Cruelty to animals. I found a dog in the road. Someone left him tied up in the cold, then someone else ran over him and fled.

On Thursday morning, I got up to take my spouse to work. On the way back, I noticed a Husky dog dragging himself down the street by his front legs.

I turned the car around and called 911, seeing that the dog was in trouble and that someone ran him over. I explained to the dispatcher where I was and asked that they please send animal control out to help the dog.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the dog’s injuries were far too severe. He suffered for about 45 more minutes before they could get down there, while looking in my eyes and occasionally howling because of the pain.

He was dragging a leash with him that was connected to a stake that someone tied him into their yard with. The temperature was about 2 degrees F according to my car, and all I could do was take the leash off of him and wait with him.

I called later to see if they were able to help him and was told he had to be euthanized.

People who tie a dog up in the cold are not only assholes, but they’re breaking the law. That dog is their responsibility, and they should consider him their family and their friend. But there’s also something seriously wrong with whoever hit the dog and didn’t call the cops and at least report that they hit him.

We live in a world full of criminals and people with no respect for anything, and it sickens me what has happened to this country of ours.

Ever since I moved from Indiana to Illinois, I’ve noticed that there’s a lot of depravity over here like I’ve never seen before. In Indiana, you tend to know your neighbors. Most people are at least polite.

Over here in Illinois, everyone’s just used to dirty politicians who openly crime and accept bribe money, many people are looking to mug, kill, or rape. Judges see so much of it that they don’t even punish if the police do bother to work a case. And nobody will work the case over a dog suffering in the middle of the road.

Hell, Governor Pritzker is off figuring out how to spend my tax money so women from other states can come here and kill their unborn children. The state makes everyone who lives here and pays taxes an accomplice to first degree murder. We truly are worthy of the Satanic Temple’s monuments in our legislature.

I really want out of here. The social rot is so bad, the respect for life is so low.

Illinois has a lot of hit and run felonies where the driver hits a person and runs off, and these people come from all sorts of backgrounds, including a white middle class teenager who fled the scene and then his parents (both lawyers) lawyered him up before turning him in.

The only lesson most people would learn from having lawyers for parents is how to game the system to avoid responsibility for their crimes, which is actually worse than just some street thug out there because lawyers know how to play the system to avoid their clients getting what they deserve, and that’s pretty much the biggest reason anybody hires one of them, and they instill the message in their children that the point of life is to game the system.

I mean, what other kind of person runs over a woman and then realizes he’s killed her and their first thought is “Mom and dad are lawyers! They’ll know how to get me out of this!”? Not “Oh my God, I’ve killed a woman! I’ll call 911!”. “Mom and dad are lawyers. I can weasel out of this!”

Like Affluenza Teen in Texas. Too rich to go to jail. The judge said so himself. Then he gets house arrest for a couple of years and managed to violate that and has to be extradited out of Mexico!

If you live in America and you make a worker’s wages, and you think the system is there for you, you’re wrong and you’re delusional.

Thanks to some really bad people staking a dog into the backyard on a very cold night and some other really bad people who ran it over and didn’t at least call 911 so it would be out of its misery sooner, I have that poor dog etched into my mind now.

The next day, I was picking up some medicine for my spouse at the pharmacy, and a truck went by with a Husky dog leaning out looking at me and it caused me to start crying again.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a dog. When I was a child, I didn’t sleep very well. I never slept well, honestly, and I’m on a lot of supplements and medicine for that now. Sometimes I’d go 15-20 days without sleeping and fall over wherever I was.

But when I was about 6 years old (~1990), mom was tired of me waking them up in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep with the TV on at 3 AM or something. When I said, “I bet I could sleep better if we had a dog.”.

Next thing I knew, we were getting in the car. Nobody had the Internet back then, but people with dogs would put up an ad at the supermarket, and mom got me a Lhasa Apso, and that thing was a hyperactive dog. Even bit me a couple of times, but I was still pretty bummed out when mom let him out without a leash one day and he chased a car down, and, well, got it.

Around 1994, we got another dog, and she was an Australian Shepherd, and frankly one of the smartest dogs I’ve ever seen. Very well behaved, and I had that dog until 2010 (natural causes). I was always out walking her when I was a kid because I didn’t want mom to just fling the door open again and lose another dog to some peckerhead that came down our dead end street just to drive around the circle, run over my dog, and leave.

I’ve had cats since 2006. The two I have now are very well behaved, and it just kills me to imagine anything happening to them. When my life wasn’t going so well a couple of years ago, I had to sneak them into a motel I had been leaving in, and I put a baby gate on the door to make sure they didn’t sneak past my leg while I was bringing groceries in or something.

I understand a lot of pets went out during the COVID disaster, and to people who felt trapped and lonely in their house. Unless people really are in for a long term commitment to an animal, they really shouldn’t get one. It’s not as much work to take care of a cat as a dog, but either way, you’re dealing with something that loves you and needs you and thinks of you as a surrogate mother (cats) or another one of its “pack” (dogs), and there has to be an understanding that your pets are not disposable. They’re intelligent, living creatures.

With all of that being said, God help anyone who is up on animal cruelty charges if I get called in for jury duty.

I doubt whoever left that poor Husky dog on the road will ever get their day in court because our system is so overwhelmed with crime that the case will never get worked, and the state itself is off assisting murderers and stating that it’s not a crime if you do it quickly enough.

I can’t imagine that a government like this would prioritize a dog if it doesn’t care about children.

I wonder how Illinois can be so close to Indiana and yet so far away. Illinois is stacked from top to bottom with degenerates, and I actually really do miss my home state.

2 thoughts on “Cruelty to animals. I found a dog in the road. Someone left him tied up in the cold, then someone else ran over him and fled.

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