It’s no wonder the schools in Illinois are failing. I just got another letter from the high school asking for a tax hike.

It’s no wonder the schools in Illinois are failing. I just got another letter from the high school asking for a tax hike.

They keep asking and we keep voting no. Illinois is the most corrupt state in America, and also has the highest total tax burden in America.

(Although no particular type of tax is the worst in the nation, it adds up quickly, and most types of tax are in the top 5 worst in the nation).

You’d think a high school would be able to sit down and go “This is what tax revenue is. This is what our expenses are.” and solve for it, but instead they cram pack my mailbox with fucking flyers saying “Pay up by Monday or the kids get it!”. If they don’t get their tax hike, then one day in the future, perhaps not far from now, they won’t be able to afford essential basic services, such as printing up 100,000 flyers asking for a tax hike and posting them each week in the three months leading up to every election.

*Weedle Weedle Weedle….can we have some more of your money? Weedle Weedle Weedle….it’s only another 60 cents on every $1000 in property assessments….Weedle Weedle Weedle….And a $50,000 house in Indiana is $470,000 here in Illinois…Weedle Weedle Weedle. Please don’t grab a calculator and figure out that this is another $282 a year on your property tax.*

It’s for the children, you know.

(What every unit of government says when they want to do something terrible. Second to “Because if you don’t, the terrorists win.”, and just above number three….”It’s to slow the spread of COVID-19.”)

Also lost on a school in the next town over (which also sends me flyers) is that I don’t live in their town, and part of their school budget is stuffing mailboxes of voters in a town that can’t vote in their election claiming that they too can’t find anything to cut back on, “for the children”.

Maybe if they’d stop ripping the names of some of our finest presidents, like Teddy Roosevelt, off the signage, to destroy positive white role models in history, they could scrounge up some more money.

Or they could fire the million administrators per child…

Just throwing this out there. Plant some seeds.