Walmart lets orders to PO Boxes go through, then sends them to FedEx, which can’t put anything in a PO Box.

Recently, I made an online order at Walmart.

I normally don’t buy anything online if I can avoid it, and I have started to steer away from “self”-checkouts as well. (We’re having a crisis of unemployment, and they want you to do free labor for the store while your groceries go up every week. No thank you!)

However, the Walmart store doesn’t have everything, and I didn’t want my package stolen (major problem in my neighborhood), and so I had them send it to my PO Box.

The system let it go through, and then I get a notice that FedEx will be handling the delivery, and then that they can’t find the recipient (because it’s not legal for them to give it to the Post Office to deliver to me, due to federal regulations).

So Walmart gave me my money back and a $10 credit for my trouble.

I’m not pissed. I just want to know how a company their size doesn’t see “PO Box” and go “We can’t deliver to PO Boxes. Please enter a street address.”.

Anyway, this happens, so watch out if you order from Walmart.

2 thoughts on “Walmart lets orders to PO Boxes go through, then sends them to FedEx, which can’t put anything in a PO Box.

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