonin saturation like with LSD and won't because of the overdose potential.  Vasoconstriction is prominent, so a little weed is necessary to combat that.  With 10 mg, the feeling of a pinball moving back and forth in the brain is present.  
Diphenhydramine --
  DPH creates three dimensional visuals that are imperceptible from reality.  It can also create very realistic 2D textures on surfaces like TV's, ceilings, and pillows.  DPH can also cause a dream like state that is indistinguishable from reality.  It is worthless for recreation unless used with DXM and weed.
Kratom --
  A mild natural opiate plant, this produces more nausea than the negligible opiate high of contentment.
DMT ++
  Vaporized, natural, tree formed DMT rapidly produces strong rainbow visuals of humanoids, typically women, and even a white light of serotonin saturation.  It also has a full body orgasm.  It shares all of these qualities with high doses of LSD but these qualities are more reproducible.  Like LSD, DMT also helps muscle growth.
Methoxetamine ++
  MXE is a very fiendish dissociative that in moderate doses even helps with weightlifting throughput.  Walking is more difficult with MXE than other dissociatives but not impossible.  Rainbow visuals are very prominent and a white glow in a black void is present in the high dose hole.
2C-T-2 ++
  2C-T-2 has strong scenery drifting visuals and is clearheaded enough to stimulate writing.
2C-E ++
  2C-E has a very strong buzzing sensation across the body like pins and needles pricking the skin.  With low headspace, introspection is a theme.  Morphing visuals are more prominent than other psychedelics, and I could reliably see rainbow dragons forming from the trees.
5-MeO-MiPT ++
  Moxxy is clearheaded and produces rainbow dragon visuals in high doses of 20 mg.
Ketamine S+ & -Racemic ++
  The surgical dissociative, the hole begins with the body vibrating like rustling bushes and even a sound of rustling bushes.  This is followed by swirling of the room, massive rainbow objects in a black void, sensations of time oscillating, and white "ghosts" in a black void.  It is exclusively an NMDA inhibitor.
Codeine & Promethazine --
  This drug combination produces a state of a stupefied bliss although I only tried it once with blue vodka.
MDA ++
  This is the best drug I've tried for sex and masturbation.  Despite being dangerous for abstinent amphetamine withdrawal, this is my second favorite neurotransmitter releasing drug.  This drug is a natural metabolite of MDMA, and for recreation I think it is superior to MDMA.
DOC --
  This drug produces visuals for the longest of any psychedelic I've tried.  The visuals slightly more detailed than LSD but not as detailed as DOM.  I had a strange smell like burnt plastic for the peak of my experiences.  I woke up feeling fine despite having a trip of 36 hours.  
25B-NBOH --
  This drug is like 25I-NBOMe but with too much vasoconstriction throughout the experience.
Salvia Divinorum --
  Unnatural feelings of discomfort and repeating patterns captivating one's vision are present.
25I-NBOH ++
  This drug is just like 25I-NBOMe.  It doesn't elicit feelings of happiness that are as strong.  
3-MeO-PCP ++
  This is the best dissociative ever since it is functional and inspiring at low doses and catatonic at high doses.  It is more of a PCP2 inhibitor than NMDA but possesses a good stimulation.  This is one of the best ways to mitigate amphetamine addiction, get stuff done, and have fun.  This drug inhibits PCP2 more than any other dissociative and thus rainbow faces are a common theme.  This drug is a better depression medication than ketamine since it is very naturally motivating for day to day tasks like weight lifting.  3-MeO-PCP enhances weightlifting output and has no effect on muscle growth.  This drug still leaves one alert enough to trigger life saving, slow motion adrenaline release.  It goes great with all 
Alprazolam --
  Xanax is a lot like alcohol and has the propensity to induce a dangerous feeling hangover with sharp pains in the head.  Blackouts are much more dangerous as the user's body is not as inhibited as alcohol.  It has zero positive effects to note unlike most other drugs on this list.  It is not very euphoric, but I suspect feelings of relief and satiation can be found once one is addicted.  Trying alcohol a few times makes trying other benzos obsolete.
Heroin --
  Opiates produce contented feelings and even a drift toward a rainbow mist.  It causes vomiting even after passing out just like alcohol.  It also causes constipation and a host of other side effects just from that.  The itchy, heaving hangover induced is not worth the trouble.  I would have been better off lifting weights until I could deadlift heavy enough to truly experience the MOR receptor.  
4-MeO-PCP --
  I suspect I tried this drug by mistake.  It prolongs masturbation and allows for multiple ejaculations.
DCK --
  This disso readily induces rainbow visuals and has a distinct stutter as a short term hangover effect.
O-PCE/2-OxO-PCE --
  This is the hardest disso to walk on, and it also is prone to blackouts.  It has an uncomfortable, strong stimulation of unknown mechanisms.
3-MeO-PCE --
  This disso is stimulating like 3-MeO-PCP and then sedating to the point of sleep.  It has more rainbow visuals than 3-MeO-PCP and low doses.  High doses can cause a ringing in the ears and an unpleasant feeling of being overwhelmed.
DOB --
  DOB is a long lasting, very stimulating, and vasoconstriction prone drug with visuals that aren't as intense or interesting as DOM and DOC.
25E-NBOH ++
  This is the most easy going NBOx drug and is more like LSD in terms of visuals and bodily feelings.  Combined with 3-HO-PCE, conscious slow motion is reproducible without using any adrenaline.
3-HO-PCP ++
  This drug produces the strongest bodily vibrations of any dissociatives including NO2.  It also produces more replicated rainbow visuals than any other.  This has the best bodily feeling of any dissociative drug and is up there with DMT.
3-HO-PCE --
  This drug inhibits PCP2 more than NMDA but is not stimulating like 3-MeO-PCP.  Rainbow faces are present but so is boredom.  Weed is a must.
Flunitrazolam --
  This drug is like alcohol and results in lying down and sleep.
2F-DCK --
  2F-DCK is like ketamine but doesn't elicit very much elation.
4-HO-MET --
  This is a stimulating psychedelic that is alleged to have NET properties which results in withdrawal with burning insides and a hateful disposition.  It doesn't appear to have any TAAR-1 activity like amphetamine, but I don't know much about that receptor anyway.  Humanoid rainbow entities are often present like with DMT.
Mescaline --
  Mescaline induces so much nausea compared to the visuals, and it doesn't produce much euphoria.  I ate a purified extract from the cactus, and I think the point of a cactus evolving needles and chemicals like mescaline is to keep animals away.  Other plants with things like DMT and LSA are flowers and trees which haven't evolved to ward away people quite as much.
5-MeO-DMT ++
  This natural toad excretion produces the feeling of levity in addition to unique psychedelic visuals.  It's not as comfortable as DMT.  I suspect impurities like excess plant or toad materials contribute to that.
TMA-2 --
  This drug produces stimulation, nausea, and vasoconstriction with barely any visuals and long lasting after effects of those three effects.
  ETH-LAD results in strong euphoria and visuals with a brief spout of nausea on the comeup.  Visuals are detailed and rounded like serpentine dragons.
2C-C ++
  2C-C produces strong, detailed visuals and stimulation.  Visuals have sharp corners like knives.
PCP --
  The first synthetic dissociative, classic PCP produces antagonistic feelings, stimulation, and decent dissociative visuals.  It is the infamous target of the PCP2 receptor.  It also causes extreme hunger at the beginning, shitting in the middle, and sleep after a few hours.  It also causes strong ejaculations that could hit me in the eye if I was standing up.  It promotes simple but not complex musical and poetic creativity.  There's something more sinister about this than meets the eye, but I can't place it any more than I can place the compulsions to eat and take a shit.  There is truth to the manic, antagonistic behavior, but I don't know what causes that either.  Unknown mechanisms like that have the potential to kill me if used while in amphetamine withdrawal.  I've read rumors in various works of art that this is how my NDD predecessor died.
Methamphetamine --
  This drug feels like a dirty poison flowing through one's veins like alcohol's bodily feelings.  I don't know what isomers I tried.  It burns like an NET inhibitor and given enough, excessive dopamine output produces destructive cholinergic hallucinations like DPH.  That delirium has great potential for a CIA truth serum.  It appears to lack an inhibiting function on its dopamine output, leading to wild ideas, spontaneous actions, and the infamous twitch.  It is pure evil and will melt not only the human brain but its face.  It will teach humanity the qualities of a faggot, both inside and out.  Signs, symbols, and ambiguity are nonstop here, and it shows in various media.  It is not comparable to amphetamine and is not a viable substitute.  Detrimental neural and other bodily changes are permanent, shown by the faces of meth photos online.  Similar to cocaine, the roads here all lead to the dominion of Adolf Hitler, his wife, and his Nazi regime of no remorse.
2-FMA ++
  2-FMA is a stimulating drug that is purported to release dopamine and norepinephrine.  It doesn't induce hunger like levoamphetamine, and thus I am reluctant to try it and anything else as an NDD alternative medicine.  I assume it would produce the same disastrous results as MDA if used to offset acute amphetamine withdrawal.  After a week, I felt strapped to my chair and glued to my artistic endeavors.  I also started watching TV all day while I worked on For My Aspect.  After I ran out, I kept being entertained by the TV.
4-HO-MiPT ++
  This psychedelic induces a mild hunger.  I ate fried chicken from Publix about every day I used this.  Otherwise, it is like LSD but with less nausea and less headspace.
4-AcO-DMT --
  This drug is purported to metabolize to 4-HO-DMT, the active ingredient in mushrooms also called psilocin.  I can't be sure of that, but it made it difficult to get comfortable in my bed and made the temperature changes feel very drastic.
3-Fl-PCP ++
  This drug makes me hungry.  It feels like the amphetamine hunger mechanism (calcium channel?) and norepinephrine release.  That's only two of many mechanisms of my disorder dependent on amphetamine  It has light visuals except in high doses, and it has some visual qualities that appear to be in common with DXM.  
-Joseph Cantrell, Microsoft Stabber

As you can see, this shows an extremely poor lack of judgment on the part of the Microsoft hiring managers. This is all out where I found it in under 10 minutes.

It goes on at some length, including how much he enjoyed trick-or-treating dressed up as Adolf Hitler and his penchant for “Software Piracy” including some specific admissions, which is something that Microsoft actually always is going on and on about.

There’s honestly so much more here I can’t even sit and read it. He goes into a detailed description of basically dates and times he used all of the listed illegal drugs and what effects they had on him. It started around 2015 and clear through February 23rd, 2023 (4 days before the knife attack), at least.

Some excerpts approaching (week leading to) the attack, (the only thing I changed was adding some stars to the N word and some bold for effect):

February 14, 2023: 7:24 a.m. - I got up to listen to music at 7:09 a.m. this morning, whereas I usually wait until about 7:30 or 7:40 lately.  I used to wait and sleep in until about 8:30 starting in October when I started using amphetamine again.  Bright rainbow faces are curling up everywhere and shimmering almost my entire visual field in a way that's impossible to ignore at times, but they aren't very detailed.  NMDA lattices are also mucked among them.  I'm in a very disordered state.  Two nights ago, I took 40 mg 3-Fl-PCP instead of my usual 24 mg.  That affected my neurons' oscillations.
8:53 a.m. - The N****rberg Trials, reminiscent of the Nuremburg Trials, are set to begin soon.
9:11 a.m. - I looked back and realize the last time I saw the woman Taylor was February 16, 2021.  I was thinking it was February 15.  It must have symbolic significance to the people who know about my situation, just as my doctor's appointment today.  In light of all the lies and evil I've documented these past 6.5 years, a safe America will likely cease to exist within ten years just as it did in Nazi Germany.

February 15, 2023: 10:05 a.m. - My cousin called me an asshole.  All he ever writes me back is "WTF!"  I'm sure the U.S. military government pumped him full of methamphetamine and told him to keep quiet.  He called me an asshole, analogous to amphetamine hole, which is characteristic of my birth disorder and the neural and visual holes in response to amphetamine treatment.  That "asshole" terminology is explained better in Scarface and the more obviously military movie, Idiocracy, and it's own movie called Ass.  Teja used to say that word with her condescending, gleeful smile.  I think I know what she meant now.  Maybe she was some kind of shitty military wife or gang leader.  Whatever she is, she's a fucking retard who was retarding me the whole time I was trying to medicate and work.
This is fucked.  My mom said she cooked while my aunt liked to clean, and I'm sure somehow she meant meth was a part of that.  She also said Jonathon burned trash cans and went to boot camp for it, and I'm sure she meant meth.  My family is compromised, and I can't count on them to help me.  They're basically Nazis.  The Nazis had families who helped them.  Hitler had a wife.  
I'm playing Metro Last Light again.  2033 looks to be a hellish warzone in the United States.  I suppose China has it easy with their wiggers being a small percentage of their rather homogeneous population.  Across America, people are chanting the wigger songs and hoisting the wigger banner.  
12:12 p.m. - Hayden decided to text me yesterday at like 6 p.m. on Valentine's Day with like 500 words that make it seem like momma was right that Vickie's side of the family can't be trusted.  He's being creepy on purpose, and he probably knows all about my situation.  His stepfather is in some biker gang, the very people holding me back right now.  She accused Vickie of stealing from my grandmother.  I think they might be raised to lie and cheat.  Well, military guy Jonathon clearly puts his government and gang friends over his cousin and aunt Patricia, and so does his whole side of the family, so fuck it.  My mother was the only person in the whole world on whom I could truly rely.  She'd be storming her own blitzkrieg right from her Facebook to the door.  Fuck the whole thing.
5:18 p.m. - My temples are burning again, with the left burning much more than the right.  

February 16, 2023: 9:47 a.m. - I've finally started playing video games again since my hiatus back in December.
4:32 p.m. - I can smell things again, and I'm seeing simple rainbow faces.  I could swear I'm starting to see gold spots, but it's hard to tell.  I'm sure I'll know it when I see it kind of thing.  I'm sure I'll grow into it.
10:27 p.m. - I just kept repeating to myself while watching Jason VI, "There's wiggers in the trees!"  I didn't pluralize "There's" in combination with "wiggers".  There are wiggers in Georgia Tech, wiggers at Microsoft, wiggers in Paris, wiggers in computers, and soon to be more wiggers in space.

February 17, 2023: 12:42 p.m. - My lips and mouth are flooding with moisture which then retreats in a cycle.  I suspect it has something to do with this undefined calcium channel and the oscillating hunger in my stomach.  

February 18, 2023: 5:20 p.m. - I took only 22 mg of amphetamine at 3 p.m.  Rainbow faces and crimson slash marks littered my vision which started to distort objects as well.  They're forming large shapes too that start to resemble rainbow, smooth, simple humanoid shapes.
<Retrospective> 2/21/23: 9:33 a.m. - That day as noted, I saw a rainbow, humanoid, rainbow silhouette kneeling and facing me with its head pointed down to the ground.

February 19, 2023: 7:54 a.m. - Fuck the wigger nation.  They're telling me my illness is wigger itch, jock itch, or some other bullshit.

February 20, 2023: 4:32 p.m. - Joe Biden visits Ukraine on President's Day while I continue to bide their bullshit inherited from the bullshit dynasty.  Nobody knows a lot of the truths I've written here.  The U.S. government gives gang members, other governments, and their respective gang members free reign to utilize this knowledge against the people of the United States, especially me.  This is evidenced by all the people from all over the world who have visited me to fuck me over.  These are people like the nice, affluent Chinese Vi Nguyen who knew of my necessity related to the calcium channel hunger based neural mechanism, Teja from India, Anna from Turkey, and Abhinav from India.  These people are given free reign to surround and destroy the lives of people in the United States.  Teja had a green card.  She certainly didn't deserve that.  I would rescind it from her if I had the power.  I would ship her nonstop shit talking, terrorist ass back to fucking India.
5:44 p.m. - When I roar like a lion and shake my head by doing so, my vision simplifies into circles and squares like a lack of NMDA neural signal transmission.  This isn't something new I've noticed, but it's the first time I've written it down.
1:19 a.m. - I have never been more justifiably paranoid in my life.  After everything I've written here describing my history, where do I go to stop people from hurting me?

February 21, 2023: 9:24 a.m. - I refuse to be a part of the United States' officially declared Great Leap Backward.  It was declared in wigger doublethink, but "It is what it is." according to President Joe Biden.  They just keep reversing their truck with NDRI drugs, with meth being the worst offender of the bunch.  It's insane the government so defiantly pushes drugs like methylphenidate on children while also denying people the knowledge to truly help themselves become smarter with amphetamine sulphate.
5:58 p.m. - Crimson slashes are forming in my vision as the dextroamphetamine is finally mostly metabolized from my body.
9:48 p.m. - Given the secrets the U.S. government uses against people, the U.S. government is the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world.  This is written in the history of my diary.  The U.S. government refuses to teach people, and it's committed to hurting them by pushing secret sadist drugs through its various gangs and puppet governments it set up: opioids and Taliban Afghanistan, cocaine and Latin America, meth and the Philippines, etc.  These are the same abusive drugs they push through the pharmaceutical and hospital industry: codeine, methylphenidate, and Vyvanse.  
Hitler also hypocritically condemned recreational drugs while he, his government, and his troops used them.  I've heard rumors that military adolescents will get into meth early on, and they will attract teenage girls into their cult of meth.  I've heard those rumors through people like David Toelle and Austin Pritchett from Columbus High School, next to Fort Benning.  That's just like military Hitler youth.  I think that's fucked up.  I wish there was a way to stop that.  Clearly meth doesn't foster a good enough sense of responsibility, else the literature would be less scarce.  It must be abolished by providing better drug education and better substitutes.

February 22, 2023: 3:34 p.m. - Behind my right eye has hurt a lot for the past ten minutes.  I stayed up late again yesterday.  I'll have to check my consumption of 3-Fl-PCP.  It looks like I'll have to burst fire this drug over a month or so.  On a side note, I heard a helicopter sound in my TV a few days ago, and Howshe mentioned I had a new TV when I saw him at work.  Perhaps my TV really does have a speaker trying to manipulate me.
I love Patricia Cantrell, Bruce Denham, Breezy, ESi, and Taylor forever.  I pray to live in peace.  I wish I had impregnated ESi or Taylor, gotten my act together, settled down in a house, and lived in peace making art.  However, my history sucks.  Even though I don't believe in God, I hope and pray everyone does better for each other.  I'd go to church with those pretty latina girls if they wanted; I'd do just about anything for them to live in peace.
4:23 p.m. - I'm coughing up some phlegm.  It snowed today too!  I'm watching Look Who's Back again.  I've been marathoning it for a bit.  It's the only good German movie of which I know.
4:37 p.m. - I just coughed up a huge glob of phlegm I had to throw up.  It was sticky and like 5 inches in diameter.
-Joseph Cantrell, Microsoft Stabber

This guy should have been committed, involuntarily, and never allowed out.

I think if he gets an attorney, he should submit all of this to the court in the stabbing case and plead Insanity.

They’ll probably put him in a strait jacket and give him some major antipsychotics if they get ahold of this, but that’s what needs to be done. It needed to be done over 10 years ago if anyone was paying attention, but Microsoft hired him.

How is a person who even writes things like this not setting off alarms just being in the same room as the hiring manager?

MinceR in #Techrights IRC suggested that maybe Microsoft was using their shitty Bing engine.

I found all of this on Google, but Bing didn’t return anything about him except the attempted murder stories in the news.

I couldn’t figure out the race of his victim.

Reading through his texts where he’s obviously falling apart and using lots of drugs, it becomes obvious that this guy is right-wing, possibly a Nazi, and that he has a serious grudge against Blacks and Indians, but sexually objectifies Latinas.

The sort of media he tends to consume and create along with his writing sort of shows a pattern forming of an increasingly generalized anger, which could indicate an unprovoked knifing, as it could simply go along with the decompensation. (But it’s also possible that he was so under the influence of drugs that he was hallucinating.)

If I had to guess, although this would be speculation, he sexually objectifies women in general, and complains that he doesn’t have a girlfriend or wife. He probably has unhealthy sexual obsessions which would lead to porn hoarding and further disconnect from reality. Incel? Possible repressed homosexuality?

In any event, he’s going to get a lot of psychiatric attention.

As usual, the government did nothing, Microsoft hired him, his university in Georgia did nothing even though people like this cannot function in public without severe tells.

The attention he needs comes too late for the victim.