Walmart Pulls Out of Chicago and Exposes CNN Dumpster Fire

Walmart Pulls Out of Chicago and Exposes CNN Dumpster Fire

December 2022: “Walmart CEO Doug McMillan threatens to close stores and raise prices due to rampant shoplifting.” (numerous sources)

April 2023: “Walmart pulls out of Chicago, here’s why in over 4,000 words, none of which are shoplifting, but we will quote them as saying they’ve lost twice as much per year on those stores since the ‘unrest’ in 2020.” -CNN

They already said why they were pulling out, just a few months ago, and nobody listened.

Walmart isn’t the March of Dimes and they’re not going to sit back and run stores in failed cities like Portland and San Francisco and LA and Chicago where there is no longer any law enforcement. Fuck off.

You voted for it, you get to keep it. Enjoy your “food desert” as everyone pretends they don’t know why.

Now, I do realize that not everyone voted for crime-loving, criminal-coddling politicians, but the overwhelming majority in those Wards did, and that’s why stores are shutting down now. It’s like the scene in Full Metal Jacket where Gomer Pyle has to stand in his underwear eating a purloined jelly donut while watching his entire platoon getting punished.

Only in this case, you get to have a food desert because your neighbors voted for shitty aldermen, Lori Lightfoot, and Kim Foxx.

Walmart waited until about 5 seconds after Paul Vallas lost the Mayoral election to a Communist (Brandon Johnson) to announce they were leaving. Don’t think I didn’t notice this.

It was the final nail. Walmart threw $100 million into a pit called Chicago, lit it all on fire, and then the election of Brandon Johnson was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

It was a “strategic” retreat. For now, they’ve left the stores on the north side, where there is “less” crime, open, but 1,200 more jobs could be ruined by criminals that the Democrat Party has no plans to punish.

It’s difficult to operate a business focused on bringing good jobs and low prices to a place like Chicago, because, by and large, it’s not wholesome people who live there. It’s a crime plagued major city where if the looters and arsonists don’t get you, the tax code will.

I don’t know what else to call a company that starts out at $18 an hour, offers better health insurance than my mother gets with over 40 years of experience as a nurse, and offers excellent vision and dental care, and a 6% match on your 401(k). All to a person who did nothing except graduate high school, or get a GED.

Employment prospects like this simply do not grow on trees in bad neighborhoods, and empty buildings with boarded windows, with litter blowing by, which is what Democrats in big cities leave in their wake, provide no jobs at all.

Two “suspects” set fire to the store my spouse works in a few months ago. Thankfully, they decided to fix it and reopen.

Why did they set fire? To distract from stealing TVs. It’s always TVs and Playstations and iPads.

One thing that does annoy me about Roy Schestowitz is that he lives in a country that’s more well-adjusted, where it seems that even if people struggle a bit, they don’t resort to rampant criminality, and he gets to take pot shots from the cheap seats from the UK and act as if “shoplifting” means they ran out of money and needed diapers, some chicken, a package of carrots, but no. It’s so they can run back to their apartment that the government pays for between prison stints and watch their new 80″ TV, with the Playstation.

His sister recently escaped from Portland after living there for a few years and hating every minute of it.

Portland is such a mess that Cracker Barrel even gave up and closed four stores there right after Walmart left. In their case, they blame the “pandemic”, but we all know what’s really going on.

This country is experiencing a great moral failure, and it will not be reported.

Walmart hasn’t, as of yet, closed any stores down in places where the police and prosecutors work shoplifting cases and punish people for setting fire while they loot TVs.

3 thoughts on “Walmart Pulls Out of Chicago and Exposes CNN Dumpster Fire

  1. Pingback: Links 16/04/2023: Trisquel GNU/Linux 11.0 Reviewed and World IP (International Propaganda) Day 2023 Approaching | Techrights

  2. Kevin leech

    Walmart destroyer communities across America as they expanded across the country. Every mom and pop business struggled before they had to close due to unfair competition from Walmart. Destroying the tax base along the way. Taking back to Arkansas moneys that use to support the growth of many cities. Making one family rich while keeping fair wage at a minimum. Wally world is just that.


  3. Pingback: Chicago Considering Making Cell Phones Buzz During “Youth” Rioting. | BaronHK's Rants

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