Biden declares COVID-19 Pandemic “over” one week before voting begins.

Biden declares COVID-19 Pandemic “over” one week before voting begins.

Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

I mean, sure, there’s still at least half a million confirmed cases a day worldwide, and the US government has stopped providing tests to the poor and uninsured for free, and sure Governor Pritzker (Democrat) of Illinois recently said to send the kids to school without masks.

See how fast they need it to go away? They realize they’re going to get thumped hard in the election and the Democrats want everyone to forget the Two Years of Hell they caused, including millions of job losses, 25% inflation in a single year (rent, food, utilities), and such a high suicide rate now that the Germans and Japanese want to know what’s going on in here.

The Democrats tell you the Republicans would rather see our country fail than to be out of power, but look at what they did to seize power.

Governor Pritzker (now a dictator) is still suspending laws and ruling via executive action due to an “emergency” that never goes away, “even though it’s over and you don’t need tests or masks or anything, you know”.

It’s amazing that this is even necessary. The Democrats have super-majorities in the legislature.

I fear that the only way to stop them will be to vote for Mark Curran and to try to flip the state Supreme Court.

We can’t continue operating like this. This has gone beyond a Constitutional crisis. Governor Pritzker has suspended the Constitution.

1 thought on “Biden declares COVID-19 Pandemic “over” one week before voting begins.

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