If it seems like nobody at the T-Mobile store wants to help you, it’s not just you. Here’s why.

We have to go to the T-Mobile store today to return the modem that died on me after five minutes that I blogged about yesterday.

The T-Mobile store employees are incompetent to the highest order and they basically don’t give a damn about anything other than selling you a phone every time you’re in there. Once they realize that you’re not there to buy a phone, they hem and haw and make up excuses about why you need to go elsewhere.

So I’m already cringing.

Former T-Mobile employees have said they aren’t customer service people and nobody wants to open your account unless they’re selling a phone because it counts as doing something else, they don’t get their commission money, and then you can rate them and it may be a low rating and they are taking a risk for nothing from their perspective. Meanwhile, someone else may get the money for signing up another victim. It’s like Mary Kay cosmetics or Amway.

So every single one of them knows that if the customer is not there to buy something, get rid of them like they were the plague.

That’s always been my experience in their stores ever since T-Mobile bought my account.

If there’s something wrong with your phone, the store won’t help. They’ll demand you buy another phone at full price, even if their network is sabotaging your phone that they sold you 10 months ago and you can prove it.

If you need technical assistance with your phone, they’ll refuse to help, unless you bought their very expensive (because of iPhones going up in price by 80% in the last few years) “phone insurance” scam.

If you need them to do anything at all, you’re wasting your gas, and they may even insult you to your face while you’re in there.

Essentially, doing business with T-Mobile is like going on a date with some two pump chump, and as soon as the transaction is over, they disappear.

2 thoughts on “If it seems like nobody at the T-Mobile store wants to help you, it’s not just you. Here’s why.

  1. Pingback: If it seems like nobody at the #TMobile store wants to help you, it… | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)

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