Elon Musk/Tesla goes from firing people to “own the libs” and because “we grew too fast” to because they’ll have to file bankruptcy soon.

Elon Musk/Tesla goes from firing people to “own the libs” and because “we grew too fast” to because they’ll have to file bankruptcy soon.

Elon Musk, just days/a few weeks ago said they would trim “about 10%” of the managerial staff at Tesla because “we grew too fast” and “now we have to get headcount down” to operate more efficiently.

Then he said he was firing the “Diversity and Inclusion Team” to own the libs.

Then he declared in the past week that if Tesla keeps operating the way it is, with their factories being “gigantic money furnaces”, they’ll be in bankruptcy court very soon.

And now they announce a hiring freeze and are laying off based on seniority.

Everyone who bought one of these things, proprietary software, patented parts, and zero repair manuals, will most likely end up with a very expensive car in the driveway that is malfunctioning and can’t be serviced by anybody pretty soon.

On top of the mass layoffs, Musk violated the federal WARN Act by not notifying anyone of the layoffs, and is now being sued. He probably knew he would be, but like most laws, they fail to punish rich people enough that they care about the consequences.

I always say “A crime that’s punishable only by a fine means doing it is legal for a fee.”.

Musk is a parasite that will run Tesla into a liquidation sale, however he has no reason to care because he managed to siphon off enough money while the scam played out and the government will allow him to keep it.

People should be highly skeptical of buying one of these things because there will be nowhere to service it soon and they’ll end up with a total loss when the car won’t work.

The cars are already very nasty. As most things that run on proprietary software with an Internet connection do to you, they have backdoors in them. Tesla has used this for market segmentation, such as selling additional range without putting a different battery in the car, which is because the range on the cheaper model is just a software limit on the same battery.

When hurricanes approach Florida and Texas, Tesla gets into your car via the backdoor and increases the range another 60 or 70 miles, temporarily, so you don’t get caught in the hurricane and sue them, and then they go back to sabotaging it unless you pay them to remove the restriction.

Microsoft has had this business model with Windows for years.

Everyone gets the same OS with the same binaries, compiled exactly the same way, but you get limitations that are enforced by “Software Licensing Service” depending on how much you paid them, so they can cripple or enable the software by any amount any time, and then you need to get a new serial number and activate it again and suddenly it does more.

Of course this is nonsense. Everyone who downloads a GNU/Linux distribution gets the same binaries and can use it however they want.

The desktop binaries have the same capabilities as the server binaries. They both cost no money. You just decide which role you want to deploy, and you can add capabilities by adding new software packages whenever you like. Thus, the only reason to separate the roles is to conserve resources and reduce security footprint based upon the needs of the user.

But with Tesla behaving like Microsoft with licensing and backdoors, doesn’t it make you wonder what else is in these cars that is waiting to fail if Tesla isn’t there to tell “your” car what to do, even if you can find someone to service it mechanically somehow? I guess if you bought one, you’ll find out.